Appendix A. Unicode Escape Sequences for Latin 1 Characters

Table A-1 lists the characters in the Latin 1 character repertoire, with Unicode equivalents in the range of U+0000 to U+00FF (that is, C0 Controls, Basic Latin, C1 Controls, and Latin 1 Supplemental). It is reproduced from Appendix B of ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide with the permission of the author, Colin Moock.

The table's first column (labeled Dec) lists each character's code point in decimal (the standard ASCII or Latin 1 value), the second column provides the Unicode escape sequence for the character, and the third column describes or shows the character itself.

Table A-1. ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1) characters and Unicode mappings
DecUnicodeDescription DecUnicodeDescription
0\u0000[null] 15\u000f[shift in]
1\u0001[start of heading] 16\u0010[data link escape]
2\u0002[start of text] 17\u0011[device control one]
3\u0003[end of text] 18\u0012[device control two]
4\u0004[end of transmission] 19\u0013[device control three]
5\u0005[enquiry] 20\u0014[device control four]
6\u0006[acknowledge] 21\u0015[negative acknowledge]
7\u0007[bell] 22\u0016[synchronous idle]
8\u0008[backspace] 23\u0017[end of transmission block]
9\u0009[horizontal tabulation] 24\u0018[cancel]
10\u000a[line feed] 25\u0019[end of medium]
11\u000b[vertical tabulation] 26\u001a[substitute]
12\u000c[form feed] 27\u001b[escape]
13\u000d[carriage feed] 28\u001c[file separator]
14\u000e[shift out] 29\u001d[group separator]
30\u001e[record separator] 66\u0042B
31\u001f[unit separator] 67\u0043C
32\u0020[space] 68\u0044D
33\u0021! 69\u0045E
34\u0022" (straight quotes) 70\u0046F
35\u0023# 71\u0047G
36\u0024$ 72\u0048H
37\u0025% 73\u0049I
38\u0026& 74\u004aJ
39\u0027' (straight apostrophe) 75\u004bK
40\u0028( 76\u004cL
41\u0029) 77\u004dM
42\u002a* 78\u004eN
43\u002b+ 79\u004fO
44\u002c, (comma) 80\u0050P
45\u002d (minus) 81\u0051Q
46\u002e. (period) 82\u0052R
47\u002f/ 83\u0053S
48\u00300 84\u0054T
49\u00311 85\u0055U
50\u00322 86\u0056V
51\u00333 87\u0057W
52\u00344 88\u0058X
53\u00355 89\u0059Y
54\u00366 90\u005aZ
55\u00377 91\u005b[
56\u00388 92\u005c\
57\u00399 93\u005d]
58\u003a: 94\u005e^
59\u003b; 95\u005f_ (underscore)
60\u003c< 96\u0060\Q (accent grave)
61\u003d= 97\u0061a
62\u003e> 98\u0062b
63\u003f? 99\u0063c
64\u0040@ 100\u0064d
65\u0041A 101\u0065e
102\u0066f 138\u008acontrol chr
103\u0067g 139\u008bcontrol chr
104\u0068h 140\u008ccontrol chr
105\u0069i 141\u008dcontrol chr
106\u006aj 142\u008econtrol chr
107\u006bk 143\u008fcontrol chr
108\u006cl 144\u0090control chr
109\u006dm 145\u0091control chr
110\u006en 146\u0092control chr
111\u006fo 147\u0093control chr
112\u0070p 148\u0094control chr
113\u0071q 149\u0095control chr
114\u0072r 150\u0096control chr
115\u0073s 151\u0097control chr
116\u0074t 152\u0098control chr
117\u0075u 153\u0099control chr
118\u0076v 154\u009acontrol chr
119\u0077w 155\u009bcontrol chr
120\u0078x 156\u009ccontrol chr
121\u0079y 157\u009dcontrol chr
122\u007az 158\u009econtrol chr
123\u007b{ 159\u009fcontrol chr
124\u007c| 160\u00a0[no break space]
125\u007d} 161\u00a1¡
126\u007e~ 162\u00a2¢
127\u007f[delete] 163\u00a3£
128\u0080control chr 164\u00a4¤
129\u0081control chr 165\u00a5¥
130\u0082control chr 166\u00a6 
131\u0083control chr 167\u00a7§
132\u0084control chr 168\u00a8
\u0085control chr 169\u00a9©
134\u0086control chr 170\u00aaª
135\u0087control chr 171\u00ab«
136\u0088control chr 172\u00ac¬
137\u0089control chr 173\u00ad-
174\u00ae® 210\u00d2Ò
175\u00af¯ 211\u00d3Ó
176\u00b0° 212\u00d4Ô
177\u00b1± 213\u00d5Õ
178\u00b2 2  214\u00d6...
179\u00b3 3  215\u00d7x
181\u00b5m 217\u00d9Ù
182\u00b6 218\u00daÚ
183\u00b7· 210\u00d2Ò
184\u00b8¸ 219\u00dbÛ
185\u00b9 1  220\u00dcÜ
186\u00baº 221\u00dd 
187\u00bb» 222\u00de 
188\u00bc1/4 223\u00dfß
189\u00bd1/2 224\u00e0à
190\u00be3/4 225\u00e1á
191\u00bf¿ 226\u00e2â
192\u00c0  227\u00e3ã
193\u00c1Á 228\u00e4ä
194\u00c2 229\u00e5å
196\u00c4Ä 231\u00e7ç
197\u00c5Å 232\u00e8è
199\u00c7Ç 234\u00eaê
200\u00c8È 235\u00ebë
201\u00c9É 236\u00ecì
202\u00caÊ 237\u00edí
203\u00cbË 238\u00eeî
204\u00ccÌ 239\u00efï
205\u00cdÍ 240\u00f0 
207\u00cfÏ 242\u00f2ò
208\u00d0  243\u00f3ó
209\u00d1Ñ 244\u00f4ô
245\u00f5õ 250\u00faú
246\u00f6ö 251\u00fbû
247\u00f7÷ 252\u00fcü
248\u00f8  253\u00fd 
249 \u00f9ù 254\u00fe 

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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