Recipe15.21.Viewing the Trusts for a Domain

Recipe 15.21. Viewing the Trusts for a Domain


You want to view the trusts that are configured in a domain.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in.

  2. In the left pane, right-click the domain you want to view and select Properties.

  3. Click on the Trusts tab.

Using a command-line interface
> netdom query trust /Domain:<DomainDNSName>

Using VBScript
' This code prints the trusts for the specified domain. ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------ strDomain = "<DomainDNSName>"   ' e.g., ' ------ END CONFIGURATION ---------     ' Trust Direction Constants taken from NTSecAPI.h set objTrustDirectionHash = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objTrustDirectionHash.Add "DIRECTION_DISABLED", 0 objTrustDirectionHash.Add "DIRECTION_INBOUND",  1 objTrustDirectionHash.Add "DIRECTION_OUTBOUND", 2 objTrustDirectionHash.Add "DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL", 3     ' Trust Type Constants - taken from NTSecAPI.h set objTrustTypeHash = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objTrustTypeHash.Add "TYPE_DOWNLEVEL", 1 objTrustTypeHash.Add "TYPE_UPLEVEL", 2 objTrustTypeHash.Add "TYPE_MIT", 3 objTrustTypeHash.Add "TYPE_DCE", 4     ' Trust Attribute Constants - taken from NTSecAPI.h set objTrustAttrHash = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_NON_TRANSITIVE", 1 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_UPLEVEL_ONLY", 2 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_QUARANTINED_DOMAIN", 4 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_FOREST_TRANSITIVE", 8 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_CROSS_ORGANIZATION", 16 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_WITHIN_FOREST", 32 objTrustAttrHash.Add "ATTRIBUTES_TREAT_AS_EXTERNAL", 64     set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://" & strDomain & "/RootDSE") set objTrusts  = GetObject("LDAP://cn=System," & _                             objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") ) objTrusts.Filter = Array("trustedDomain") Wscript.Echo "Trusts for " & strDomain & ":"     for each objTrust in objTrusts    for each strFlag In objTrustDirectionHash.Keys       if objTrustDirectionHash(strFlag) = objTrust.Get("trustDirection") then          strTrustInfo = strTrustInfo & strFlag & " "       end If    next        for each strFlag In objTrustTypeHash.Keys       if objTrustTypeHash(strFlag) = objTrust.Get("trustType") then           strTrustInfo = strTrustInfo & strFlag & " "       end If    next        for each strFlag In objTrustAttrHash.Keys       if objTrustAttrHash(strFlag) = objTrust.Get("trustAttributes") then           strTrustInfo = strTrustInfo & strFlag & " "       end If    next        WScript.Echo " " & objTrust.Get("trustPartner") & " : " & strTrustInfo    strTrustInfo = "" next


Using a graphical user interface

You can view the properties of a particular trust by clicking on a trust and clicking the Properties button.

Using a command-line interface

You can include the /Direct option if you want to view only direct trust relationships. If you don't use /Direct, implicit trusts that occur due to transitive trust relationships will also be listed.

Using VBScript

This script uses dictionary objects to ease the mapping of the various integer values for attributes such as trustType and trustDirection to descriptive names. A dictionary object in VBScript is analogous to a hash or associative array in other programming languages. The Add method accepts a key and value pair to add to the dictionary. The Keys method returns the keys of the dictionary as a collection. To access a value of the dictionary, you simply pass the key name as a parameter to the dictionary object, such as objDictionary( strKey ).

Another option to query trusts programmatically is with the Trustmon WMI Provider. The Trustmon Provider is new to Windows Server 2003. See Recipe 15.22 for an example.

See Also

Recipe 15.22, MS KB 228477 (HOW TO: Determine Trust Relationship Configurations), and MSDN: TRUSTED_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_EX

Windows Server Cookbook
Windows Server Cookbook for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000
ISBN: 0596006330
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 380
Authors: Robbie Allen © 2008-2017.
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