Section C.3. Visual Basic Enumerations

C.3. Visual Basic Enumerations

The following is a list of the major VB-defined enumerations . Many of the enumeration values have equivalent VB constants, which appear in the comments to the right of each value. In general, you will need to qualify enumeration members with the enumeration name when using them in your code.

C.3.1. AppWinStyle Enumeration

     Enum AppWinStyle        Hide = 0                            ' vbHide        NormalFocus = 1                     ' vbNormalFocus        MinimizedFocus = 2                  ' vbMinimizedFocus        MaximizedFocus = 3                  ' vbMaximizedFocus        NormalNoFocus = 4                   ' vbNormalNoFocus        MinimizedNoFocus = 6                ' vbMinimizedNoFocus     End Enum 

C.3.2. AudioPlayMode Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum AudioPlayMode        WaitToComplete = 0        Background = 1        BackgroundLoop = 2     End Enum 

C.3.3. BuiltInRole Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum BuiltInRole        Administrator = 544        User = 545        Guest = 546        PowerUser = 547        AccountOperator = 548        SystemOperator = 549        PrintOperator = 550        BackupOperator = 551        Replicator = 552     End Enum 

C.3.4. CallType Enumeration

     Enum CallType        Method = 1                          ' vbMethod        Get = 2                             ' vbGet        Let = 4                             ' vbLet        Set = 8                             ' vbSet     End Enum 

C.3.5. CompareMethod Enumeration

     Enum CompareMethod        Binary = 0                          ' vbBinaryCompare        Text = 1                            ' vbTextCompare     End Enum 

C.3.6. DateFormat Enumeration

     Enum DateFormat        GeneralDate = 0                     ' vbGeneralDate        LongDate = 1                        ' vbLongDate        ShortDate = 2                       ' vbShortDate        LongTime = 3                        ' vbLongTime        ShortTime = 4                       ' vbShortTime     End Enum 

C.3.7. DateInterval Enumeration

     Enum DateInterval        Year = 0        Quarter = 1        Month = 2        DayOfYear = 3        Day = 4        WeekOfYear = 5        Weekday = 6        Hour = 7        Minute = 8        Second = 9     End Enum 

C.3.8. DeleteDirectoryOption Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum DeleteDirectoryOption        ThrowIfDirectoryNonEmpty = 0        DeleteAllContents = 1     End Enum 

C.3.9. DueDate Enumeration

     Enum DueDate        EndOfPeriod = 0        BegOfPeriod = 1     End Enum 

C.3.10. FieldType Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum FieldType        Delimited = 0        FixedWidth = 1     End Enum 

C.3.11. FileAttribute Enumeration

     Enum FileAttribute        Normal = 0                          ' vbNormal        ReadOnly = 1                        ' vbReadOnly        Hidden = 2                          ' vbHidden        System = 4                          ' vbSystem        Volume = 8                          ' vbVolume        Directory = 16                      ' vbDirectory        Archive = 32                        ' vbArchive     End Enum 

C.3.12. FirstDayOfWeek Enumeration

     Enum FirstDayOfWeek        System = 0                          ' vbUseSystemDayOfWeek        Sunday = 1                          ' vbSunday        Monday = 2                          ' vbMonday        Tuesday = 3                         ' vbTuesday        Wednesday = 4                       ' vbWednesday        Thursday = 5                        ' vbThursday        Friday = 6                          ' vbFriday        Saturday = 7                        ' vbSaturday     End Enum 

C.3.13. FirstWeekOfYear Enumeration

     Enum FirstWeekOfYear        System = 0                          ' vbUseSystem        Jan1 = 1                            ' vbFirstJan1        FirstFourDays = 2                   ' vbFirstFourDays        FirstFullWeek = 3                   ' vbFirstFullWeek     End Enum 

C.3.14. MsgBoxResult Enumeration

     Enum MsgBoxResult        OK = 1                              ' vbOK        Cancel = 2                          ' vbCancel        Abort = 3                           ' vbAbort        Retry = 4                           ' vbRetry        Ignore = 5                          ' vbIgnore        Yes = 6                             ' vbYes        No = 7                              ' vbNo     End Enum 

C.3.15. MsgBoxStyle Enumeration

     Enum MsgBoxStyle        DefaultButton1 = &H00000000         ' vbDefaultButton1        ApplicationModal = &H00000000       ' vbApplicationModal        OKOnly = &H00000000                 ' vbOKOnly        OKCancel = &H00000001               ' vbOKCancel        AbortRetryIgnore = &H00000002       ' vbAbortRetryIgnore        YesNoCancel = &H00000003            ' vbYesNoCancel        YesNo = &H00000004                  ' vbYesNo        RetryCancel = &H00000005            ' vbRetryCancel        Critical = &H00000010               ' vbCritical        Question = &H00000020               ' vbQuestion        Exclamation = &H00000030            ' vbExclamation        Information = &H00000040            ' vbInformation        DefaultButton2 = &H00000100         ' vbDefaultButton2        DefaultButton3 = &H00000200         ' vbDefaultButton3        SystemModal = &H00001000            ' vbSystemModal        MsgBoxHelp = &H00004000             ' vbMsgBoxHelp        MsgBoxSetForeground = &H00010000    ' vbMsgBoxSetForeground        MsgBoxRight = &H00080000            ' vbMsgBoxRight        MsgBoxRtlReading = &H00100000       ' vbMsgBoxRtlReading     End Enum 

C.3.16. OpenAccess Enumeration

     Enum OpenAccess        Default = &HFFFFFFFF        Read = 1        Write = 2        ReadWrite = 3     End Enum 

C.3.17. OpenMode Enumeration

     Enum OpenMode        Input = 1        Output = 2        Random = 4        Append = 8        Binary = 32     End Enum 

C.3.18. OpenShare Enumeration

     Enum OpenShare        Default = &HFFFFFFFF        LockReadWrite = 0        LockWrite = 1        LockRead = 2        Shared = 3     End Enum 

C.3.19. RecycleOption Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum RecycleOption        DeletePermanently = 0        SendToRecycleBin = 1     End Enum 

C.3.20. SearchOption Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum SearchOption        SearchTopLevelOnly = 0        SearchAllSubDirectories = 1     End Enum 

C.3.21. TriState Enumeration

     Enum TriState        UseDefault = &HFFFFFFFE             ' vbUseDefault        False = 0                           ' vbFalse        True = 1                            ' vbTrue     End Enum 

C.3.22. UICancelOption Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum UICancelOption        DoNothing = 0        ThrowException = 1     End Enum 

C.3.23. UIOption Enumeration

This enumeration is new with Visual Basic 2005.

     Enum UIOption        OnlyErrorDialogs = 0        AllDialogs = 1     End Enum 

C.3.24. VariantType Enumeration

     Enum VariantType        Empty = 0                           ' vbEmpty        Null = 1                            ' vbNull        Short = 2        Integer = 3                         ' vbInteger        Single = 4                          ' vbSingle        Double = 5                          ' vbDouble        Currency = 6                        ' vbCurrency        Date = 7                            ' vbDate        String = 8                          ' vbString        Object = 9                          ' vbObject        Error = 10        Boolean = 11                        ' vbBoolean        Variant = 12                        ' vbVariant        DataObject = 13        Decimal = 14                        ' vbDecimal        Byte = 17                           ' vbByte        Char = 18        Long = 20                           ' vbLong        UserDefinedType = 36                ' vbUserDefinedType        Array = 8192                        ' vbArray     End Enum 

C.3.25. VbStrConv Enumeration

     Enum VbStrConv        None = 0        UpperCase = 1                       ' vbUpperCase        LowerCase = 2                       ' vbLowerCase        ProperCase = 3                      ' vbProperCase        Wide = 4                            ' vbWide        Narrow = 8                          ' vbNarrow        Katakana = 16                       ' vbKatakana        Hiragana = 32                       ' vbHiragana        SimplifiedChinese = 256             ' vbSimplifiedChinese        TraditionalChinese = 512            ' vbTraditionalChinese        LinguisticCasing = 1024             ' vbLinguisticCasing     End Enum 

Visual Basic 2005(c) In a Nutshell
Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 059610152X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 712 © 2008-2017.
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