KeytermDefined Terms

Defined Terms


Library function that abnormally terminates a program's execution. Ordinarily, abort is called by terminate. Programs may also call abort directly. It is defined in the cstdlib header.


Library class template that provides exception-safe access to dynamically allocated objects. An auto_ptr cannot be bound to an array or a pointer to a variable. Copying and assigning an auto_ptr is a destructive operation: Ownership of the object is transferred from the right-hand operand to the left. Assigning to an auto_ptr deletes the object in the left-hand operand. As a result, auto_ptrs may not be stored in containers.


A catch clause in which the exception specifier is (...). A catch-all clause catches an exception of any type. It is typically used to catch an exception that is detected locally in order to do local cleanup. The exception is then rethrown to another part of the program to deal with the under-lying cause of the problem.

catch clause

The part of the program that handles an exception. A catch clause consists of the keyword catch followed by an exception specifier and a block of statements. The code inside a catch does whatever is necessary to handle an exception of the type defined in its exception specifier.

constructor order

Ordinarily, base classes are constructed in the order in which they are named in the class derivation list. A derived constructor should explicitly initialize each base class through the constructor initializer list. The order in which base classes are named in the constructor initializer list does not affect the order in which the base classes are constructed. In a virtual inheritance, the virtual base class(es) are constructed before any other bases. They are constructed in the order in which they appear (directly or indirectly) in the derivation list of the derived type. Only the most derived type may initialize a virtual base; constructor initializers for that base that appear in the intermediate base classes are ignored.

destructor order

Derived objects are destroyed in the reverse order from which they were constructedthe derived part is destroyed first, then the classes named in the class derivation list are destroyed, starting with the last base class. Classes that serve as base classes in a multiple-inheritance hierarchy ordinarily should define their destructors to be virtual.

exception handler

Another way to refer to a catch clause.

exception handling

Language-level support for managing run-time anomalies. One independently developed section of code can detect and "raise" an exception that another independently developed part of the program can "handle." The error-detecting part of the program throws an exception; the error-handling part handles the exception in a catch clause of a try block.

exception object

Object used to communicate between the throw and catch sides of an exception. The object is created at the point of the throw and is a copy of the thrown expression. The exception object exists until the last handler for the exception completes. The type of the object is the type of the thrown expression.

exception safe

Term used to describe programs that behave correctly when exceptions are thrown.

exception specification

Used on a function declaration to indicate what (if any) exception types a function throws. Exception types are named in a parenthesized, comma-separated list following the keyword throw, which appears after a function's parameter list. An empty list means that the function throws no exceptions. A function that has no exception specification may throw any exception.

exception specifier

Specifies the types of exceptions that a given catch clause will handle. An exception specifier acts like a parameter list, whose single parameter is initialized by the exception object. Like parameter passing, if the exception specifier is a nonreference type, then the exception object is copied to the catch.

file static

Name local to a file that is declared with the static keyword. In C and pre-Standard versions of C++, file statics were used to declare objects that could be used in a single file only. File statics are deprecated in C++, having been replaced by the use of unnamed namespaces.

function try block

A try block that is a function body. The keyword try occurs before the opening curly of the function body and closes with catch clause(s) that appear after the close curly of the function body. Function try blocks are used most often to wrap constructor definitions in order to catch exceptions thrown by constructor initializers.

global namespace

The (implicit) name-space in each program that holds all global definitions.

multiple inheritance

Inheritance in which a class has more than one immediate base class. The derived class inherits the members of all its base classes. Multiple base classes are defined by naming more than one base class in the class derivation list. A separate access label is required for each base class.


Mechanism for gathering all the names defined by a library or other collection of programs into a single scope. Unlike other scopes in C++, a namespace scope may be defined in several parts. The namepsace may be opened and closed and reopened again in disparate parts of the program.

namespace alias

Mechanism for defining a synonym for a given namespace:

 namespace N1 = N; 

defines N1 as another name for the name-space named N. A namespace can have multiple aliases, and the namespace name or one of its aliases may be used interchangeably.

namespace pollution

Term used to describe what happens when all the names of classes and functions are placed in the global namespace. Large programs that use code written by multiple independent parties often encounter collisions among names if these names are global.


Often used as a synonym for throw. C++ programmers speak of "throwing" or "raising" an exception interchangably.


An empty throwa throw that does not specify an expression. A rethrow is valid only from inside a catch clause, or in a function called directly or indirectly from a catch. Its effect is to rethrow the exception object that it received.

scope operator

Operator used to access names from a namespace or a class.

stack unwinding

Term used to describe the process whereby the functions leading to a thown exception are exited in the search for a catch. Local objects constructed before the exception are destroyed before entering the corresponding catch.


Library function that is called if an exception is not caught or if an exception occurs while a handler is in process. Usually calls abort to end the program.

throw e

Expression that interrupts the current execution path. Each throw TRansfers control to the nearest enclosing catch clause that can handle the type of exception that is thrown. The expression e is copied into the exception object.

try block

A block of statements enclosed by the keyword try and one or more catch clauses. If the code inside the try block raises an exception and one of the catch clauses matches the type of the exception, then the exception is handled by that catch. Otherwise, the exception is passed out of the try to a catch further up the call chain.


Library function that is called if an exception is thrown that violates the exception specification of a function.

unnamed namespace

A namespace that is defined without a name. Names defined in an unnamed namespace may be accessed directly without use of the scope operator. Each file has its own unique unnamed namespace. Names in the file are not visible outside that file.

using declaration

Mechanism to inject a single name from a namespace into the current scope:

 using std::cout; 

makes the name cout from the namespace std available in the current scope. The name cout can be used without the std:: qualifier.

using directive

Mechanism for making all the names in a namespace available in the nearest scope containing both the using directive and the namespace itself.

virtual base class

A base class that was inherited using the virtual keyword. A virtual base part occurs only once in a derived object even if the same class appears as a virtual base more than once in the hierarchy. In nonvirtual inheritance a constructor may only initialize its immediate base class(es). When a class is inherited virtually, that class is initialized by the most derived class, which therefore should include an initializer for all of its virtual parent(s).

virtual inheritance

Form of multiple inheritance in which derived classes share a single copy of a base that is included in the hierarchy more than once.

C++ Primer
C Primer Plus (5th Edition)
ISBN: 0672326965
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 223
Authors: Stephen Prata © 2008-2017.
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