10.4 Summary

10.4 Summary

This chapter showed how and to what limits the test-first approach can be used to develop multi-threaded programs. The normal behavior of asynchronous services and synchronization objects can be tested if the developers know the required patterns. This testing work is facilitated by specialized classes, like those included in the package utmj.threaded.

In contrast, testing for problems that occur only sporadically (e.g., deadlocks and poor synchronization) is difficult due to the inherent nondeterminism. We managed to create a single test case that contributed to removing a faulty notify call. Nevertheless, we suspect that this was possible only because we identified the problem to be a standard error in advance.

However, the problem with these tests is not that they cannot discover all concurrency errors. What test is infallible? The problem is rather that these tests are (necessarily) based on many assumptions so they may lead us to believe we are on the safe side. A concrete JVM implementation variant can then demonstrate the absurdity of this false sense of security.

As bitter as it may be for the thoroughbred tester, many other things can often contribute more than expensive unit test suites to avoid concurrency errors:

  • Studying the literature on concurrency and thread programming in Java [Lea00, Hyde99].

  • Selecting the simplest thread model that will be sufficient for the specific case. More careful considerations often show that concurrency can be avoided.

  • Isolating concurrency and synchronization in a few classes and methods, with frequent reviewing of these classes.

  • Using multi-thread utility classes, for example, the package util.concurrent (see [URL:UtilConcurrent] and [Lea00]).

  • Having all concurrency-related code reviewed by a concurrency expert.

  • If you really want be as sure as possible that your chosen approach towards synchronization and multi-threading has no leaks or hidden pitfalls, there is no way around strict modeling with formal methods like Petri nets, temporal logic, finite state machines, and the like. [8]

Depending on the application, synchronization problems can also be discovered in extensive load tests, randomized insertions of Thread.sleep() and Thread.yield(), or by use of thread analysis tools (e.g. Sitraka's Threadalyzer [URL:Threadalyzer]). In addition, running these tests on multiprocessors (MPs) is often a quicker way to detect synchronization problems because MPs generate more thread interleavings. Some memory-model-based errors can only be seen on multiprocessor machines. [9]

An innovative and interesting path towards detecting race conditions, deadlocks, and other intermittent bugs in multi-threaded Java programs has been followed by IBM's research project ConTest [URL:ConTest]. Quoting from the Web site:

ConTest transforms a Java program into a program that should behave in the same way but is more likely to exhibit concurrent bugs such as race conditions and deadlocks. This seemingly strange behavior is useful because finding bugs in the transformed application is easier. Every bug found in the transformed application is a bug in the original program.... You can just rerun your original tests but you are now more likely to find bugs. Contest ... alleviates the need to create a complex testing environment with many processors and applications, and works by instrumenting the bytecode of the application with heuristically controlled conditional sleep and yield instructions.

[8]A thorough summary of those techniques can be found in [Gomaa93].

[9]See [Lea00], section 2.2 for a discussion of these issues.

Unit Testing in Java. How Tests Drive the Code
Unit Testing in Java: How Tests Drive the Code (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Software Engineering and Programming)
ISBN: 1558608680
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Johannes Link

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