Property Declaration

Property Declaration

The ILAsm syntax for a property declaration is as follows:

.property  <flags>  <ret_type>  <name>(<param_type>[,<param_type>*]  )              [  <const_decl>  ]    {  <method_semantics_decl>*  }


<method_semantics_decl>  ::=  <semantics>  <method_ref> <semantics>  ::=  .set     .get     .other <const_decl>  ::=    =  <const_type>  [  (  <value>  )  ]

The <ret_type> and the sequence of <param_type> nonterminals define the property’s signature. <semantics> defines the type of the associated methods: .set for the setter, .get for the getter, and .other for any other method defined for this property. The optional <const_decl> is the declaration of the property’s default value, similar to that of a field or a method parameter. The parent of the property is the class in whose scope the property is declared, as is the case for other class members (fields, methods, and events).

Now, as an exercise, let’s declare a simple property:

.class  public  A {       .field  private  unsigned  int32  theTally  =  int32(0xFFFFFFFF)       //  Constructor:  set  Tally  to  0xFFFFFFFF  (not  used  yet)       .method  public  void  .ctor()       {             ldarg.0             call  instance  void  [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()             ldc.i4  0xFFFFFFFF             ldarg.0             stfld  unsigned  int32  A::theTally             ret       }       //  Setter:  set  Tally  to  Val  if  Val  is  not  0xFFFFFFFF       .method  public  void  set_Tally(unsigned  int32  Val)       {             ldarg.1             ldc.i4  0xFFFFFFFF             beq.s  Return             ldarg.1             ldarg.0             stfld  unsigned  int32  A::theTally       Return:             ret       }       //  Getter:  return  the  value  of  Tally       .method  public  unsigned  int32  get_Tally()       {             ldarg.0             ldfld  unsigned  int32  A::theTally             ret       }       //  Other  method:  reset  the  value  of  Tally  to  0xFFFFFFFF       .method  public  void  reset_Tally()       {             ldc.i4  0xFFFFFFFF             ldarg.0             stfld  unsigned  int32  A::theTally             ret       }       .property  unsigned  int32  Tally(unsigned  int32)            =  int32(0xFFFFFFFF)       {             .set  instance  void  A::set_Tally(unsigned  int32)             .get  instance  unsigned  int32  A::get_Tally()             .other  instance  void  A::reset_Tally()       } }  //  The  end  of  class  A

Inside Microsoft. NET IL Assembler
Inside Microsoft .NET IL Assembler
ISBN: 0735615470
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 147
Authors: SERGE LIDIN © 2008-2017.
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