Section 9.1. Arrays

9.1. Arrays

An array is an indexed collection of objects, all of the same type. C# arrays are somewhat different from arrays in C++ because they are objects. This provides them with useful methods and properties.

C# provides native syntax for the declaration of Arrays. What is actually created, however, is an object of type System.Array.[1] Arrays in C# thus provide you with the best of both worlds: easy-to-use C-style syntax underpinned with an actual class definition so that instances of an array have access to the methods and properties of System.Array. These appear in Table 9-1.

[1] Of course, when you create an array with int[] myArray = new int[5] what you actually create in the IL code is an instance of System.int32[], but since this derives from the abstract base class System.Array, it is fair to say you've created an instance of a System.Array.

Table 9-1. System.Array methods and properties

Method or property


BinarySearch( )

Overloaded public static method that searches a one-dimensional sorted array.

Clear( )

Public static method that sets a range of elements in the array either to 0 or to a null reference.

Copy( )

Overloaded public static method that copies a section of one array to another array.

CreateInstance( )

Overloaded public static method that instantiates a new instance of an array.

IndexOf( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index (offset) of the first instance of a value in a one-dimensional array.

LastIndexOf( )

Overloaded public static method that returns the index of the last instance of a value in a one-dimensional array.

Reverse( )

Overloaded public static method that reverses the order of the elements in a one-dimensional array.

Sort( )

Overloaded public static method that sorts the values in a one-dimensional array.


Required because Array implements ICollection. With arrays, this will always return true (all arrays are of a fixed size).


Public property (required because Array implements IList) that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the array is read-only.


Public property (required because Array implements ICollection) that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the array is thread-safe.


Public property that returns the length of the array.


Public property that returns the number of dimensions of the array.


Public property that returns an object that can be used to synchronize access to the array.

GetEnumerator( )

Public method that returns an IEnumerator.

GetLength( )

Public method that returns the length of the specified dimension in the array.

GetLowerBound( )

Public method that returns the lower boundary of the specified dimension of the array.

GetUpperBound( )

Public method that returns the upper boundary of the specified dimension of the array.

Initialize( )

Initializes all values in a value type array by calling the default constructor for each value. With reference arrays, all elements in the array are set to null.

SetValue( )

Overloaded public method that sets the specified array elements to a value.

9.1.1. Declaring Arrays

Declare a C# array with the following syntax:

type[] array-name;

For example:

int[] myIntArray;

You aren't actually declaring an array. Technically, you are declaring a variable (myIntArray) that will hold a reference to an array of integers. As always, we'll use the shorthand and refer to myIntArray as the array, knowing that what we really mean is that it is a variable that holds a reference to an (unnamed) array.

The square brackets ([]) tell the C# compiler that you are declaring an array, and the type specifies the type of the elements it will contain. In the previous example, myIntArray is an array of integers.

Instantiate an array using the new keyword. For example:

myIntArray = new int[5];

This declaration creates and initializes an array of five integers, all of which are initialized to the value 0.

VB6 programmers take note: in C#, the value of the size of the array marks the number of elements in the array, not the upper bound. In fact, there is no way to set the upper or lower bounds (with the exception that you can set the lower bounds in multidimensional arrays (discussed later), but even that is not supported by the .NET Framework class library).

Thus, the first element in an array is 0. The following C# statement declares an array of 10 elements, with indices 0 through 9:

   string myArray[10];

The upper bound is 9, not 10, and you can't change the size of the array (that is, there is no equivalent to the VB6 Redim function).

It is important to distinguish between the array itself (which is a collection of elements) and the elements of the array. myIntArray is the array (or, more accurately, the variable that holds the reference to the array); its elements are the five integers it holds.

C# arrays are reference types, created on the heap. Thus, the array to which myIntArray refers is allocated on the heap. The elements of an array are allocated based on their own type. Since integers are value types, the elements in myIntArray will be value types, not boxed integers, and thus all the elements will be created inside the block of memory allocated for the array.

The block of memory allocated to an array of reference types will contain references to the actual elements, which are themselves created on the heap in memory separate from that allocated for the array.

9.1.2. Understanding Default Values

When you create an array of value types, each element initially contains the default value for the type stored in the array (refer back to Table 4-2). The statement:

myIntArray = new int[5];

creates an array of five integers, each of whose value is set to 0, which is the default value for integer types.

Unlike with arrays of value types, the reference types in an array aren't initialized to their default value. Instead, the references held in the array are initialized to null. If you attempt to access an element in an array of reference types before you have specifically initialized the elements, you will generate an exception.

Assume you have created a Button class. Declare an array of Button objects with the following statement:

Button[] myButtonArray;

and instantiate the actual array like this:

myButtonArray = new Button[3];

You can shorten this to:

Button[] myButtonArray = new Button[3];

This statement doesn't create an array with references to three Button objects. Instead, this creates the array myButtonArray with three null references. To use this array, you must first construct and assign the Button objects for each reference in the array. You can construct the objects in a loop that adds them one by one to the array.

9.1.3. Accessing Array Elements

Access the elements of an array using the index operator ([]). Arrays are zero-based, which means that the index of the first element is always 0in this case, myArray[0].

As explained previously, arrays are objects and thus have properties. One of the more useful of these is Length, which tells you how many objects are in an array. Array objects can be indexed from 0 to Length-1. That is, if there are five elements in an array, their indexes are 0,1,2,3,4.

Example 9-1 illustrates the array concepts covered so far. In this example, a class named Tester creates an array of Employees and an array of integers, populates the Employee array, and then prints the values of both.

Example 9-1. Working with an array
namespace Programming_CSharp {       // a simple class to store in the array    public class Employee    {       public Employee(int empID)       {          this.empID = empID;       }       public override string ToString( )       {          return empID.ToString( );       }       private int empID;    }    public class Tester    {       static void Main( )       {          int[] intArray;          Employee[] empArray;          intArray = new int[5];          empArray = new Employee[3];          // populate the array          for (int i = 0;i<empArray.Length;i++)          {             empArray[i] = new Employee(i+5);          }                      for (int i = 0;i<intArray.Length;i++)          {             Console.WriteLine(intArray[i].ToString( ));          }          for (int i = 0;i<empArray.Length;i++)          {             Console.WriteLine(empArray[i].ToString( ));          }       }    } } Output: 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 7

The example starts with the definition of an Employee class that implements a constructor that takes a single integer parameter. The ToString() method inherited from Object is overridden to print the value of the Employee object's employee ID.

The test method declares and then instantiates a pair of arrays. The integer array is automatically filled with integers whose values are set to 0. The Employee array contents must be constructed by hand.

Finally, the contents of the arrays are printed to ensure that they are filled as intended. The five integers print their value first, followed by the three Employee objects.

Programming C#(c) Building. NET Applications with C#
Programming C#: Building .NET Applications with C#
ISBN: 0596006993
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 180
Authors: Jesse Liberty © 2008-2017.
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