Section 7.6. Static and Instance Members

7.6. Static and Instance Members

The fields, properties, and methods of a class can be either instance members or static members . Instance members are associated with instances of a type, while static members are associated with the class and not with any particular instance. Methods are instance methods unless you explicitly mark them with the keyword static .

The vast majority of methods will be instance methods. The semantics of an instance method are that you are taking an action on a specific object. From time to time, however, it is convenient to be able to invoke a method without having an instance of the class, and for that, you will use a static method.

You access a static member through the name of the class in which it is declared. For example, suppose you have a class named Button and have instantiated objects of that class named btnUpdate and btnDelete .

Suppose that the Button class has an instance method Draw( ) and a static method GetButtonCount( ) . The job of Draw( ) is to draw the current button, and the job of GetButtonCount( ) is to return the number of buttons currently visible on the form.

You access an instance method through an instance of the classthat is, through an object:

 btnUpdate.SomeMethod( ); 

You access a static method through the class name, not through an instance:

 Button.GetButtonCount( ); 

7.6.1. Invoking Static Methods

Static methods are said to operate on the class, rather than on an instance of the class. They do not have a this reference, as there is no instance to point to.

Static methods cannot directly access nonstatic members. You will remember that Main( ) is marked static. For Main( ) to call a nonstatic method of any class, including its own class, it must instantiate an object.

For the next example, use Visual Studio 2005 to create a new console application named StaticTester . VS.NET creates a namespace StaticTester and a class named Class1 . Rename Class1 to Tester . Get rid of all the comments and the attribute [STATThread] that Visual Studio .NET puts above Main( ) . Delete the args parameter to Main( ) . When you are done, your source code should look like this:

 using System;     namespace StaticTester     {          class Tester          {              static void Main( )              {              }          }     } 

That is a good starting point. Until now, you've always done all the work of the program right in the Main( ) method, but now you'll create an instance method, Run( ) . The work of the program will now be done in the Run( ) method, rather than in the Main( ) method.

Within the class, but not within the Main( ) method, declare a new instance method named Run( ) . When you declare a method, you write the accessor ( public ), followed by the return type, the identifier, and then parentheses:

 public void Run( ) 

The parentheses will hold parameters, but Run( ) won't have any parameters, so you can just leave the parentheses empty. Create braces for the method, and within the braces, just print "Hello World" to the console:

 public void Run( )     {      Console.WriteLine("Hello world");     } 

Run( ) is an instance method. Main( ) is a static method and cannot invoke Run( ) directly. You will therefore create an instance of the Tester class and call Run( ) on that instance:

 Tester t = new   Tester( ); 

When you type the keyword new , IntelliSense tries to help you with the class name. You'll find that Tester is in the list; it is a legitimate class like any other.

On the next line, invoke Run( ) on your Tester object t . When you type t followed by the dot operator, IntelliSense presents all the public methods of the Tester class, as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1. IntelliSense

Notice that the Tester class has a number of methods you did not create ( Equals , Finalize , and others). Every class in C# is an object, and these methods are part of the Object class. This is covered in Chapter 11.

When your program is complete, it looks like Example 7-5.

Example 7-5. Instance methods
 using System; namespace StaticTester {    // create the class    class Tester    {       // Run is an instance method       public void Run( )       {          Console.WriteLine( "Hello world" );       }       // Main is static       static void Main( )       {          // create an instance          Tester t = new Tester( );          // invoke the instance method          t.Run( );       }    } } 

The output looks like this:

 Hello world 

This is the model you'll use from now on in most console applications. The Main( ) method will be limited to instantiating an object and then invoking the Run( ) method.

7.6.2. Using Static Fields

A common use of static member variables , or fields, is to keep track of the number of instances/objects that currently exist for your class. In the next example, you create a Cat class. The Cat class might be used in a pet-store simulation.

For this example, the Cat class has been stripped to its absolute essentials. The complete listing is shown in Example 7-6. An analysis follows the example.

Example 7-6. Static fields
 using System; namespace Test {    // declare a Cat class    // stripped down    public class Cat    {       // a private static member to keep       // track of how many Cat objects have       // been created       private static int instances = 0;       private int weight;       private String name;       // cat constructor       // increments the count of Cats       public Cat( String name, int weight )       {          instances++; = name;          this.weight = weight;       }       // Static method to retrieve       // the current number of Cats       public static void HowManyCats( )       {          Console.WriteLine( "{0} cats adopted", instances );       }       public void TellWeight( )       {          Console.WriteLine( "{0} is {1} pounds", name, weight );       }    }    class Tester    {       public void Run( )       {          Cat.HowManyCats( );          Cat frisky = new Cat( "Frisky", 5 );          frisky.TellWeight( );          Cat.HowManyCats( );          Cat whiskers = new Cat( "Whisky", 7 );          whiskers.TellWeight( );          Cat.HowManyCats( );       }       static void Main( )       {          Tester t = new Tester( );          t.Run( );       }    } } 

Here is the output:

 0 cats adopted     Frisky is 5 pounds     1 cats adopted     Whisky is 7 pounds     2 cats adopted 

The Cat class begins by defining a static member variable, instances , that is initialized to zero. This static member field will keep track of the number of Cat objects created. Each time the constructor runs (creating a new object), the instances field is incremented.

The Cat class also defines two instance fields: name and weight . These track the name and weight of each individual Cat object.

The Cat class defines two methods: HowManyCats( ) and TellWeight( ) . HowManyCats( ) is static. The number of Cats is not an attribute of any given Cat ; it is an attribute of the entire class. TellWeight( ) is an instance method. The name and weight of each cat is per instance (each Cat has his own name and weight).

The Main( ) method accesses the static HowManyCats( ) method directly, through the class:

 Cat.HowManyCats( ); 

Main( ) then creates an instance of Cat and accesses the instance method, TellWeight( ) , tHRough the instance of Cat :

 Cat frisky = new Cat( )     frisky.TellWeight( ); 

Each time a new Cat is created, HowManyCats( ) reports the increase.

Learning C# 2005
Learning C# 2005: Get Started with C# 2.0 and .NET Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0596102097
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 250 © 2008-2017.
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