background processing 690-748
batch jobs, creating/running 744-748
batch processing 687
.NET environment and 693
batch jobs, creating/running 744-748
debugging 739-741
processor for 688, 693-748
security for 699
BatchEntries class 706, 711, 737-739
constructor for 707
BatchEntry class, 713-717, 732, 739
constructors for 714
Execute/Deactivate methods and 734
role of 696
BatchEntryInfo class 702-706, 711, 738
BatchEntry class and 696
role of 699
BatchJobRequest class 698, 717-720, 746
BatchQueue class
client-side 694, 707-711
server-side 694, 711, 727, 735
batch-queue processor 688, 693-748
creating 700-744
designing 693-700
using 744-748
BatchQueueInstaller class 742
BatchQueueService class 695-698, 712, 720-744
role of 695
BatchEntry class and 715
BatchQueueTest project 739
BeginEdit method
BusinessBase class 208, 219
BusinessCollectionBase class 238, 246
IEditableObject 83, 216-219
UndoableBase class 79
BeginTransaction method (SqlConnection class, ADO.NET) 175, 484
bin directory 321
binary formatter 118, 133, 284
serialization and 136
BinaryFormatter class (.NET) 197, 200
BindableBase class 82, 109, 179-182
BindableCollectionBase class 83, 109, 182-186
RulesCollection class and 223
BindField method 540-544
Body property (Message class) 733
BodyStream property (Message class) 733, 736
Boolean data type 348
borrowing data fields 372
bridge tables 61
broken rules, displaying list of to users 549
BrokenRules class 85, 219-231
data volume and 692
BrokenRulesCollection property 551
browsers, no-touch deployment and 773
business classes. See classes
business-focused analysis 361
business framework. See CSLA .NET Framework
business logic 20-39, 571
location scenarios for 21-25
business-logic tier 12, 24
redesigned logical architecture and 32
business objects 25, 26-39
cloning 135, 209, 249
collection 50
creating 72-77, 380, 406-412
via BusinessIdentity 335
via new keyword 299
on server 299
designing 365-379
initial design and (table) 366
disposing/finalizing 422
distributed objects and 30-39, 66
duplicate/trivial, merging in design phase 369
editing, BusinessBase methods for 208
enabling for data binding 56
events and 57
IEditableObject interface for 57
implementing 405-516
lifecycle of 405-423
loading from database 277
passed by reference/value 33, 36, 53
retrieving 412-415
returning, in web services 657-660
serialization and, 135
tracking changes to 49, 81, 203-207
types of (list) 430
used to centralize business logic 32
web development and 569-571
Business Properties and Methods region 425
Assignment class 491
child collections 448
child objects 437
Project class 462
ProjectList class 511
ProjectResource class 493
ProjectResources class 503
root collections 445
root objects 431
business rules, tracking broken 48, 84-86, 380
BrokenRules class for 219-231
displaying list of to users 549
BusinessBase class 72, 79
data portal mechanism and 267-272
implementing 187, 202
incorporating BrokenRules support into 229-231
tracking business rules and 84
update operation and 101
using CSLA .NET and 381
BusinessCollectionBase class 74, 179
child collections and 448
data portal mechanism and 272
implementing 187, 231-248
root collections and 445
using CSLA .NET and 381
BusinessIdentity class 107, 334-341
login process and 342-345
BusinessPrincipal class 341-345, 588-592
batch processing and 700, 709
constructor for 343
login process and
for web services 665, 668-670, 673
for Windows Forms 527
byte streams 135, 197

Expert C# Business Objects
Expert C# 2008 Business Objects
ISBN: 1430210192
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 111

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