Checking Spelling



Click the Spelling button on the Standard toolbar. The Spelling dialog box opens, displaying the first spelling error it finds and suggested replacements.


If the correct spelling of the word appears in the Suggestions list, click the word and click Change. (Click Change All to correct all instances of the word.)


Excel finds the next spelling error. If a word is spelled correctly (for example, a proper name), click Ignore Once. (Click Ignore All to ignore all instances.)


As Excel continues locating spelling errors, change or ignore them as necessary. Excel notifies you when all inaccuracies have been reviewed; click OK.


If your worksheet is for your eyes only, you might not think that misspellings are a big deal. But if you plan to turn your worksheet over to your manager, she might not think the mistakes are so minor. Fortunately, you can use Excel to check your spelling quickly and easily.


Checking from Beginning

You don't have to start at the beginning of a workbook to check for spelling errors. If you start in the middle of a workbook, Excel checks until it reaches the end and then asks whether you want to continue checking from the beginning.


Adding Dictionary Words

If you notice that Excel incorrectly flags a certain word as a misspelling, you can add that word to the Office dictionary Excel uses to check your spelling. To do so, click the Add to Dictionary button in the Spelling dialog box.

Easy Microsoft Office 2003
Easy Microsoft Office 2003
ISBN: 0789729628
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 281
Authors: Nancy Lewis © 2008-2017.
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