10. Transposition of Tn10 has multiple controls

15.10 Transposition of Tn10 has multiple controls

Control of the frequency of transposition is important for the cell. A transposon must be able to maintain a certain minimum frequency of movement in order to survive; but too great a frequency could be damaging to the host cell. Every transposon appears to have mechanisms that control its frequency of transposition. A variety of mechanisms has been characterized for Tn10 (for review see Kleckner, 1989; Kleckner, 1990).

Figure 15.19 Two promoters in opposite orientation lie near the outside boundary of IS10R. The strong promoter POUT sponsors transcription toward the flanking host DNA. The weaker promoter PIN causes transcription of an RNA that extends the length of IS10R and is translated into the transposase.

Tn10 is a composite transposon in which the element IS10R provides the active module. The organization of IS10R is summarized in Figure 15.19. Two promoters are found close to the outside boundary. The promoter PIN is responsible for transcription of IS10R. The promoter POUT causes transcription to proceed toward the adjacent flanking DNA. Transcription usually terminates within the transposon, but occasionally continues into the host DNA; sometimes this readthrough transcription is responsible for activating adjacent bacterial genes.

The phenomenon of "multicopy inhibition" reveals that expression of the IS10R transposase gene is regulated. Transposition of a Tn10 element on the bacterial chromosome is reduced when additional copies of IS10R are introduced via a multicopy plasmid. The inhibition requires the POUT promoter, and is exercised at the level of translation. The basis for the effect lies with the overlap in the 5′ terminal regions of the transcripts from PIN and POUT. OUT RNA is a transcript of 69 bases. It is present at >100 the level of IN RNA for two reasons: POUT is a much stronger promoter than PIN; and OUT RNA is more stable than IN RNA.

OUT RNA functions as an antisense RNA (see 10 The operon). The level of OUT RNA has no effect in a single-copy situation, but has a significant effect when >5 copies are present. There are usually ~5 copies of OUT RNA per copy of IS10 (which corresponds to ~150 copies of OUT RNA in a typical multicopy situation). OUT RNA base pairs with IN RNA; and the excess of OUT RNA ensures that IN RNA is bound rapidly, before a ribosome can attach. So the paired IN RNA cannot be translated.

Figure 15.20 Several mechanisms restrain the frequency of Tn10 transposition, by affecting either the synthesis or function of transposase protein. Transposition of an individual transposon is restricted by methylation to occur only after replication. In multicopy situations, cis-preference restricts the choice of target, and OUT/IN RNA pairing inhibits synthesis of transposase.

The quantity of transposase protein is often a critical feature. Tn10, whose transposase is synthesized at the low level of 0.15 molecules per cell per generation, displays several interesting mechanisms. Figure 15.20 summarizes the various effects that influence transposition frequency.

A continuous reading frame on one strand of IS10R codes for the transposase. The level of the transposase limits the rate of transposition. Mutants in this gene can be complemented in trans by another, wild Vtype IS10 element, but only with some difficulty. This reflects a strong preference of the transposase for cis Vaction; the enzyme functions efficiently only with the DNA template from which it was transcribed and translated. Cis-preference is a common feature of transposases coded by IS elements. (Other proteins that display cis-preference include the A protein involved in φX174 replication; see 12 The replicon.)

Does cis-preference reflect an ability of the transposase to recognize more efficiently those DNA target sequences that lie nearer to the site where the enzyme is synthesized? One possible explanation is that the transposase binds to DNA so tightly after (or even during) protein synthesis that it has a very low probability of diffusing elsewhere. Another possibility is that the enzyme may be unstable when it is not bound to DNA, so that protein molecules failing to bind quickly (and therefore nearby) never have a chance to become active.

Together the results of cis-preference and multicopy inhibition ensure that an increase in the number of copies of Tn10 in a bacterial genome does not cause an increased frequency of transposition that could damage the genome.

The effects of Dam methylation provide the most important system of regulation for an individual element. They reduce the frequency of transposition and (more importantly) couple transposition to passage of the replication fork. The ability of IS10 to transpose is related to the replication cycle by the transposon’s response to the state of methylation at two sites. One site is within the inverted repeat at the end of IS10R, where the transposase binds. The other site is in the promoter PIN, from which the transposase gene is transcribed.

Both of these sites are methylated by the dam system described in 13 DNA replication. The Dam methylase modifies the adenine in the sequence GATC on a newly synthesized strand generated by replication. The frequency of Tn10 transposition is increased 1000 Vfold in dam V strains in which the two target sites lack methyl groups.

Passage of a replication fork over these sites generates hemimethylated sequences; this activates the transposon by a combination of transcribing the transposase gene more frequently from PIN and enhancing binding of transposase to the end of IS10R. In a wild-type bacterium, the sites remain hemimethylated for a short period after replication (Roberts et al., 1985).

Figure 15.6 Nonreplicative transposition allows a transposon to move as a physical entity from a donor to a recipient site. This leaves a break at the donor site, which is lethal unless it can be repaired.

Why should it be desirable for transposition to occur soon after replication? The nonreplicative mechanism of Tn10 transposition places the donor DNA at risk of being destroyed (see Figure 15.6). The cell’s chances of survival may be increased if replication has just occurred to generate a second copy of the donor sequence. The mechanism is effective because only 1 of the 2 newly replicated copies gives rise to a transposition event (determined by which strand of the transposon is unmethylated at the dam sites).

Since a transposon selects its target site at random, there is a reasonable probability that it may land in an active operon. Will transcription from the outside continue through the transposon and thus activate the transposase, whose overproduction may in turn lead to high (perhaps lethal) levels of transposition? Tn10 protects itself against such events by two mechanisms. Transcription across the IS10R terminus decreases its activity, presumably by inhibiting its ability to bind transposase. And the mRNA that extends from upstream of the promoter is poorly translated, because it has a secondary structure in which the initiation codon is inaccessible.

Kleckner, N. (1989). Transposon Tn10. In Mobile DNA, Eds. Berg, D. E. and Howe, M. American Society of Microbiology, Washington DC 227-268.
Kleckner, N. (1990). Regulation of transposition in bacteria. Ann. Rev. Cell Biol. 6, 297-327.

Roberts, D. et al. (1985). IS10 transposition is regulated by DNA adenine methylation. Cell 43, 117-130.

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