

AcceptButton property, 112, 385

Access Control List (ACL), 491

ACL (Access Control List), 491

Activator.GetObject line, 74

Add Existing Item option, 232

Add New Item dialog box, 293

Add Reference dialog box, 38, 39

Add Web Reference dialog box, 455

Add/Edit form, creating, 111–119

Base Edit form, 111–113

overview, 111

Region Edit form, 113–119

saving object's changes, 119

AddItem routine, 209

AddItems method, 206–207, 209

AddNewUser stored procedure, 488

AddUser method, 501, 518

Admin access, 30–31

ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects for .NET)

book about, 64

concurrency issues, 4

Advanced .NET Remoting (Rammer), 24

aggregations, 52, 252

AL (Assembly Linker) program, 546, 561

AllowedValuesException, 319

Anchor property, 88, 112, 182, 184

Anonymous Access Authentication and Control section, 34

App.config file, 282–283

AppConstants module, 68–69

Appleman, Daniel, 96, 527

application analysis and design, importance of, 44

application architecture, 1–22

application layers, 7–15

and benefits of n-tier architecture, 12–15

business logic layer, 8–9

data layer, 9–11

presentation layer, 8

definition of, 1

developing enterprise applications with .NET, 15–21

.NET scaling of applications, 20–21

using ASP.NET (Web forms), 15–17

using Web services, 19–20

using Windows forms, 17–18

n-tier architecture

See also n-tier applications

benefits of, 11, 12–15

diagram of, 10

encapsulation of layers, 12

extensibility of, 13

loosely coupled design of, 6, 12

maintainability of, 13–14

overview of, 6

scalability of, 12–13

two-tier architecture, 2–5

building like three-tier architecture, 5

drawbacks of, 4

limit on scalability, 2

overview of, 2–5

when to use, 3

three-tier architecture, 11

Application Center Server, 20

application deployment, planning, 14

application infrastructure, 43–121

adding basic functionality, 95–120

See also Add/Edit form, creating; Print functionality, implementing

adding finishing touches, 108–110

adding sorting functionality to ListView, 97–100

deleting objects, 119–120

implementing Find functionality, 96–97

overview, 95

creating collection classes, 77–85

CollectionBase class, 78–79

DictionaryBase class, 79–80

overview, 77–78

RegionMgr class, 80–85

creating data-centric object, 60–67

class attributes, 61–62

Delete method, 65–66

implementing IRegion interface, 62–63

LoadProxy method, 63–64

LoadRecord method, 64–65

overview, 60–61

Save method, 66–67

creating shared objects, 54–57

creating stored procedures, 57–59

creating user-centric business objects, 67–77

AppConstants module, 68–69

constructors, 72–73

Delete method, 75

LoadRecord method, 74–75

overview, 67

Region class, 69–72

Save method, 75–77

ToString method, 73–74

creating user interface, 85–95

building and deploying application, 94–95

creating ListBase form, 86–89

creating remoting channel, 93–94

inheriting ListBase Form, 89–91

overview, 85–86

RegionList form, 91–93

designing physical application architecture, 43–54

component/deployment model, 44–45

creating object model, 49–54

object communication using remoting, 45–47

using SOAP and binary messages, 48

application layers, 7–15

and benefits of n-tier architecture, 12–15

business logic layer, 8–9

data layer, 9–11

encapsulation of, 12

presentation layer, 8

Application Programming Interface (API), 128

application server

in component/deployment model, 45

in n-tier architecture, 6, 7, 10

Application_End method, 519

application_errors table, 128, 133, 157

Application_Start method, 519

ApplicationException class, 126

appSettings section, 31–32, 460

Apress Web site, 61, 317

architecture of applications. See application architecture

arguments, definition of, 57

Arguments property, 466

Art Of Objects: Object-Oriented Design and Architecture, The (Yun-Tung Lau), 53, 238


benefits of using for authenticating users, 16

creating web.config file, 27

developing enterprise applications using Web forms, 15–17

localizing applications, 558–563

shadow copy mechanism, 19, 28

.aspx.vb file, 16–17

Assembly Linker program, 546, 561

Assembly Resource File template, 545

associated territories, assigning, 537

asterisk (*), 30

attributes, class

adding to RegionDC class, 61–62

creating, 61–62

custom, 414, 432–435

Attributes namespace, 421, 427

DisplayName attribute, 427

ITest Interface, 46–47, 421–422

MaxLengthAttribute, 426

NotEmptyAttribute, 425

NotNullAttribute, 422–424

AttributeUsage tag, 407


benefits of using ASP.NET for, 16

definition of, 29

setting up, 29–31

authorization, 29, 29–31

authorization tag, 31

auto-deployment, 18

Building Client/Server Applications with VB. NET(c) An Example-Driven Approach
Building Client/Server Applications Under VB .NET: An Example-Driven Approach
ISBN: 1590590708
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 148
Authors: Jeff Levinson © 2008-2017.
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