

siggen parses a multiple structure alignment generated by the EMBOSS application scopalign and corresponding files of residue contact data generated by the EMBOSS application contacts and generates a protein signature of a specified sparsity.

Here is a sample session with siggen:

% siggen Generates a sparse protein signature Location of alignment files for input [./]: ./jontest Extension of alignment files for input [.align]: Location of contact files for input [./]: ./jontest Extension of contact files [.con]: % sparsity of signature [10]: Generate a randomized signature [N]: Substitution matrix to be used [./EBLOSUM62]: Score alignment on basis of residue conservation [Y]: Score alignment on basis of number of contacts [Y]: Score alignment on basis of conservation of contacts [Y]: N Score alignment on a combined measure of number and conservation of contacts [N]: Ignore alignment postitions with post_similar value of 0 [Y]: Name of signature file for output [sig.sig]:

Mandatory qualifiers (bold if not always prompted):

[-algpath] (string)

Location of scop structure-based sequence alignment files (input).

[-algextn] (string)

Extension of alignment files.

-sparsity (integer)

Percentage sparsity of signature.

-seqoption (menu)

Select number.

-datafile (matrixf)

This is the scoring matrix file used when comparing sequences.

-conoption (menu)

Select number.

-filtercon (boolean)

Ignore alignment positions making less than a threshold number of contacts.

-conthresh (integer)

Threshold contact number.

-conpath (string)

Location of contact files (input).

-conextn (string)

Extension of contact files.

-cpdbpath (string)

Location of domain coordinate files (EMBL format input).

-cpdbextn (string)

Extension of coordinate files.

-filterpsim (boolean)

Ignore alignment postitions with post_similar value of 0.

[-sigpath] (string)

Location of signature files (output).

[-sigextn] (string)

Extension of signature files.

Advanced qualifiers:

-randomise (boolean)

Generate a randomized signature.

Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell
Sequence Analysis in a Nutshell: A Guide to Common Tools and Databases
ISBN: 059600494X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 312 © 2008-2017.
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