More facts

Low trust costs you money

People will concentrate on looking after themselves if they do not trust the organisation. This leads to higher costs as they cover their backs and take the safest options on suppliers, etc. When trust is high, people look for the best options, build strong supplier relationships and costs go down.

See the research findings on slide 7 of Appendix 3.

Retention figures drop

Each new recruit costs you twice the annual salary. See your retention figures improve by 10 to 20 per cent and you are making a real saving to the bottom line.

See the figures on slide 5 of Appendix 3, and compare those of your sector.

Recruitment becomes easier

Once yours is known as a great workplace, people want to join and their applications increase. When people love their work, they talk about it and encourage suitable people to apply for a job - so some of the vetting will have been done for you.

See the recruitment results on slide 20 of Appendix 3.

Leadership affects the bottom line

Sound leadership respects people and provides them with the environment in which they can do their best work. Holding the power lightly and sharing responsibility makes the best of talent and impacts directly on the results of the business.

See the results of TD Industries once they instigated Servant Leadership - slide 9 of Appendix 3.

What gets measured gets done

Great companies set clear measures, then reward and celebrate success. People feel valued and see the benefits of doing a great job. Whether rewards are financial or through public appreciation, the results impact on the bottom line.

See the achievements of Flight Centre, slide 13 of Appendix 3.

Two-way communication is a business necessity

Giving information from the top is generally accepted; receiving it from below is often forgotten. Two-way communication ensures buyin and commitment to the company, which pays off in direct improvement in performance.

See the Claridges results from a culture change, slide 23 of Appendix 3.

Becoming an Employer of Choice(c) Make Your Organisation A Place Where People Want To Do Great Work
Becoming an Employer of Choice(c) Make Your Organisation A Place Where People Want To Do Great Work
Year: 2006
Pages: 100 © 2008-2017.
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