

Rate Sheet Report

creating, 235

overview of, 234

previewing, 238

refining, 239–241

RDL (.rdl) files

checking into and out of VSS, 288

downloading with Report Manager, 405–406

managing, 253

RDL (Report Definition Language)

default values in, 604

editing, 286

overview of, 13–14, 604

sections of, 286

viewing, 284–285

XML structure of, 284–286

RDL structure

Chart element in, 609–610

Grouping, Sorting, and Style elements in, 610

List element in, 608

Matrix element in, 608

Report element in, 604–605

report items in, 606–607

Table element in, 607

Ready to Install screen, displaying, 55, 60

records. See rows


characteristics of, 522

setting properties for, 195, 197

rectangles, adding to

Employee Evaluation Report, 331–333

Rate Sheet Report, 239–240

Refresh Report button, location of, 395

Registration Information screen

full and server installations, 47

Report Designer installation, 59

relations in databases, explanation of, 78–79

remote administration, explanation of, 26

Render command parameter, description of, 476

renderers, relationship to report processor, 18

RenderingTest Report

Browser rights for, 425

displaying in Preview tab, 353

RenderingTest Report, exporting to

HTML file, 366

PDF file, 358

TIFF file, 355

web archive file, 360

Repair Count by Type Report

adding column groupings to, 184–187

changing properties for, 193

overview of, 180

placing list item on, 192–197

placing matrix item in, 183–184

previewing, 184, 186

Repair Count by Type Report, creating

datasets for, 180–182

report for, 180–182

shared data sources for, 180–182

Repair table, relationship to Transport table, 170

RepairCause alias, creating for Repair Count by Type Report, 181

RepairsByType dataset, creating, 181

report authoring, best practices for, 509–510

report caching. See also cached reports

advantages of, 512

enabling, 438–443

formats for, 437–438

overview of, 435–438

and report parameters, 442–443

and security, 443

viewing reports from, 439–440

Report Catalog, features of, 17–18

report definitions

downloading with Report Manager, 405–406

editing with Report Manager, 406–407

updating, 452–453

uploading, 407

report delivery, overview of, 19–20

report deployment, best practices for, 510–512

Report Designer installation, 398

description of, 31–32

performing, 56–61

software requirements for, 36

report execution logging, enabling, 467–468

report formats, relationship to caching, 437–438, 440

report history feature of Report Manager

enabling, 446–450

overview of, 445–446

report history snapshots

creating, 449–450

creating manually, 447–448

deleting manually, 451–452

disabling creation of, 452

managing, 450–452

reaching limit of, 451

and report parameters, 448–449

and security, 450

setting defaults for, 467

setting limits on number of, 451

updating, 452–453

report items

in RDL (Report Definition Language), 606–607

report objects for, 521–522

report layouts

Customer List Report, 127–133

Customer-Invoice Report, 139–145

Delivery Status Report, 299

displaying for Transport List Report, 172

Employee Evaluation Report, 326–330

Employee List Report, 269–272, 273

Employee Time Report, 256–260

explanation of, 13

Invoice Front End Report, 338

Invoice-Batch Number Report, 147–150

Lost Delivery Report, 307

Overtime Report, 278–282

Payroll Checks Report, 316

Repair Count by Type Report, 183–184,

186, 192

report template, 250

reusing, 334

Transport Monitor Report, 341–342

Weather Report, 322–323

report links, creating standard e-mail subscriptions with, 456–457

Report Manager

accessing, 375

adding folders with, 376–378

checking typos with, 462

Connect Using option in, 392

deleting folders with, 409

downloading report definitions with, 405–406

editing report definitions with, 406–407

enabling caching with, 438

hiding items with, 390–392

integrated security feature of, 393–394

integration with Windows Security, 413

moving items between folders with, 408–409

naming pages in, 467

protecting passwords in, 392

renaming folders with, 410

report history feature of, 445–453

searching for reports with, 410–411

using Reporting Services without, 474

Validate option in, 462

Report Manager, creating

and navigating folders in, 375–378

linked reports with, 429–432

shared data source in, 387–389

Report Manager, managing

data-driven subscriptions with, 460–466

report parameters in, 430–432

subscriptions with, 459–460

Report Manager, uploading

documents with, 396–398

external report images with, 394–396

modified report definitions with, 407

reports in Chapter06 project with, 385–387

Weather Report with, 404–405

Report Manager website, requesting reports from, 19–20

report objects

data regions, 517–521

layout areas, 516–517

managing with Solution Explorer, 16

report items, 521–522

report parameters

adding to Customer List Report revisited, 312–313

customizing for Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 157–159

for Delivery Status Report, 294–296

in Employee List Report, 272, 274

and execution snapshots, 445

managing in Report Manager, 430–432

overview of, 151–159

passing values for, 477

and report caching, 442–443

and report history snapshots, 448–449

for Transport Monitor Report, 341

report parameters, configuring

Employee Evaluation Report, 328

Payroll Checks Report, 318–320

Report Parameters dialog box

advantages of, 159

displaying, 270

using with Fuel Prices chart version 2, 209

report processor, features of, 18

Report Project directory, copying report template to, 252–253

Report Project template, description of, 12

Report Project Wizard template, description of, 12

report projects. See reports

Report Server

components of, 17–19

copying .NET assemblies to, 398

description of, 27

deploying report projects to, 383

installation considerations for, 37

modifying reports from, 405–407

modifying security configuration of, 401–404

moving reports to, 378–385

moving TransportMonitor Report to, 446–450

requesting reports from, 19–20

security page maintained by, 413–414

uploading images to, 394–396

Report Server Database screen

distributed installation, 61

full and server installations, 53–54

web farm installation, 61–62

Report Server Delivery Settings screen, displaying for full and server installations, 53–55

Report Server Samples Setup screen, displaying for full and server installations, 55

Report Server Temp DB database

description of, 27

installation considerations for, 37

Report Server Web Farm Setup screen, displaying during installation, 62–63

Report Server web service

description of, 28

overview of, 25

running, 51

report structure, diagram of, 12

report templates

copying to Report Project directory, 252–253

creating, 245–247

creating page footer for, 248–252

previewing, 251

providing nondefault names for, 247

saving global values for, 252

using, 509

Report Viewer

controlling, 477–479

features of, 8

Report Wizard. See also linked reports; reports

choosing report layouts in, 127–133

displaying Design the Query page in, 124

moving columns in, 140

setting passwords in, 120

starting, 119, 135

widening columns in, 131, 149

ReportFolder global value, description of, 252

Reporting Services

activating manually, 65–66

advantages of, 7

availability of, 9

delivery options in, 8–9

diagram of, 25

drag-and-drop environment of, 8

editions of, 29–30

installation considerations for, 37–45

installation requirements for, 35–36

managing through web services, 484

overview of, 4

performing tasks in, 414–418

printing from, 8

removing after failed installations, 64

report viewer in, 8

running setup program for, 44–45

using dates with, 155

using without Report Manager, 474

Reporting Services components

administration utilities, 26

business intelligence project types, 28–29

documentation, 29

IIS (Internet Information Services), 27–28

report samples, 27

Report Server, 25

Report Server database, 27

Report Server Temp DB database, 27

Report Server web service, 28

Reports website, 28

SQL Server 2000, 26

SQL Server Agent, 26–27

Visual Studio .NET 2003, 28

Reporting Services information, encrypting, 40–41

Reporting Services installations

activating, 485

recovering, 486

process of, 47–56

on SharePoint servers, 67

Reporting Services installation types

distributed installation, 32–33, 61

full installation, 30, 45–56

Report Designer, 56–61

Report Designer installation, 31–32

server installation, 30–31, 45–56

web farm installation, 33–35, 61–63

Reporting Services Virtual Directories screen, displaying for full and server installations, 52–53

ReportName global value, description of, 252

ReportReadMe.txt file

opening, 397

saving, 396

reports. See also linked reports; Report Wizard

adding to VSS, 287–288

advancing to next page of, 143

annotating to Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, 354

building, 116–133

Business Type Distribution chart, 211–215

characteristics of, 517

choosing report layout for, 127–133

conference nametags, 223–227

conference place cards, 229–234

copying to different locations, 312

Customer List Report, 116–133

Customer List Report revisited, 311–314

Customer-Invoice Report, 133–145

data definition in, 12–13

Days in Maintenance chart, 215–221

delivering through web services, 20

Delivery Status Report, 293–303

deploying contents of, 380

deploying with Visual Studio, 380–381

Employee Evaluation Report, 325–333

Employee List Report, 267–275

Employee Time Report, 254–267

finding text in, 411–412

folders in, 16

formatting, 174–178

Fuel Price chart, 200–208

Fuel Price chart version 2, 208–215

handling errors in, 254

including images in, 221–222

interactive table reports, 133–145

Invoice Front End Report, 337–340

Invoice Report, 333–336

Invoice-Batch Number Report, 145–151

list reports, 187–197

Lost Delivery Report, 304–311

managing role assignments for, 421–426

matrix reports, 145–150

Nametags Report, 223–229

naming, 129, 148

Overtime Report, 275–284

Paid Invoices Report, 343–345

Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 151–159

Payroll Checks Report, 314–320

PlaceCards Report, 229–234

previewing, 130

Rate Sheet Report, 234–241

receiving from subscription services, 20

refreshing with Report Manager, 395

Repair Count by Type Report, 180–187

within reports, 324–325

reviewing before deploying, 511

running in Visual Studio, 384–385

samples of, 27

searching for, 410–411

starting for Transport List Report, 163

switching between, 16

Template Report, 245–247

Transport List Report, 162–179

Transport Monitor Report, 341–342, 446–450

viewing from report cache, 439–440

Weather Report, 321–324

reports, accessing

with URLs, 474–476

with web services, 480–484

without Report Manager, 474

reports, creating, 118

data sources for, 119–123

datasets for, 124–127

multiple subscriptions on, 458

reports, exporting, 349–350

to TIFF files, 356

reports, serving

with caching, 435–438

without caching, 434

reports, uploading

with .NET assemblies, 398–405

with Report Manager, 385–394

Reports website

making available, 66–67

overview of, 28

ReportServerURL global value, description of, 252

request handler, description of, 19

resources, viewing contents of, 475

result sets

clearing, 127

displaying in results pane, 127

examples of, 83, 85–87, 89, 90

sorting, 88–90

results pane in Query Builder, location of, 125–126

Retry button, using, 62

right angle bracket (>), significance in RDL, 284

right outer joins, using with databases, 85


assigning as needed, 511

assigning to users, 426

enforcement of, 413

local administrator privileges, 413–414

modifying for SubReportTest Report, 422

and tasks, 414–418

role assignments

creating for folders, 418–419

editing for users, 420–421

inheriting, 419–421

managing for reports, 421–426

using Windows groups for, 426–427


Browser role, 416

Content Manager role, 417

My Reports role, 417

overview of, 415–416

Publisher role, 416

System Administrator role, 417–418

System User role, 417

Rollback option in Solution Explorer, using with VSS, 289

Rosetta, Reporting Services code-named as, 4


in datasets, 13

organizing databases by, 73–76

selecting in Delivery Status Report, 302

rows, adding to

group header and footer, 300

Invoice-Batch Number Report, 148

Transport List Report, 174

RS utility program, features of, 487

RSActivate utility program

features of, 485

using, 66

RSConfig utility program, features of, 487

RSKeyMgmt utility program, features of, 485–486

RSReportServer.config file, contents of, 25–26

rssrvpolicy.config file, contents of, 401

rstest.rss file, saving, 487

RSWebApplication.config.file, default location for, 66

RSWebService web reference, creating, 494

Run command in Query Builder, using, 125–126

RunDate in WHERE clause, using with Parameterized Invoice-Batch Number Report, 154

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Step by Step (Pro-Step by Step Developer)
ISBN: 0735621063
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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