
We started off by looking at a general overview of Pub/Sub messaging. We then moved on to discuss Topics, Quality of Service (QoS) in JMS application, how to ensure guaranteed messaging in JMS applications, and topic management. We set up our connection factories, destinations and users on our messaging server. We also talked about the differences between the physical destination and those created by client APIs.

We then moved on to look at the generic programming model, which gave us a feel for how similar Pub/Sub programming was to Point-to-Point programming. We started exploring other features of Pub/Sub messaging by developing a retail stock brokerage application.

We first developed the approval requestor. While developing this class we saw how remoting and authentication is handled in Pub/Sub model, and about temporary topics and how to create and get rid of them. We also discussed the TopicRequestor class. We then developed the apporoval department. While doing so we learnt how to develop an asnchronous message handler, how to simulate request-reply using Pub/Sub messaging, the use of the replyTo() API, and the JMSCorrelationID property. We also learnt how to create, populate and read object messages and stream messages.

We then started the Trader class development. While carrying out this task we learned about the bytes message, and how to program transactions and assign message priorities. We then saw how this all tied into the sales order application. We then developed the EquityBuyer class. While doing this, we learned about durable subscribers and message selectors. We then developed the AccountsDepartment class. We then learned how to develop Pub/Sub-enabled applets and deployed them on the web browser.

Professional JMS
Professional JMS
ISBN: 1861004931
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 154 © 2008-2017.
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