

Aborted_clients variable, 387

Aborted_connects variable, 388

ABS() function, 544

absolute() method (Java), 633

Access (Microsoft), exporting data to MySQL, 666

ACOS() function, 544

Active attribute (Perl DBI), 610

ActiveKids attribute (Perl DBI), 610

add function, for aggregate user-defined functions, 201

addBatch() method (Java), 629

ADDDATE() function, 512

administration of MySQL, utilities for, 261–262


adding to user table, 426

user permissions granted by, 8

AES_DECRYPT() function, 557

AES_ENCRYPT() function, 558

afterLast() method (Java), 633

aggregate functions, 554–557

AVG, 555

BIT_AND, 555

BIT_OR, 555–556

COUNT, 556

MAX, 556

MIN, 556–557

STD, 557


SUM, 557

user-defined, 191, 200–201

sample, 201–204

ALL privilege, 435, 488

ALL PRIVILEGE privilege, 435, 488

ALTER privilege, 435, 446, 488

ALTER statement, 482

ALTER TABLE statement, 25–26

to convert ISAM table to MyISAM table, 56

to create primary key, 129

DROP clause, 26


for full-text index creation, 132

MODIFY clause, 26

and ordinary index creation, 131

RENAME clause, 26

and transaction completion, 117

analysis phase of database lifecycle, 240–241

example, 250–251

ANALYZE TABLE statement, 169, 282–283, 482

analyzing tables

with myisamchk utility, 283–284

with mysqlcheck utility, 283

AND, && logical operator, 14, 68, 499

ANSI mode, running MySQL in, 408

ANSI SQL, NATIONAL keyword for compliance, 48

ansi_mode variable, 379

APILEVEL attribute (Python), 619

application development stages, 185– 189

application design, 187

coding, 187–188

requirements analysis, 186–187

testing and implementation, 189

applications, security in, 448–449

args parameter

of user-defined init function, 196

of user-defined main function, 197–198

arithmetic operators in SQL, 69–70, 500–502

array, PHP function to return, 577– 578

ARRAYSIZE attribute (Python), 620

ASC keyword, 18

ASCII() function, 524–525

ASIN() function, 544

at sign (@), for MySQL variable, 99

ATAN() function, 545

ATAN2() function, 545

atomicity of transactions, 256


of entities, 242

in Perl DBI module, 610–617

in Python, 619–620

of record, 5, 212

auto increment field, 142–151

creating, 142

going out of bounds, 148

inserting records containing, 143–144

multicolumn indexes and, 150– 151

problems with LAST_INSERT_ ID() function, 148–150

returning and resetting, 144–147

setting increment value, 146–147

AUTOCOMMIT, 112–115, 117, 392, 495

AutoCommit attribute (Perl DBI), 613

AUTO_INCREMENT, PHP function to return most recent value, 586

automatic rehashing, 52, 54

available_drivers method (Perl DBI), 596

AVG() function, 22, 555

Mastering MySQL 4
Mastering MySQL 4
ISBN: 0782141625
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230
Authors: Ian Gilfillan © 2008-2017.
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