

UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description, and Integration)

overview of, 278-279

role in Web services, 283

UI (user interface)

for Create Campaign use case, 38-40

importance of, 35

for Manage Donor Preferences use case, 47

for Register Donor use case, 46

in Update Campaigns use case, 41

Update Campaigns use case

activity diagram for, 42-43

actors in, 40-41

campaign session bean deployment descriptors for, 265-266

discovering business interface methods in, 262

implementing business interface for, 263-265

overview of, 23, 201-205

postcondition in, 41

precondition in, 41

purpose of, 40

UI (user interface) for, 41

Update Donation History use case

overview of, 18

use of, 14

updateCampaigns method, example of, 264

updateNOPRegistration sequence diagram, 251

URLs (uniform resource locators), creating in Struts, 98

use case diagrams

for Manage Campaigns, 22

for Manage Donor and Donations, 16

for NPO Caching, 24

for Perform Site Administration, 20

purpose of, 12

for Search NPO package, 19

use case packages, identifying for GreaterCausea, 12-13

use case summaries, creating, 15

Use Case View, explanation of, 51

use cases

applying information architecture to, 36-48

Cache Featured-NPO, 24-25

Campaign, 188-205

Checkout, 18

Create Campaign, 22-23

description template for, 334

detailed version for GreaterCause application, 37-48

detailing, 36-48

Display Donation History, 18

Display Featured-NPOs, 25-26

documenting for GreaterCause application, 13-15

explanation of, 4-5

factoring behavior into, 14-15

Manage Campaigns, 188-205

Manage Donation Cart, 16-17

Manage NPO Profile, 21, 161-169

Manage Portal Alliance Profile, 21

Manage Portal-Alliance Profile, 176-181

Perform UI Customization use case, 21

Provide Featured-NPO, 23

Redirect to the Site, 26

Register Donor, 18-19

Register NPO, 20-21, 181-186

Register Portal Alliance, 21

Register Portal-Alliance, 169-176

Search NPO, 19

Update Campaigns, 23

Update Donation History, 18

user interfaces, purpose of, 334

user-specific state, managing with request handlers, 142

users, configuring for GreaterCause application, 325-326

Practical J2ee Application Architecture
Practical J2EE Application Architecture
ISBN: 0072227117
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Nadir Gulzar © 2008-2017.
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