Section 1.2. Basic Ruby Syntax and Semantics

1.1. An Introduction to Object Orientation

Before talking about Ruby specifically, it is a good idea to talk about object-oriented programming in the abstract. These first few pages review those concepts with only cursory references to Ruby before we proceed to a review of the Ruby language itself.

1.1.1. What Is an Object?

In object-oriented programming, the fundamental unit is the object. An object is an entity that serves as a container for data and also controls access to the data. Associated with an object is a set of attributes, which are essentially no more than variables belonging to the object. (In this book, we will loosely use the ordinary term variable for an attribute.) Also associated with an object is a set of functions that provide an interface to the functionality of the object, called methods.

It is essential that any OOP language provide encapsulation. As the term is commonly used, it means first that the attributes and methods of an object are associated specifically with that object, or bundled with it; second, it means that the scope of those attributes and methods is by default the object itself (an application of the principle of data hiding).

An object is considered to be an instance or manifestation of an object class (usually simply called a class). The class may be thought of as the blueprint or pattern; the object itself is the thing created from that blueprint or pattern. A class is often thought of as an abstract typea more complex type than, for example, integer or character string.

When an object (an instance of a class) is created, it is said to be instantiated. Some languages have the notion of an explicit constructor and destructor for an objectfunctions that perform whatever tasks are needed to initialize an object and (respectively) to "destroy" it. We may as well mention prematurely that Ruby has what might be considered a constructor but certainly does not have any concept of a destructor (because of its well-behaved garbage collection mechanism).

Occasionally a situation arises in which a piece of data is more "global" in scope than a single object, and it is inappropriate to put a copy of the attribute into each instance of the class. For example, consider a class called MyDogs, from which three objects are created: fido, rover, and spot. For each dog, there might be such attributes as age and date of vaccination. But suppose that we want to store the owner's name (the owner of all the dogs). We could certainly put it in each object, but that is wasteful of memory and at the very least a misleading design. Clearly the owner_name attribute belongs not to any individual object but to the class itself. When it is defined that way (and the syntax varies from one language to another), it is called a class attribute (or class variable).

Of course, there are many situations in which a class variable might be needed. For example, suppose that we wanted to keep a count of how many objects of a certain class had been created. We could use a class variable that was initialized to zero and incremented with every instantiation; the class variable would be associated with the class and not with any particular object. In scope, this variable would be just like any other attribute, but there would only be one copy of it for the entire class and the entire set of objects created from that class.

To distinguish between class attributes and ordinary attributes, the latter are sometimes explicitly called object attributes (or instance attributes). We use the convention that any attribute is assumed to be an instance attribute unless we explicitly call it a class attribute.

Just as an object's methods are used to control access to its attributes and provide a clean interface to them, so is it sometimes appropriate or necessary to define a method associated with a class. A class method, not surprisingly, controls access to the class variables and also performs any tasks that might have classwide effects rather than merely objectwide. As with data attributes, methods are assumed to belong to the object rather than the class unless stated otherwise.

It is worth mentioning that there is a sense in which all methods are class methods. We should not suppose that when 100 objects are created we actually copy the code for the methods 100 times! But the rules of scope assure us that each object method operates only on the object whose method is being called, providing us with the necessary illusion that object methods are associated strictly with their objects.

1.1.2. Inheritance

We come now to one of the real strengths of OOP, which is inheritance. Inheritance is a mechanism that allows us to extend a previously existing entity by adding features to create a new entity. In short, inheritance is a way of reusing code. (Easy, effective code reuse has long been the Holy Grail of computer science, resulting in the invention decades ago of parameterized subroutines and code libraries. OOP is only one of the later efforts in realizing this goal.)

Typically we think of inheritance at the class level. If we have a specific class in mind, and there is a more general case already in existence, we can define our new class to inherit the features of the old one. For example, suppose that we have a class Polygon that describes convex polygons. If we then find ourselves dealing with a Rectangle class, we can inherit from Polygon so that Rectangle has all the attributes and methods that Polygon has. For example, there might be a method that calculates perimeter by iterating over all the sides and adding their lengths. Assuming that everything was implemented properly, this method would automatically work for the new class; the code would not have to be rewritten.

When a class B inherits from a class A, we say that B is a subclass of A, or conversely, A is the superclass of B. In slightly different terminology, we may say that A is a base class or parent class, and B is a derived class or child class.

A derived class, as we have seen, may treat a method inherited from its base class as if it were its own. On the other hand, it may redefine that method entirely if it is necessary to provide a different implementation; this is referred to as overriding a method. In addition, most languages provide a way for an overridden method to call its namesake in the parent class; that is, the method foo in B knows how to call method foo in A if it wants to. (Any language that does not provide this feature is under suspicion of not being truly object-oriented.) Essentially the same is true for data attributes.

The relationship between a class and its superclass is interesting and important; it is usually described as the is-a relationship, because a Square "is a" Rectangle, and a Rectangle "is a" Polygon, and so on. Thus if we create an inheritance hierarchy (which tends to exist in one form or another in any OOP language), we see that the more specific entity "is a" subclass of the more general entity at any given point in the hierarchy. Note that this relationship is transitivein the previous example, we easily see that a Square "is a" Polygon. Note also that the relationship is not commutativewe know that every Rectangle is a Polygon, but not every Polygon is a Rectangle.

This brings us to the topic of multiple inheritance (MI). It is conceivable that a new class could inherit from more than one class. For example, the classes Dog and Cat can both inherit from the class Mammal, and Sparrow and Raven can inherit from WingedCreature. But what if we want to define a Bat? It can reasonably inherit from both the classes Mammal and WingedCreature. This corresponds well with our real-life experience in which things are not members of just one category but of many non-nested categories.

MI is probably the most controversial area in OOP. One camp will point out the potential for ambiguity that must be resolved. For example, if Mammal and WingedCreature both have an attribute called size (or a method called eat), which one will be referenced when we refer to it from a Bat object? Another related difficulty is the diamond inheritance problemso called because of the shape of its inheritance diagram with both superclasses inheriting from a single common superclass. For example, imagine that Mammal and WingedCreature both inherit from Organism; the hierarchy from Organism to Bat forms a diamond. But what about the attributes that the two intermediate classes both inherit from their parent? Does Bat get two copies of each of them? Or are they merged back into single attributes because they come from a common ancestor in the first place?

These are both issues for the language designer rather than the programmer. Different OOP languages deal with the issues differently. Some provide rules allowing one definition of an attribute to "win out," or a way to distinguish between attributes of the same name, or even a way of aliasing or renaming the identifiers. This in itself is considered by many to be an argument against MIthe mechanisms for dealing with name clashes and the like are not universally agreed upon but are language dependent. C++ offers a minimal set of features for dealing with ambiguities; those of Eiffel are probably better; and those of Perl are different from both.

The alternative, of course, is to disallow MI altogether. This is the approach taken by such languages as Java and Ruby. This sounds like a drastic compromise; however, as we shall see later, it is not so bad as it sounds. We will look at a viable alternative to traditional MI, but we must first discuss polymortphism, yet another OOP buzzword.

1.1.3. Polymorphism

Polymorphism is the term that perhaps inspires the most semantic disagreement in the field. Everyone seems to know what it is, but everyone has a different definition. (In recent years, "What is polymorphism?" has become a popular interview question. If it is asked of you, I recommend quoting an expert such as Bertrand Meyer or Bjarne Stroustrup; that way, if the interviewer disagrees, his beef is with the expert and not with you.)

The literal meaning of polymorphism is "the ability to take on multiple forms or shapes." In its broadest sense, this refers to the ability of different objects to respond in different ways to the same message (or method invocation).

Damian Conway, in his book Object-Oriented Perl, distinguishes meaningfully between two kinds of polymorphism. The first, inheritance polymorphism, is what most programmers are referring to when they talk about polymorphism.

When a class inherits from its superclass, we know (by definition) that any method present in the superclass is also present in the subclass. Thus a chain of inheritance represents a linear hierarchy of classes that can respond to the same set of methods. Of course, we must remember that any subclass can redefine a method; that is what gives inheritance its power. If I call a method on an object, typically it will be either the one it inherited from its superclass, or a more appropriate (more specialized) method tailored for the subclass.

In statically typed languages such as C++, inheritance polymorphism establishes type compatibility down the chain of inheritance (but not in the reverse direction). For example, if B inherits from A, a pointer to an A object can also point to a B object; but the reverse is not true. This type compatibility is an essential OOP feature in such languagesindeed it almost sums up polymorphismbut polymorphism certainly exists in the absence of static typing (as in Ruby).

The second kind of polymorphism Conway identifies is interface polymorphism. This does not require any inheritance relationship between classes; it only requires that the interfaces of the objects have methods of a certain name. The treatment of such objects as being the same "kind" of thing is thus a kind of polymorphism (though in most writings it is not explicitly referred to as such).

Readers familiar with Java will recognize that it implements both kinds of polymorphism. A Java class can extend another class, inheriting from it via the extends keyword; or it may implement an interface, acquiring a known set of methods (which must then be overridden) via the implements keyword. Because of syntax requirements, the Java interpreter can determine at compile time whether a method can be invoked on a particular object.

Ruby supports interface polymorphism but in a different way, providing modules whose methods may be mixed in to existing classes (interfacing to user-defined methods that are expected to exist). This, however, is not the way modules are usually used. A module consists of methods and constants that may be used as though they were actual parts of that class or object; when a module is mixed in via the include statement, this is considered to be a restricted form of multiple inheritance. (According to the language designer, Yukihiro Matsumoto, it can be viewed as single inheritance with implementation sharing.) This is a way of preserving the benefits of MI without suffering all the consequences.

1.1.4. A Few More Terms

In languages such as C++, there is the concept of abstract classesclasses that must be inherited from and cannot be instantiated on their own. This concept does not exist in the more dynamic Ruby language, although if the programmer really wants, it is possible to fake this kind of behavior by forcing the methods to be overridden. Whether this is useful is left as an exercise for the reader.

The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, also identifies the concept of a concrete type. This is a class that exists only for convenience; it is not designed to be inherited from, nor is it expected that there will ever be another class derived from it. In other words, the benefits of OOP are basically limited to encapsulation. Ruby does not specifically support this concept through any special syntax (nor does C++), but it is naturally well-suited for the creation of such classes.

Some languages are considered to be more "pure" OO than others. (We also use the term radically object-oriented.) This refers to the concept that every entity in the language is an object; every primitive type is represented as a full-fledged class, and variables and constants alike are recognized as object instances. This is in contrast to such languages as Java, C++, and Eiffel. In these, the more primitive data types (especially constants) are not first-class objects, though they may sometimes be treated that way with "wrapper" classes. Arguably there are languages that are more radically object-oriented than Ruby, but they are relatively few.

Most OO languages are static; the methods and attributes belonging to a class, the global variables, and the inheritance hierarchy are all defined at compile time. Perhaps the largest conceptual leap for a Ruby programmer is that these are all handled dynamically in Ruby. Definitions and even inheritance can happen at runtimein fact, we can truly say that every declaration or definition is actually executed during the running of the program. Among many other benefits, this obviates the need for conditional compilation and can produce more efficient code in many circumstances.

This sums up the whirlwind tour of OOP. Throughout the rest of the book, we have tried to make consistent use of the terms introduced here. Let's proceed now to a brief review of the Ruby language itself.

The Ruby Way(c) Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming
The Ruby Way, Second Edition: Solutions and Techniques in Ruby Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672328844
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 269
Authors: Hal Fulton © 2008-2017.
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