Isolating Variables

The information in this chapter may seem insanely complex, but it's really just insanely detailed. Remember, color management only does two thingsif you can't remember what they are, go back to the beginning of this chapter! A good many color management problems are due to operator error. If you don't push the right buttons in the right sequence, you won't get the expected results, so it's important to keep track of the details.

All color management operations are dependent on a minimum of two profilesjust viewing a document involves the profile that describes the document and the profile that describes the display on which it's being viewedand many involve three or even more profiles. If you run into issues that don't appear to be a result of operator error, it's likely that one or more of the profiles involved is a weak link. If you approach the requisite debugging methodically, testing each profile in isolation, and changing one thing at a time, you're likely to find the culprit much quicker than you will by flailing around and changing multiple parameters willy-nilly.

Color management isn't a panacea, and it doesn't remove the need for intelligent human color correction. It's just a useful tool that provides a solid floor for you to stand on when you make your (hopefully intelligent, certainly human) corrections.

Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2(c) Industrial-Strength Production Techniques
Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2: Industrial-strength Production Techniques
ISBN: B000N7B9T6
Year: 2006
Pages: 220
Authors: Bruce Fraser © 2008-2017.
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