Getting Started with Terminal and a Shell

You can think of Terminal's command-line interface as a way to look "under the hood" of Mac OS X. You can see what's going on, and even poke around a bit, if you like. However, it's important to realize that working at the command line isn't really working in Terminal so much as through it. Terminal is simply a tool that acts as an intermediary between you and the command-line environment; it doesn't do much of anything itself (somewhat like the steering wheel and pedals of a car, which don't actually move the car down the road, but enable you to direct the engine and wheels).

The most important program in a command-line interface is the command shell. The shell is your agent, relaying your commands to the kernel and other programs, showing you their responses, and providing a programming environment in which you can execute commands and scripts. Modern shells also provide a great deal of assistance in managing the command line—to help make using other command-line programs more efficient. The default shell in OS X is called tcsh, and is used whenever you launch Terminal (unless you've specifically told the system to use a different shell); we'll look at tcsh later in the chapter. More advanced tcsh programming, including looping and if/else processing, is beyond the scope of this book, but if you'd like to read further, the tcsh manual page (and the Internet) contain a wealth of further information on shell programming.

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Command-Line Programs Included in Mac OS X

Hundreds of command-line programs are already installed on your Mac in several directories; the PATH variable lists these directories. I'll talk more about PATH later in the chapter (see "Variables"), but for now you might be interested in viewing a list of the available programs. Here are a few Terminal commands to try; since the echo, ls, and du commands only report data (i.e., they don't change anything), it's safe to experiment with them.

 echo $PATH <RETURN> 

  • Lists the directories on your computer where command-line programs are stored, sepa-rated by colons.

 ls /usr/bin <RETURN> 

  • Lists the programs residing in /usr/bin.

 du -ks /usr/bin/* | sort -n <RETURN> 

  • Lists the contents of /usr/bin, providing each file's size in kilobytes, sorted by size. The asterisk is what is called a wildcard; it means "any character or characters, including no characters," and tells the du command to list all files in /usr/bin.

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A command line generally consists of a command program (the first word of the line) followed by arguments that tell the program exactly what to do. When you press the return key, the shell interprets the command line, passes it to the specified program, and then displays the program's output, if there is any.

Most commands are individual programs, each much smaller than a full Mac application and located in one of the directories you saw in your PATH. However, each shell contains a set of built-in commands as well. In tcsh, typing builtins <RETURN> (try it now) lists these internal commands, and you can see instructions for using them in the tcsh manual page (under "Builtin commands"; I'll talk more about manual pages in a bit). Builtins like set and print-env manage tcsh itself; builtins like foreach and while provide programming functionality, and builtins like ls-F and time provide frequently used capabilities without execution of external programs.

Command Structure: An Example

Let's try a few simple commands and analyze what they do. The meanings of each argument are determined by the command they follow, but most arguments specify either files to manipulate (read, write, search, move, etc.) or options that modify the program's behavior.

Options (also called flags) modify the behavior of a command; for example, the grep command's -i option makes grep (a text-searching utility) ignore case when searching (the default is to search case sensitively). To help distinguish options from other arguments, options are normally preceded by a dash (-). They can be combined in any order; however, they must precede other (non-option) arguments on the command line. In addition to on/off switches, more complicated options may be followed by additional text, as a sort of argument to the option itself.


Unix filesystems and Unix programs are case sensitive, whereas the Classic Mac OS, OS X's Finder, and Apple's HFS and HFS Plus file systems are case insensitive and case preserving. For example, using UFS (the Unix File System), you can save different files named MyFile and myfile in the same directory, but on HFS Plus volumes the names are equivalent, so the second file overwrites the first. This is also important because Unix programs tend to be case sensitive, and assume that the file system is as well. For example, if you search for myfile in Terminal (even on an HFS Plus volume) the program you're using (locate, tcsh, ls, grep,etc.) will ignore MyFile, as it is assumed to be a different file. (Although you can force tcsh's command completion to be case insensitive with set complete=enhance <RETURN>. See the tcsh manual page under "Completion and listing" for full details.) For more information on the challenges of combining Unix and the Mac OS, check out

Finally, although the order of options is unimportant, the order of other arguments is generally very important. For example, the command grep/bin/sh/etc/rc would search for the string /bin/sh in the file /etc/rc (and would find it); if you instead used grep/etc/rc/bin/sh, it would search for any occurrence of the string /etc/rc in the file /bin/sh (and wouldn't find it).

Table 15.1 lists a few commonly used commands, along with their basic functions, some possible options, and normal arguments for each (if applicable).

Table 15.1: Some Basic Commands




Other Arguments


List files

"-l": use long listing format

"-F": show file-type suffixes

Which files to list, or which directories' contents to list (defaults to current directory)


Print Working Directory




Change Directory


Which directory to change to (defaults to user's home directory)



"-i": search case insensitively

"-v": search for non-matching lines

"-l": list files that match, but don't show the actual matches

1: string for which to search

2: file(s) to search


Download or Upload files

"-i": include http header in output

"-o file": save output in file (otherwise it is sent to standard output)

"-O": use the remote filename (from the URL) as the local filename

"-u user:password": provide this username and password to the remote sever; if pass word isn't supplied, curl will prompt for it (this is more secure, as command-line arguments may show up in ps and command history)

URLs (HTTP, FTP, or various other

formats) to get or put


Open in Finder

"-a": specify application for opening file

Which file/folder/application to open

Basic Commands: A Walk-through

It's time to see some of the commands I just talked about in action. Launch Terminal (or open a new Terminal window if it's already running) and follow along.

  1. Type ls <RETURN>. The output of the command lists the contents of the default directory. But what directory is that?

  2. Type pwd <RETURN> to see what the current working directory is. (The working directory is the one you are currently working in; it's a bit like the frontmost window in the Finder.) Chances are it will be /Users/YourUsername, your home directory—this is the default directory when you open a new shell session (Terminal window).

  3. Type ls / <RETURN>. This command shows the contents of the top level of the startup disk (called the root directory—distinct from the root user). If you had typed just ls <RETURN>, you would have gotten a listing of the current working directory—in this case your home folder. However, by providing a directory path (in this case, /) as an argument, you instructed the ls command to give you a listing of that directory, instead.


    In the Classic Mac OS (and from within applications in the Classic Environment), the top level of the file system is the Desktop, and each mounted volume appears there, along with any files in the Desktop Folder(s) of any mounted disks. In the OS X Finder, the top level of the file system is Computer, and all mounted disks and a Network item are there. In Unix (and therefore in Terminal in OS X), the top level of the file system is called "/" (the "root" of the file system) but is only the top-level directory of the startup volume; other disks and removable volumes are mounted inside /Volumes. (These are the most common layouts, although there are others that crop up in specific circumstances, such as Internet Explorer's Address field.) Because of these different—and confusing—approaches, it's important to realize that some items (particularly disks) are in different places depending on whether you're in a Classic, Cocoa, Carbon, or Unix application.

  4. To move to the root directory type cd / <RETURN>. Note that after this command, the prompt shows a slash instead of a tilde, since you're no longer in your home directory.


    As I discussed in Chapter 1, ~/ is a way of referring to your home directory, and / is a way of referring to the root directory. In the shell (Terminal), you can use ~ or ~/ to refer to your home directory. For example, to change to your home directory, type cd ~ <RETURN> or cd~/ <RETURN>. To refer to another user's home directory, use the username as well, as in ~username or ~username/ (or ~root or ~root/ for the home directory of the root user, /var/root by default).

  5. Now that the root level of your startup disk is the working directory, using ls without any arguments lists the files there, instead of listing those in your home directory. You can add the -l option (the letter "l", not the number one) for a detailed ("long") listing and the -F option to view file-type suffixes. (Since options can be combined and reordered, ls -lF, ls -Fl, ls -l -F, and ls -F -l are all equivalent.) In the detailed listing you'll see a few items with a dash in the first column and no suffix; these are standard files. Entries with a "d" in the first column and a slash suffix are directories. Files with an "l" in the first column and an @ symbol at the end are symbolic links (the Unix version of OS X's aliases); the long listing indicates the destination/target of the link using an arrow (e.g., var@ -> private/var).

  6. Type pwd <RETURN> to confirm that you're actually at the root level of the startup disk.

  7. Type cd <RETURN>. Note the prompt—it looks like you're back in your home directory, doesn't it? Type pwd <RETURN> to be sure. When you use the cd command without any arguments, it automatically (and conveniently) changes the active directory to your home directory.


Files and directories in Unix normally have lowercase names and no spaces (spaces would complicate commands); for example, etc and usr. Apple has traditionally capitalized the first letter of each word in file and folder names and (in OS 9 and earlier) often used spaces (e.g., System Folder, Control Panels). In OS X, Apple avoids spaces in filenames, but does use capital letters on Apple-installed items (e.g., StartupItems). This makes it easy to figure out that /etc/rc is a traditional Unix file, while /System/Library is an Apple creation. However, in Terminal, spaces in file or path names can create problems, because they can be interpreted as spaces between command arguments. If you need to type a filename with a space or punctuation character, you should either put quotes around the whole filename or pathname (e.g., ls '/SystemFolder' <RETURN>), or use a backslash (\) just before the special character to escape it, so it's interpreted as a standard ASCII character, rather than its special meaning (e.g., ls /System\ Folder <RETURN>).

Learning New Programs: The man Command

When you need to use an unfamiliar command-line program, the man command is your friend. The man program takes one or more program names as arguments, and shows a descriptive manual page (often called the man page) for each listed program. As an example, typing man ls <RETURN> describes the ls program, including all 26 of its options. Most of these options are rarely needed, but you'll find several that can be very useful, as seen in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2: Some Useful Options for ls




Include file-type suffixes


List subdirectories recursively


Show all files (normally, ls and other commands ignore files with names that start with a period, often called dotfiles; you'll remember from Chapter 5 that these files are normally invisible in the Finder)


Show directories and symbolic links, instead of the files they contain or point to


Use long format


Show sizes in kilobytes instead of bytes


Sort by modification date, recently modified items first

Most programs have fewer options than ls, and most options are never needed. However, as a new Unix user, you're likely to find yourself looking up many new and seldom-used commands for a while. Fortunately, man is powerful and easy to use. Unfortunately, manual pages are not always well written, and early versions of Mac OS X shipped with obsolete and incomplete man pages; Apple improved the state of man pages with OS X 10.1, and man pages in 10.2 are now generally correct and current.

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The man Command in Action: Leveraging Other Programs

The man command is a good example of Unix philosophy—it combines multiple programs to perform its function. Because command descriptions are often more than one screen long, man uses a pager program to allow keyboard-based scrolling through the manual "page." The most popular pagers in OS X are more and less, each of which has its own man page. Fortunately, less is compatible with more's commands, and both provide online help with the "h" key. Basic commands for both more and less are shown here.




Get help


Quit pager


Scroll one page


Search for word may actually be one or more characters, but punctuation marks may have special meanings, per grep).


Search for word, case insensitively


Repeat last command

In addition to the pager, man uses gzip to read manual page source files (which are normally compressed to save space). Both the more and less pagers, in turn, incorporate regular expression syntax taken from the grep command.

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To learn more about the man command itself, try man man. To find help when you aren't sure what command you need, try man -k word, where word is a word related to what you want to do; this will search the installed manual pages for occurrences of word in command names or descriptions. (You can also use apropos word, which is equivalent to man -k word.)

Finally, if reading long manual pages in Terminal is not your cup of tea, there are several utilities that present manual pages using a nice graphical interface; many even include clickable links to the manual pages of related commands. To view the current batch of these utilities, do a search for "man page" at on or

Shells: sh versus csh

Steve Bourne was the creator of the first Unix shell, and with classic Unix terseness named it sh. The sh shell is extremely powerful, but, in a deliberate attempt to make interactive use as similar as possible to programming or "scripting," lacks many convenience features. Several alternative shells are included in OS X, notably csh (the incompatible C shell, with syntax closer to the C programming language), Bourne's own sh-compatible bash (the "Bourne Again Shell"—the default on Linux systems), and the csh-compatible tcsh—OS X's default.

As a rule, shells are fully compatible with either sh or csh, layering additional features on top of one or the other. For example, OS X uses a copy of bash as sh, and tcsh as csh (see Listing 15.1). This works because bash is backwards compatible with sh, and tcsh is compatible with csh (more details are available in their man pages). For maximum portability, system scripts are normally written in the basic sh syntax, and avoid advanced features of other shells that may be unavailable on some systems. In fact, the Unix boot process is based on sh scripts. This makes understanding and modifying the system startup process much easier, as the basic levels of the system consistently use the sh dialect.

Listing 15.1: OS X includes several shells; here we see that sh and tcsh are located in /bin. If we look for other shells in /bin, we find that there are actually five. Finally, we see that sh is really bash, and that csh is actually the same as tcsh.

start example
 [g4:~] power% which sh tcsh /bin/sh /bin/tcsh g4:~] power% ls -l /bin/*sh -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  540884 Nov 22 19:47 /bin/bash -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  315136 Nov 22 19:47 /bin/csh -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  540884 Nov 22 19:47 /bin/sh -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  315136 Nov 22 19:47 /bin/tcsh -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  828780 Nov 22 19:47 /bin/zsh [g4:~] power% diff --report-identical-files /bin/sh /bin/bash Files /bin/sh and /bin/bash are identical [g4:~] power% diff --report-identical-files /bin/tcsh /bin/csh Files /bin/tcsh and /bin/csh are identical 
end example


While there are many differences between csh and sh syntax, they do not affect basic command invocation; rather, they show up in more advanced areas, such as variables, error redirection, conditional execution, and looping. Most examples in this chapter will work in any of the shells provided with OS X, but system scripts are written for sh, and user commands are normally written for tcsh. For more on variables in tcsh (which are handled differently than in sh-based shells), see the "Variables" section later in this chapter.

As mentioned above, the default shell for OS X is tcsh . This is a good choice, as tcsh is sophisticated and has many convenient features that make using a command line easier and more efficient. Several other shells are provided with OS X, including bash, that provide many of the same conveniences.

Using Another Shell

To try another shell temporarily, just type its name within your current shell (e.g., bash<RETURN>). This will run the specified shell as a command (i.e., within your default shell), until you exit (by typing exit <RETURN> or logout <RETURN>, or pressing control+D), at which point you'll return to tcsh.

Command-Line Assistance

One of the areas in which tcsh excels is assisting you with interactive use. The tcsh shell can complete words automatically for you, offers good support for editing of command lines, and stores previous command lines for reuse. In addition, it has a spell checker that is surprisingly successful at DWIM (do what I mean). Table 15.3 includes some keyboard shortcuts for command-line editing in tcsh (most also apply to bash).

Table 15.3: Keyboard Shortcuts in the tcsh shell and bash




Clear line (this works in most Unix programs, and will either clear the whole line, or clear only the part of the line from the cursor to the beginning, leaving everything afterwards)


Move cursor to beginning of line


Move cursor to end of line


Auto-complete current command/file/directory name (a beep here means there are ambiguous possibilities—type a bit more to remove the ambiguity, and then press tab again)

up arrow

Show previous command in history

down arrow

Show next command in history


Programming languages use variables to store working information, and shells are no exception. The tcsh shell uses both local and environment variables. Local variables are internal to a running copy of the shell, whereas environment variables are passed along to other programs the shell executes. Listing 15.2 shows an example of local variables in action.

Listing 15.2: Local variables in tcsh

start example
 [g4:~] power% set PROXYFTP        () PROXYHTTP       () _       cd .. addsuffix argv    () cwd     /Users/power dirstack        /Users/power echo_style      bsd edit gid     20 group   staff history 100 home    /Users/power loginsh owd     /Users/power/fink-0.5.0a-full path    (/sw/bin /sw/sbin /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin) prompt  [%m:%c3] %n%# prompt2 %R? prompt3 CORRECT>%R (y|n|e|a)? promptchars     %# shell   /bin/tcsh shlvl   1 status  0 tcsh    6.10.00 term    vt100 tty     ttyp4 uid     504 user    power version tcsh 6.10.00 (Astron) 2000-11-19 (powerpc-apple-darwin) options 8b,nls,dl,al,sm,rh,color 
end example

If you look at what tcsh keeps in its local variables, you should recognize a lot of shell housekeeping information, such as the prompt string, working directory, username and user ID (uid), and various other bits. These variables are set automatically during tcsh's initialization process, but tcsh's behavior can be customized by setting a variety of additional special variables (explained under "Special shell variables" in the tcsh man page).

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Shell Prompts

Unix shells normally present a prompt when they are ready to receive commands. You type in the desired command at the prompt and then press the return key to process it. When the system finishes executing the command, it presents another prompt. Prompts are generally controlled by a local prompt variable, and can provide useful information. Apple's default value for prompt is [%m:%c3] %n%#, which expands to [<hostname>:<current directory>] <username><prompt character>.

Each time tcsh presents a prompt, it scans through the value of the prompt variable, converting special tokens (sequences of characters starting with a percent sign) to the correct values, and then displays the prompt. The %c3 token is expanded to the current directory, truncated to the last three (3) path elements so the prompt doesn't fill the whole line. The final prompt character indicates what type of shell is running. If the shell is running as root, the prompt will be #; if the user is not root, and the shell is csh-based, the prompt character is normally %, whereas sh shells use $ as the default non-root prompt. For example, on a system named g4, the initial prompt for the user power would be [g4:~] power%. To see other tokens you can put into your prompt, read the prompt entry under "Special shell variables" in the tcsh manual page.

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To manage local variables, tcsh provides the set command. Without any arguments, set shows all local variables and their values (see Listing 15.2). To set a variable, use the command set myvariable=myvalue <RETURN>, which creates myvariable (if it wasn't already defined) and sets its value to myvalue. For example, the following command creates a new variable, quantity and sets its value to 10:

    [g4:~] power% set quantity=10    [g4:~] power% 

The echo command prints the arguments it receives from the shell (which does variable expansion before passing them along to echo), so it is often used to show the values of variables. For example:

    [g4:~] power% echo quantity    quantity     [g4:~] power% 

Not what you expected? The above command told the shell to simply echo the word quantity. To use the value of a variable in a command line, precede its name with a dollar sign ($):

    [g4:~] power% echo $quantity    10    [g4:~] power% 

This usage tells the shell to send the value of the quantity variable to the echo program.


Unfortunately, sh and csh use different syntax to set variables, but use them similarly once set. More detail is available under "Variable substitution" in the tcsh manual page and under "Variables and Parameters" and the export command description in the sh manual page.

Environment variables are very similar to local variables, but as I mentioned previously, environment variables are passed along to other programs the shell executes. Environment variables are more important than local shell variables because they affect every program you run (local variables only affect the shell itself). To help you distinguish them from local variables, environment variables generally use capitalized names (local variables are usually low-ercase). The tcsh shell complicates things a bit by using several local variables (such as path) that correspond to environment variables (such as PATH), but for the most part the distinction holds true. Listing 15.3 shows environment variables used by tcsh.

Listing 15.3: Environment variables in tcsh

start example
 [g4:~] power% setenv TERM=vt100 USER=power HOME=/Users/power SHELL=/bin/tcsh HOSTTYPE=macintosh VENDOR=apple OSTYPE=darwin MACHTYPE=powerpc SHLVL=1 PWD=/Users/power LOGNAME=power GROUP=staff PATH=/sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin MANPATH=/sw/share/man:/sw/man:/usr/local/share/man: /usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man INFOPATH=/sw/share/info:/sw/info:/usr/local/share/info: /usr/local/lib/info:/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info PERL5LIB=/sw/lib/perl5 [g4:~] power% setenv HOSTTYPE g4 [g4:~] power% echo $HOSTTYPE g4 [g4:~] power% 
end example

The most important variable for everyday use is PATH, which controls where the shell (and other programs) looks for commands. Think how tiresome typing /usr/bin/ls /Users/username <RETURN> each time you wanted to use the ls command would become! With the PATH environment variable set to include the directory that contains the ls program (/usr/bin) and the PWD variable set to /Users/username, tcsh can expand ls to /usr/bin/ls for you, and ls knows to display /Users/username if you don't specify otherwise.

To define and assign environment variables, use the setenv command; its syntax is similar to that of set, but with a space instead of the equal sign.

Command Aliases

In addition to programs and builtins, a shell command might also be an alias. Not to be confused with Finder aliases, command aliases are user-defined commands that can be used to override existing commands (perhaps by making rm require confirmation before deleting files) or to create new shortcut commands with your favorite options, such as making l mean ls -lF. An alias command consists of a command word (the alias) and the command (and any options) you want executed when you use the alias (called the expansion).

To create a new alias, you need to use the alias command with two or more arguments: the first argument is the name of the new alias, and the rest of the line its expansion. For example, typing alias shedit pico ~/.cshrc <RETURN> creates a new alias, shedit, that, when typed in Terminal, is expanded by the shell to the command pico ~/.cshrc (which opens your shell configuration file in the pico text editor). I created this alias for myself because I could never remember the name ".cshrc"—I would always type ".schrc" or some other variation. Now whenever I want to edit my shell configuration, I simply type shedit <RETURN>.

When used without any arguments, the alias command lists any defined aliases (Apple doesn't provide any by default, so you probably won't see any if you try this and you haven't created any aliases of your own). If you use the alias command followed by a defined alias name, tcsh will show the expansion for that alias. If you decide you want to get rid of an alias, simply type unalias aliasname <RETURN> to remove it. These instructions for using aliases may sound complicated, but alias is actually quite simple and extremely useful. See Listing 15.4 for an example.

Listing 15.4: Using alias and unalias (the first line produces no response because no aliases exist yet)

start example
 [g4:~] power% alias [g4:~] power% alias rm rm -i [g4:~] power% alias l ls-F [g4:~] power% alias sw ssh www [g4:~] power% alias l       ls-F rm      (rm -i) sw      (ssh www) [g4:~] power% alias rm rm -i [g4:~] power% l Desktop/   Library/   Music/      Public/ Documents/ Movies/    Pictures/   Sites/ [g4:~] power% unalias l [g4:~] power% alias rm      (rm -i) sw      (ssh www) 
end example


Note that if you use the alias command during a shell session, the alias you created is only valid until you log out. To make sure an alias is always available, you need to add it to your shell configuration file (see the sidebar "Making Permanent Changes to tcsh").

start sidebar
Making Permanent Changes to tcsh

Changes made to tcsh during a shell session are normally lost after logout. To enable you to make changes that affect all future tcsh sessions, tcsh sources (executes the contents of) several files each time it starts (as described in the tcsh manual page under "Startup and shutdown"). First, each time tcsh starts, it executes any commands included in /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login. (These are the system-wide initialization files, since every tcsh user on the system uses them.) In addition, if ~/.tcshrc (a .tcshrc file in your personal home directory) exists, tcsh will source that; if not, it will source ~/.cshrc, if available. Finally, tcsh sources the file ~/.login if it exists.

This can all be confusing, but on a single-user system you can simply put tcsh commands in ~/.cshrc, and they will be run every time you log in. If you have a ~/.tcshrc file, it will be used instead of ~/.cshrc. Since Apple doesn't provide either of these files for new users, you shouldn't have any trouble as long as you use one or the other consistently.

To create your own .cshrc or .tcshrc file that will be sourced every time tcsh runs, you can use any text editor that can read and save Unix-style line breaks (including Apple's TextEdit, if you choose Plain Text from the Format menu). You can include whatever tcsh commands you want, but set, setenv, and alias are the most common. Note that if you have BBEdit ( version 7.0 or later installed, you can actually type bbedit -u ~/.cshrc <RETURN> (or ~/.tcshrc) in Terminal to edit the file in BBEdit.

In versions of OS X prior to Jaguar, Apple customized tcsh extensively, activating useful features that are generally disabled by default. With the release of Jaguar, Apple disabled most of this customization, making tcsh behave more like it does on other platforms. To see Apple's previous enhancements, check out the files in /usr/share/tcsh/examples.

end sidebar


Wildcard expansion is an extremely useful shell feature (handled similarly in both sh-based and csh-based shells, fortunately). Wildcards are characters with special meaning to the shell; the two most common wildcards are the question mark, ?, which stands for exactly one instance of any character (like a Joker, which can substitute for any other card), and the asterisk, *, which can represent anything, from nothing to a sequence of different characters. When you type a command containing wildcard characters and press the return key to execute it, tcsh examines each word containing wildcards and computes all the valid filenames that match the typed pattern; it then replaces the wildcard word with all the matches alphabetically. That sounds far more complicated than wildcards really are; here's an example that illustrates the concept more clearly:

    [g4:~] power% ls /bin/*sh    /bin/bash /bin/csh /bin/sh    /bin/tcsh /bin/zsh    [g4:~] power% ls /bin/?sh    /bin/csh /bin/zsh    [g4:~] power% ls /bin/??sh    /bin/bash /bin/tcsh    [g4:~] power% ls /bin/bash /bin/tcsh    /bin/bash /bin/tcsh 

In this example, *sh means "any word of any length that ends in sh"; ?sh means "any three-letter word that ends in sh"; and ??sh means "any four-letter word that ends in sh."

Shell Scripts

If you type one or more valid commands into a text file and then save the file as myscript (just an example name), you can execute all of the commands contained in that file, one after another, by typing sh /pathtofile/myscript <RETURN> or tcsh /pathtofile/myscript <RETURN> (depending on what scripting syntax you used when writing the commands).


To make a proper shell script that will garner the respect of Unix users everywhere, you should add comments describing what the script does and an initial line identifying which interpreter (shell) the script is written for, and give the script execute permission (using the command chmod u+x myscript <RETURN> in Terminal), so that it can be run as a normal program. To make sure your comments aren't interpreted by the shell as commands, begin each comment line with #. When the shell reads the script, it ignores everything after #, until the end of the line. In addition, the first line of a script is special; it should use the format #!/path to interpreter (i.e., #!/bin/sh for an sh script).

In fact, a significant proportion of the programs on a Unix system are just sophisticated scripts, as we can see by examining the programs in /usr/bin using the ls and file commands (Listing 15.5). In this example, we see that there are 552 programs (wc -l counts the number of lines in the listing), which includes over 50 sh scripts, over 400 compiled programs, and 40 perl scripts (grep -c counts the number of files that contain the designated text—which indicates each type of script—in the directory).

Listing 15.5: Types of Files in /usr/bin

start example
 [g4:~] power% ls /usr/bin | wc -l 552 [g4:~] power% file /usr/bin/* | grep -c Bourne 55 [g4:~] power% file /usr/bin/* | grep -c "C shell" 3 [g4:~] power% file /usr/bin/* | grep -c Mach-O 407 [g4:~] power% file /usr/bin/* | grep -c perl 40 
end example

In fact, if you think way back to Chapter 3, I pointed out that part of the OS X system initialization process is the execution of the script /etc/rc. Listing 15.6 shows the first 20 lines of /etc/rc, so you can see an example of an sh script.

Listing 15.6: How does OS X finish starting up? It runs an sh script!

start example
 [g4:~] power% file /etc/rc /etc/rc: Bourne shell script text [g4:~] power% head -20 /etc/rc #!/bin/sh ## # Multi-user startup script. # # Copyright 1997-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. # # Customize system startup by adding scripts to the startup # directory, rather than editing this file. ## ## # Set shell to ignore Control-C, etc. # Prevent inadvertent problems caused by interrupting the shell during boot. ## stty intr  undef stty kill  undef stty quit  undef stty susp  undef [g4:~] power% 
end example

Program Input and Output

One of the concepts that makes Unix so powerful and flexible is the premise that small, reusable programs can be combined to perform complex tasks. A program that takes input, processes it in some way, and produces output is called a filter, and extremely powerful processes can be created by combining simple filters. Among the most useful filters are grep, which searches for matching text, and sort, which can merge and/or sort files (sorting in forward or reverse order, alphabetically or numerically). Results may be saved to a file, fed to a pager like more or less, or passed on to another program, such as head or tail (to select the top or bottom lines from the summary of matches).

Pipes ("|")

Pipes accept the output of one program (called stdout, for standard output) and feed it to another program's input (called stdin, for standard input); pipelines may connect several different programs together, each with its own options. (I actually showed you a few examples of pipelines in Listing 15.6.) The pipeline ls -lt /usr/bin | more <RETURN>, for example, lists programs in /usr/bin, with details, sorted chronologically, one page at a time. In Listing 15.7, | head -5 shows the first 5 lines of output and | wc -l counts lines.

Listing 15.7: Sample pipelines

start example
 [g4:~] power% ls -lt /var/log | head -5 total 888 -rw-r-----  1 root  admin   35493 Jan 15 21:27 system.log -rw-r-----  1 root  admin   14140 Jan 15 18:58 lastlog -rw-r-----  1 root  admin    3492 Jan 15 18:58 wtmp -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  175874 Jan 15 03:15 daily.out [g4:~] power% ls /usr/bin|wc -l      552 
end example

File Redirection ("<" and ">")

The shell has built-in operators that allow you to use a file at the beginning of a pipeline (to read data from it) or at the end of a pipeline (to write data to it). To effectively use a file as the beginning of a pipeline, you use <, which tells the command to read from the file (technically, tcsh connects the command's standard input to the specified file). Similarly, > tells the shell to put output from the command into a file (>> tells the shell to append output to the end of an existing file, instead of replacing the contents of the file).


Many command-line programs support reading from and writing to files internally (i.e., the program itself reads and/or writes, instead of piping data in and out using the shell). The two techniques are normally equivalent, but some programs only support one or the other. For shell scripts, standard input and output tend to be much easier, since the script has its own stdin and stdout that can be redirected at runtime.

Errors and warnings are handled as a separate file that also goes to the terminal intermingled with standard output; these errors and warnings are not picked up automatically when redirecting standard output, since they might require different handling than non-error output. To redirect these errors, called standard error, use >& (or >>& to append).


Basic pipes and input/output redirection are very similar between sh and csh, but redirecting standard error is different in csh or tcsh than in sh or bash.

To illustrate file redirection, in Listing 15.8 I echo into a file (instead of Terminal), overwrite the file with a second use of echo, and then—using a third echo—append to the file instead of replacing it. The second half of the example confirms that using a file argument for grep is equivalent to using grep without arguments (so that it searches standard input) and then feeding the file into grep's stdin.

Listing 15.8: Using input/output redirection

start example
 [g4:~] power% echo 1 > testfile [g4:~] power% cat testfile 1 [g4:~] power% echo 2 > testfile [g4:~] power% cat testfile 2 [g4:~] power% echo 3 >> testfile [g4:~] power% cat testfile 2 3 [g4:~] power% grep -i computer ~/Library/Preferences/  <key>ComputerOptions</key>   <key>ComputerBackgroundType</key>   <key>ComputerIconViewArrangeBy</key>   <key>ComputerIconViewIconSize</key>   <key>ComputerScrollPosition</key>   <key>ComputerToolbarVisible</key>   <key>ComputerUseCustomIconViewOptions</key>   <key>ComputerViewStyle</key> [g4:~] power% grep -i computer < ~/Library/Preferences/  <key>ComputerOptions</key>   <key>ComputerBackgroundType</key>   <key>ComputerIconViewArrangeBy</key>   <key>ComputerIconViewIconSize</key>   <key>ComputerScrollPosition</key>   <key>ComputerToolbarVisible</key>   <key>ComputerUseCustomIconViewOptions</key>   <key>ComputerViewStyle</key> [g4:~] power% 
end example

Inline Execution (` `)

Sometimes you need to use the output of one command as arguments to another command, instead of as standard input. Unix provides backticks (the ` character, generally the unshifted tilde key, above the tab key) to do this, as shown in Listing 15.9. In the first example, which produces a list of directories; in the second example, the output of the which command is used as arguments for the ls command, producing a listing of those directories.

Listing 15.9: Using backticks to feed filenames from the which command's standard output to another command as arguments

start example
 [g4:~/Library/Preferences] power% which bash sh tcsh csh /bin/bash /bin/sh /bin/tcsh /bin/csh  [g4:~/Library/Preferences] power% ls -l `which bash sh tcsh csh` -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  540884 Dec 19 22:19 /bin/bash -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  315136 Dec 19 22:19 /bin/csh -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  540884 Dec 19 22:19 /bin/sh -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  315136 Dec 19 22:19 /bin/tcsh 
end example


Be careful connecting programs when working with filenames that contain spaces. If one program generates a line with a filename such as System Folder, and another program processes that line, it may incorrectly treat System and Folder as two different files. If you want to pass filenames with spaces, you can put double quotes around the backticks, as in du -ks echo "`find ~ -type d`".

Mac OS X Power Tools
Mac OS X Power Tools
ISBN: 0782141927
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 152
Authors: Dan Frakes © 2008-2017.
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