Calling Methods

Calling a method is simplemuch simpler than creating one! So far, I've had you create two methods. Each of these methods contains code like that used in no less than three places in your form! You're now going to remove all of that duplicate code, replacing it with calls to the common methods you've just written. Follow these steps to make this happen:


Double-click frmViewer.cs in the Solution Explorer to view the form in the Form Designer.


The first code you're going to replace is the Open Picture code you've entered for the Open Picture button on the toolbar. Double-click the Open Picture button to access its Click event. Delete all the code between the opening and closing braces of the procedure (see Figure 10.5).

Figure 10.5. Delete this code and replace it with the procedure call.


With the old code deleted, enter the following statement:


That's it! To call a custom method, you simply call it like you would a built-in Visual C# method. If the method expected one or more parameters, you would enter them between the parentheses (you'll do this shortly).


We still have two other places in which we used the Open Picture code. Double-click frmViewer.cs in the Solution Explorer to return to design view of the form, click the File menu to open up your menu, and then double-click the Open Picture menu item.


Delete the code in the Click event, and replace it with the following:


Return to the form designer once more.

So far, you've only created methods that don't return values. As you now know, calling a method is as easy as referencing the class name, then a period, and then the method name and parenthesis. For methods that return values, calling them is a little different. Consider this little method:

private long AddTwoNumbers(int intFirst, int intSecond) {    return intFirst + intSecond; }

This method accepts two parameters, adds them together, and returns their sum.

When calling a method that returns a value, think of the method in terms of the value it returns. For example, when you set a form's Height property, you set it with code like this:

MyForm.Height = 200;

This statement sets a form's height to 200. Suppose that you want to use the AddTwoNumbers() method to determine the Height of the form. Thinking of the procedure in terms of the value it returns, you could replace the literal value with the method, like the following:

MyForm.Height = this.AddTwoNumbers(1, 5);

In this example, the form's height would be set to 6 because you passed 1 and 5 to the parameters of the method, and the method added them together. In the next section, I show you how to work with parameters in more detail.

By the Way

When calling methods that return values, you must treat the method call as you would treat the literal value returned by the method. This often means placing a method call on the right side of an equal sign or embedding it in an expression.

At this time, you've created a procedure and called it from two locationsyour application is really taking shape! Now that you've got a toolbar and a menu, you no longer need the buttons that you first created in Hour 1, "Jumping In with Both Feet: A Visual C# 2005 Programming Tour."

Follow these steps to get rid of the buttons:


Double-click the Select Picture button on the right side of the form (you'll need to return to the form designer first). Remove the entire event procedure, including the procedure declaration that begins with private and the closing parenthesis (see Figure 10.6).

Figure 10.6. When deleting a procedure, you must delete the declaration and the closing brace as well.


Go back to the Form Designer by clicking the frmViewer.cs[Design]* tab at the top of the work area. You've deleted the actual event procedure, but Visual C# still has an internal reference to the event, and if you try to run your code now you will get a compile error. In fact, run the project now to see the build error. Click No when asked if you want to run the latest build.


You will then return to the designer and the Error List at the bottom will contain a single error. Double-click the error to go to it in code.


You'll notice that there is still a code reference to the procedure you just deleted (see Figure 10.7). This is the statement that connects the clicking of the button to the event procedure you deleted. When you delete an event procedure, Visual C# doesn't delete this reference automatically. To fix this, delete the entire statement that references the deleted procedure. Your code will now run.

Figure 10.7. You have to remove references to an event when you delete the event procedure.


Return to the form designer and click the Select Picture button on the form to give it the focus. Next, press Delete to delete the button.


Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the Quit button, the Draw Border button, and the Options button. Be sure to delete the procedures for each of them!

Your screen should now look like Figure 10.8.

Figure 10.8. The buttons are no longer necessary, now that you have menus and toolbars.


Go ahead and clean up the form further. Set the Location property of the X label to 334,264, and set the Location property of the Y label to 334,277. Finally, set the Size the of the Picture box to 320,264. Now your form should look like Figure 10.9.

Figure 10.9. Much better!

Passing Parameters

Parameters are used within a procedure to allow the calling code to pass data into the procedure. You've already seen how parameters are definedwithin the parentheses of a method declaration. A parameter definition consists of the data type and a name for the parameter, as shown here in bold (parameters always appear in parenthesis):

private MyProcedure(string strMyStringParameter)

By the Way

After you've read about variables in Hour 11, this structure will make much more sense. Here, I just want you to get the general idea of how to define and use parameters.

You can define multiple parameters for a procedure by separating them with a comma, like this:

private MyProcedure(string strMyStringParameter,                     string intMyIntegerParameter)

A calling procedure passes data to the parameters by way of arguments. This is mostly a semantic issue; when defined in the declaration of a method or event procedure, the item is called a parameter. When the item is part of the statement that calls the procedure, it's called an argument. Arguments are passed within parenthesesthe same as how parameters are defined. If a procedure has multiple arguments, you separate them with commas. For example, you could pass values to the procedure just defined using a statement such as this:

MyProcedure("This is a string", 11);

The parameter acts like an ordinary variable within the procedure. Remember, variables are storage entities whose values can be changed. In the statement shown previously, we sent literal values to the procedure. We could have also sent the values of variables like this:

MyProcedure(strAString, intAnInteger);

An important thing to note about passing variables in Visual C# is that parameters are passed by value rather than by reference. When passed by value, the procedure receives a copy of the data. Changes to the parameter do not affect the value of the original variable. When passed by reference, on the other hand, the parameter is actually a pointer to the original variable. Changes made to the parameter within the procedure propagate to the original variable. To pass a parameter by reference, you preface the parameter definition with the keyword ref as shown here:

public void MyMethod(ref string strMyStringParameter,                             int intMyIntegerParameter)

Parameters defined without ref are passed by value; this is the default behavior of parameters in Visual C#. Therefore, in the declaration above, the first parameter is passed by reference, whereas the second parameter is passed by value.

You already created a procedure that accepts a parameter. Let's take another look:

private void DrawBorder(PictureBox objPicturebox) {    Graphics objGraphics = null;    objGraphics = this.CreateGraphics();    objGraphics.Clear(SystemColors.Control);    objGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue,          objPicturebox.Left - 1, objPicturebox.Top - 1,          objPicturebox.Width + 1, objPicturebox.Height + 1);    objGraphics.Dispose(); }

Follow these steps to hook up the procedure:


Display the frmViewer form in the Form Designer.


Double-click the Draw Border button on the toolbar and delete the contents of the procedure.


Enter the following statement in the Click event:



Return to the Form Designer once more (you should know how by now), click the Tools menu on your form, and then double-click the Draw Border item.


Replace all the code within the procedure with this statement:


You've now hooked up your menus and toolstrip. Press F5 to run your program and try the various menu items and tool buttons (see Figure 10.10). The Confirm on Exit button still doesn't work, but you'll hook that up in the next chapter.

Figure 10.10. Professional applications demand good procedure design in addition to good interface design.

Go ahead and stop the running project and save your work.

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Visual C# 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit
ISBN: 0672327406
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 248
Authors: James Foxall © 2008-2017.
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