
Mac javax.crypto

Java 1.4 cloneable

This class defines an API for computing a message authentication code (MAC) that can check the integrity of information transmitted between two parties that share a secret key. A MAC is similar to a digital signature, except that it is generated with a secret key rather than with a public/private key pair. The Mac class is algorithm-independent and provider-based. Obtain a Mac object by calling one of the static getInstance( ) factory methods and specifying the name of the desired MAC algorithm and, optionally , the name of the provider of the desired implementation. In Java 5.0 The "SunJCE" provider implement MAC algorithms with the following names :







After obtaining a Mac object, initialize it by calling the init( ) method and specifying a SecretKey and, optionally, a object. The "HmacMD5" and "HmacSHA1" algorithms can use any kind of SecretKey ; they are not restricted to a particular cryptographic algorithm. And neither algorithm requires an AlgorithmParameterSpec object.

After obtaining and initializing a Mac object, specify the data for which the MAC is to be computed. If the data is contained in a single byte array, simply pass it to doFinal( ) . If the data is streaming or is stored in various locations, you can supply the data in multiple calls to update( ) . In Java 5.0, you can pass a ByteBuffer to update( ) which facilities use with the java.nio New I/O API. End the series of update( ) calls with a single call to doFinal( ) . Note that some versions of doFinal( ) return the MAC data as the function return value. Another version stores the MAC data in a byte array you supply. If you use this version of doFinal( ) , be sure to call getMacLength( ) to instantiate an array of the correct length.

A call to doFinal( ) resets the internal state of a Mac object. If you want to compute a MAC for part of your data and then proceed to compute the MAC for the full data, you should clone( ) the Mac object before calling doFinal( ) . Note, however, that Mac implementations are not required to implement Cloneable .

Figure 17-6. javax.crypto.Mac

 public class  Mac  implements Cloneable {  // Protected Constructors  protected  Mac  (MacSpi  macSpi  ,  provider  , String  algorithm  );  // Public Class Methods  public static final Mac  getInstance  (String  algorithm  )          throws;        public static final Mac  getInstance  (String  algorithm  , String  provider  )          throws,;        public static final Mac  getInstance  (String  algorithm  ,  provider  )         throws;  // Public Instance Methods  public final byte[ ]  doFinal  ( ) throws IllegalStateException;        public final byte[ ]  doFinal  (byte[ ]  input  ) throws IllegalStateException;        public final void  doFinal  (byte[ ]  output  , int  outOffset  )          throws ShortBufferException, IllegalStateException;        public final String  getAlgorithm  ( );        public final int  getMacLength  ( );        public final  getProvider  ( );        public final void  init  (  key  ) throws;        public final void  init  (  key  ,         .AlgorithmParameterSpec  params  ) throws,;        public final void  reset  ( );        public final void  update  (byte  input  ) throws IllegalStateException;  5.0  public final void  update  (java.nio.ByteBuffer  input  );        public final void  update  (byte[ ]  input  ) throws IllegalStateException;        public final void  update  (byte[ ]  input  , int  offset  , int  len  ) throws IllegalStateException;  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public final Object  clone  ( ) throws CloneNotSupportedException;   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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