
CollationKey java.text

Java 1.1 comparable

CollationKey objects compare strings more quickly than is possible with ) . Objects of this class are returned by Collation.getCollationKey( ) . To compare two CollationKey objects, invoke the compareTo( ) method of key A , passing the key B as an argument (both CollationKey objects must be created through the same Collation object). The return value of this method is less than zero if the key A is collated before the key B , equal to zero if they are equivalent for the purposes of collation, or greater than zero if the key A is collated after the key B . Use getSourceString( ) to obtain the string represented by a CollationKey .

Figure 15-5. java.text.CollationKey

 public final class  CollationKey  implements Comparable<CollationKey> {  // No Constructor   // Public Instance Methods  public int  compareTo  (CollationKey  target  );  Implements:  Comparable      public String  getSourceString  ( );        public byte[ ]  toByteArray  ( );  // Methods Implementing Comparable  public int  compareTo  (CollationKey  target  );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  target  );        public int  hashCode  ( );   } 

Returned By

Collator.getCollationKey( ) , RuleBasedCollator.getCollationKey( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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