
Templates javax.xml.transform

Java 1.4

This interface represents a set of transformation instructions for transforming a Source document into a Result document. The javax.xml.transform package is nominally independent of type of transformation, but in practice, an object of this type always represents the compiled form of an XSLT stylesheet. Obtain a Templates object from a transformerFactory object, or with a javax.xml.transform.sax.TemplatesHandler . Once you have a Templates object, you can use the newTRansformer( ) method to create a transformer object for applying the templates to a Source to produce a Result document.

getOutputProperties( ) returns a java.util.Properties object that defines name /value pairs specifying details about how a textual version of the Result document should be produced. These properties are specified in an XSLT stylesheet with the <xsl:output> element. The constants defined by the OutputKeys are legal output property names . The returned Properties object contains explicitly properties directly, and contains default values in a parent Properties object. This means that if you query a property value with getProperty( ) , you'll get an explicitly specified value of a default value. On the other hand, if you query a property with the get( ) method (inherited by Properties from its superclass) you'll get a property value if it was explictly specified in the stylesheet, or null if it was not specified. The returned Properties object is a clone of the internal value, so you can modify it (before passing it to the setOutputProperties( ) method of a TRansformer object, for example) without affecting the Templates object.

Templates implementations are required to be threadsafe. A Templates object can be used to create any number of transformer objects.

 public interface  Templates  {  // Public Instance Methods  java.util.Properties  getOutputProperties  ( );        Transformer  newTransformer  ( ) throws TransformerConfigurationException;   } 

Passed To

javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory.{newTransformerHandler( ) , newXMLFilter( )}

Returned By

transformerFactory.newTemplates( ) , javax.xml.transform.sax.TemplatesHandler.getTemplates( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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