21.5 Remote MUD Interfaces

Example 21-4 is a Mud class that serves as a placeholder for inner classes and interfaces (and one constant) used by the rest of the MUD system. Most importantly, Mud defines three Remote interfaces: RemoteMudServer, RemoteMudPerson, and RemoteMudPlace. These define the remote methods that are implemented by the MudServer, MudPerson, and MudPlace objects, respectively.

Example 21-4. Mud.java
package je3.rmi; import java.rmi.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.IOException; /**  * This class defines three nested Remote interfaces for use by our MUD game.  * It also defines a bunch of exception subclasses, and a constant string  * prefix used to create unique names when registering MUD servers  **/ public class Mud {     /**      * This interface defines the exported methods of the MUD server object      **/     public interface RemoteMudServer extends Remote {         /** Return the name of this MUD */         public String getMudName( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Return the main entrance place for this MUD */         public RemoteMudPlace getEntrance( ) throws RemoteException;                   /** Look up and return some other named place in this MUD */         public RemoteMudPlace getNamedPlace(String name)              throws RemoteException, NoSuchPlace;                  /**           * Dump the state of the server to a file so that it can be restored          * later. All places, and their exits and things, are dumped, but the          * "people" in them are not.          **/         public void dump(String password, String filename)              throws RemoteException, BadPassword, IOException;     }          /**      * This interface defines the methods exported by a "person" object that      * is in the MUD.      **/     public interface RemoteMudPerson extends Remote {         /** Return a full description of the person */         public String getDescription( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Deliver a message to the person */         public void tell(String message) throws RemoteException;     }          /**      * This is the most important remote interface for the MUD.  It defines the      * methods exported by the "places" or "rooms" within a MUD.  Each place      * has a name and a description, and also maintains a list of "people" in      * the place, things in the place, and exits from the place.  There are      * methods to get a list of names for these people, things, and exits.      * There are methods to get the RemoteMudPerson object for a named person,      * to get a description of a named thing, and to go through a named exit.      * There are methods for interacting with other people in the MUD.  There      * are methods for building the MUD by creating and destroying things,      * adding new places (and new exits to those places), for linking a place      * through a new exit to some other place (possibly on another MUD server),      * and for closing down an existing exit.      **/     public interface RemoteMudPlace extends Remote {         /** Look up the name of this place */         public String getPlaceName( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Get a description of this place */         public String getDescription( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Find out the names of all people here */         public Vector getNames( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Get the names of all things here */         public Vector getThings( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Get the names of all ways out of here */         public Vector getExits( ) throws RemoteException;                  /** Get the RemoteMudPerson object for the named person. */         public RemoteMudPerson getPerson(String name)              throws RemoteException, NoSuchPerson;                  /** Get more details about a named thing */         public String examineThing(String name)             throws RemoteException,NoSuchThing;                  /** Use the named exit */         public RemoteMudPlace go(RemoteMudPerson who, String direction)              throws RemoteException,NotThere,AlreadyThere,NoSuchExit,LinkFailed;                  /** Send a message of the form "David: hi everyone" */         public void speak(RemoteMudPerson speaker, String msg)              throws RemoteException, NotThere;                  /** Send a message of the form "David laughs loudly" */         public void act(RemoteMudPerson speaker, String msg)              throws RemoteException, NotThere;                  /** Add a new thing in this place */         public void createThing(RemoteMudPerson who, String name,                                  String description)              throws RemoteException, NotThere, AlreadyThere;                  /** Remove a thing from this place */         public void destroyThing(RemoteMudPerson who, String thing)              throws RemoteException, NotThere, NoSuchThing;                  /**          * Create a new place, bi-directionally linked to this one by an exit          **/         public void createPlace(RemoteMudPerson creator,                                  String exit, String entrance,                                 String name, String description)              throws RemoteException,NotThere,                    ExitAlreadyExists,PlaceAlreadyExists;         /**           * Link this place (unidirectionally) to some existing place.  The          * destination place may even be on another server.          **/         public void linkTo(RemoteMudPerson who, String exit,                             String hostname, String mudname, String placename)              throws RemoteException, NotThere, ExitAlreadyExists, NoSuchPlace;                  /** Remove an existing exit */         public void close(RemoteMudPerson who, String exit)              throws RemoteException, NotThere, NoSuchExit;                  /**           * Remove this person from this place, leaving them nowhere.          * Send the specified message to everyone left in the place.          **/         public void exit(RemoteMudPerson who, String message)              throws RemoteException, NotThere;                  /**          * Put a person in a place, assigning their name, and sending the           * specified message to everyone else in the place.  The client should          * not make this method available to the user.  They should use go( )          * instead.          **/         public void enter(RemoteMudPerson who, String name, String message)              throws RemoteException, AlreadyThere;                  /**           * Return the server object of the MUD that "contains" this place           * This method should not be directly visible to the player          **/         public RemoteMudServer getServer( ) throws RemoteException;     }          /**      * This is a generic exception class that serves as the superclass      * for a bunch of more specific exception types       **/     public static class MudException extends Exception {  }          /**      * These specific exception classes are thrown in various contexts.      * The exception class name contains all the information about the       * exception; no detail messages are provided by these classes.      **/     public static class NotThere extends MudException {  }     public static class AlreadyThere extends MudException {  }     public static class NoSuchThing extends MudException {  }     public static class NoSuchPerson extends MudException {  }     public static class NoSuchExit extends MudException {  }     public static class NoSuchPlace extends MudException {  }     public static class ExitAlreadyExists extends MudException {  }     public static class PlaceAlreadyExists extends MudException {  }     public static class LinkFailed extends MudException {  }     public static class BadPassword extends MudException {  }          /**      * This constant is used as a prefix to the MUD name when the server      * registers the mud with the RMI Registry, and when the client looks       * up the MUD in the registry.  Using this prefix helps prevent the       * possibility of name collisions.      **/     static final String mudPrefix = "je3.rmi.Mud."; }

Java Examples in a Nutshell
Java Examples in a Nutshell, 3rd Edition
ISBN: 0596006209
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 285

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