Edit the Buttons

Formatting buttons involves two components: the buttons' text (if there is any), and the buttons' shape. When editing buttons, the settings apply to all buttons and submenus on the page. These controls are also found in the Settings pane.


Customize the text's appearance by choosing Font, Color, and Size, and whether it should include a drop shadow.


Choose an alignment for the button's text. For buttons that are just text, the alignment dictates how the buttons line up in relation to one another.

Aligned left

Aligned right


To use a different shape (or in this case, to use a button shape in addition to the text), click the Style popup menu.

The buttons are currently snapped to the underlying grid, which is why they're overlapping.


Click the Free Position button to liberate the buttons, then drag them into your preferred locations.

Making a Movie in imovie HD and iDVD 5. Visual QuickProject Guide
Making a Movie in iMovie HD and iDVD 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321330188
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 124
Authors: Jeff Carlson

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