
The GlobalModel Interface

As promised earlier in this chapter in the section entitled "Keeping Code in the Model, Not the View," Listing 2-1 contains a snapshot of the GlobalModel interface as it exists today.

Listing 2-1: DrJava's GlobalModel Provides an Interface that Maintains Limited Connections between the View and the Model

start example
 package edu.rice.cs.drjava.model; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.ListModel; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import edu.rice.cs.util.swing.FindReplaceMachine; import edu.rice.cs.drjava.DrJava; import edu.rice.cs.util.UnexpectedException; import edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.definitions.*; import edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.repl.*; import edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.compiler.*; /**  * Handles the bulk of DrJava's program logic.  * The UI components interface with the GlobalModel through its public  * methods, and GlobalModel responds via the GlobalModelListener interface.  * This removes the dependency on the UI for the logical flow of the program's  * features.  With the current implementation, we can finally test the compile  * functionality of DrJava, along with many other things.  *  * @version $Id: GlobalModel.java,v 1.30 2002/02/25 22:52:14 thepropsman Exp $  */ public interface GlobalModel {   /**    * Add a listener to this global model.    * @param listener a listener that reacts on events generated by the GlobalModel    */ public void addListener(GlobalModelListener listener); /**  * Remove a listener from this global model.  * @param listener a listener that reacts on events generated by the GlobalModel  */ public void removeListener(GlobalModelListener listener); /**  * Fetches the {@link javax.swing.EditorKit} implementation for use  * in the definitions pane.  */ public DefinitionsEditorKit getEditorKit(); /**  * Gets a ListModel of the open definitions documents.  */ public ListModel getDefinitionsDocuments(); /**  * Gets the interactions document.  */ public StyledDocument getInteractionsDocument(); /**  * Gets the console document.  */ public StyledDocument getConsoleDocument(); /**  * Gets the array of all compile errors without Files.  */ public CompilerError[] getCompilerErrorsWithoutFiles(); /**  * Gets the total number of current errors.  */ public int getNumErrors(); /**  * Creates a new document in the definitions pane and  * adds it to the list of open documents.  * @return The new open document  */ public OpenDefinitionsDocument newFile(); /**  * Open a file and read it into the definitions.  * The provided file selector chooses a file, and on a successful  * open, the fileOpened() event is fired.  * @param com a command pattern command that selects what file  *             to open  * @return The open document, or null if unsuccessful  * @exception IOException  * @exception OperationCanceledException if the open was canceled  * @exception AlreadyOpenException if the file is already open  */ public OpenDefinitionsDocument openFile(FileOpenSelector com)   throws IOException, OperationCanceledException, AlreadyOpenException; /**  * Closes an open definitions document, prompting to save if  * the document has been changed.  Returns whether the file  * was successfully closed.  * @return true if the document was closed  */ public boolean closeFile(OpenDefinitionsDocument doc); /**  * Attempts to close all open documents.  * @return true if all documents were closed  */ public boolean closeAllFiles(); /**  * Saves all open documents, prompting when necessary.  */ public void saveAllFiles(FileSaveSelector com) throws IOException; /**  * Saves all open documents, used for testing  */ public void saveAllFiles(FileSaveSelector com[]) throws IOException; /**  * Exits the program.  * Only quits if all documents are successfully closed.  */ public void quit(); /**  * Returns the OpenDefinitionsDocument for the specified  * File, opening a new copy if one is not already open.  * @param file File contained by the document to be returned  * @return OpenDefinitionsDocument containing file  */ public OpenDefinitionsDocument getDocumentForFile(File file)   throws IOException, OperationCanceledException; /**  * Clears and resets the interactions pane.  * First it makes sure it's in the right package given the  * package specified by the definitions.  If it can't,  * the package for the interactions becomes the default  * top level. In either case, this method calls a helper  * which fires the interactionsReset() event.  */ public void resetInteractions(); /**  * Resets the console.  * Fires consoleReset() event.  */ public void resetConsole(); /**  * Clears the current interaction text and then moves  * to the end of the command history.  */ public void clearCurrentInteraction(); /**  * Forwarding method to remove logical dependency of InteractionsPane on  * the InteractionsDocument.  Gets the previous interaction in the  * InteractionsDocument's history and replaces whatever is on the current  * interactions input line with this interaction.  */ public void recallPreviousInteractionInHistory(Runnable failed); /**  * Forwarding method to remove logical dependency of InteractionsPane on  * the InteractionsDocument.  Gets the next interaction in the  * InteractionsDocument's history and replaces whatever is on the current  * interactions input line with this interaction.  */ public void recallNextInteractionInHistory(Runnable failed); /**  * Interprets the current given text at the prompt in the interactions  * pane.  */ public void interpretCurrentInteraction(); /** Returns the first location in the document where editing is allowed. */ public int getInteractionsFrozenPos(); /**  * Aborts the currently running interaction.  */ public void abortCurrentInteraction(); /** Called when the repl prints to System.out. */ public void replSystemOutPrint(String s); /** Called when the repl prints to System.err. */ public void replSystemErrPrint(String s); /**  * Signifies that the most recent interpretation completed successfully,  * returning no value.  */ public void replReturnedVoid(); /**  * Signifies that the most recent interpretation completed successfully,  * returning a value.  *  * @param result The .toString-ed version of the value that was returned  *                by the interpretation. We must return the String form  *                because returning the Object directly would require the  *                data type to be serializable.  */ public void replReturnedResult(String result); /**  * Signifies that the most recent interpretation was ended  * due to an exception being thrown.  *  * @param exceptionClass The name of the class of the thrown exception  * @param message The exception's message  * @param stackTrace The stack trace of the exception  */ public void replThrewException(String exceptionClass,                                   String message,                                   String stackTrace); /**  * Signifies that the most recent interpretation contained a call to  * System.exit.  *  * @param status The exit status that will be returned.  */ public void replCalledSystemExit(int status); /**  * Returns all registered compilers that are actually available.  * That is, for all elements in the returned array, .isAvailable()  * is true.  * This method will never return null or a zero-length array.  *  * @see CompilerRegistry#getAvailableCompilers  */ public CompilerInterface[] getAvailableCompilers(); /**  * Sets which compiler is the "active" compiler.  *  * @param compiler Compiler to set active.  *  * @see #getActiveCompiler  * @see CompilerRegistry#setActiveCompiler  */  public void setActiveCompiler(CompilerInterface compiler);  /**   * Gets the compiler is the "active" compiler.   *   * @see #setActiveCompiler   * @see CompilerRegistry#getActiveCompiler   */  public CompilerInterface getActiveCompiler();  /**   * Gets an array of all sourceRoots for the open definitions   * documents, without duplicates.   * @throws InvalidPackageException if the package statement in one   *  of the open documents is invalid.   */  public File[] getSourceRootSet(); } 
end example

The DrJava IDE example (in the Building Cost-Effective Specifications with Stories") provides a good example of how much functionality can be put into a model. The only contact that the view has with the model is through a specially designed interface we call the GlobalModel, shown in the following listing.

This interface includes methods for every functional modification a user can make while using DrJava. In essence, it provides a handle that our tests can use to interact with DrJava in any way that a user can, except that the tests don't have to interact through the view.

Bug Patterns in Java
Bug Patterns In Java
ISBN: 1590590619
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 95
Authors: Eric Allen

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