Chapter 14: Working Outside of Office

The previous three chapters discussed how to use other Office components to enhance your Access applications. There are other export options as well, beyond the bounds of Office—you can write code to send faxes via Symantec WinFax, using either the older DDE technology or Automation, and you can use the antique DOS Write method to create plain text files with information about the progress of mail merges and other procedures.

Sending Faxes with WinFax

Depending on your Windows and Office version, you may have some built-in faxing capability, but if you need more control over sending faxes, especially with attachments, WinFax Pro is an excellent solution. For many versions now, WinFax has supported DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), an older method of data exchange. With WinFax v. 10.0 or higher, you can also use Automation code to communicate with WinFax.


There have been reports of compatibility problems between WinFax 10.0 and Windows XP; the 10.02 upgrade should fix these problems. On my system, WinFax 10.02 works fine with Windows XP Pro, SP 1.

Sending a Single Fax Using DDE

The main menu of the Non-Office Data Exchange sample database (shown in Figure 14.1) lets you send a simple fax to a recipient selected from a combobox.

click to expand
Figure 14.1

There are two textboxes at the bottom of the main menu for entering the Docs path (for creating document files to fax as attachments) and the WinFax folder. The AfterUpdate event procedures for these textboxes are listed below, together with two sets of functions that verify the paths; the functions are called from various procedures in the database.

 Private Sub txtDocsPath_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    Dim strFolderPath As String        DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord        ‘Test the validity of the new folder path    strFolderPath = Nz(Me![txtDocsPath].Value)    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a Docs folder path"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       ‘Check for trailing backslash, and add if needed       If Right(strFolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then          strFolderPath = strFolderPath & "\"          Me![txtDocsPath].Value = strFolderPath          Call SaveDocsDir(strFolderPath)       End If              Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid Docs folder path"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit       End If    End If ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub Private Sub txtWinFaxPath_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    Dim strFolderPath As String        DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord        ‘Test the validity of the new folder path    strFolderPath = Nz(Me![txtWinFaxPath].Value)    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a WinFax folder path"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       ‘Check for trailing backslash, and add if needed       If Right(strFolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then          strFolderPath = strFolderPath & "\"          Me![txtWinFaxPath].Value = strFolderPath          Call SaveWinFaxDir(strFolderPath)       End If              Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid WinFax folder path"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit       End If    End If ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub Public Function CheckDocsDir() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![DocsPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\My Documents\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a Docs folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       CheckDocsDir = False       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid Docs folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit          CheckDocsDir = False       End If    End If        CheckDocsDir = True     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function Public Function GetDocsDir() As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFolderPath As String        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![DocsPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\My Documents\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a Docs folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid Docs folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit       End If    End If        strDocsDir = strFolderPath & "Access Merge\"    Debug.Print "Access Merge subfolder: " & strDocsDir        ‘Test for existence of Access Merge subfolder, and create    ‘it if it is not found    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If Not fso.FolderExists(strDocsDir) Then       ‘Access Merge subfolder does not exist; create it       fso.CreateFolder strDocsDir    End If        GetDocsDir = strDocsDir     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function Public Function CheckWinFaxDir() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![WinFaxPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\My Documents\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a WinFax folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       CheckWinFaxDir = False       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid WinFax folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit          CheckWinFaxDir = False       End If    End If        CheckWinFaxDir = True     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function Public Function GetWinFaxDir() As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFolderPath As String        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![WinFaxPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\Program Files\WinFax\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a WinFax folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid WinFax folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit       End If    End If        GetWinFaxDir = strFolderPath     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function 

After entering the fax subject and text into textboxes (bound to fields in tblInfo, so the values are preserved between Access sessions), and selecting a fax recipient from the combobox, clicking the large Fax command button runs the code listed below. This Click event procedure sets a number of variables to use when sending the fax, picking up information from the textboxes and various columns of the selected row in the combobox’s list. If no subject or text was entered, a default subject (“Reminder”) and a message about scheduling the next meeting is composed. Finally, a dialog form opens for inspection and possible editing of the fax text and date (the fax is sent from this form).

 Private Sub cmdFax_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFaxRecipient As String    Dim strFaxNumber As String    Dim dteLastMeeting As Date    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strMessage As String    Dim strBody As String    Dim strCompanyName As String    Dim frm As Access.Form        ‘Check for required fax information    strFaxNumber = Nz(Me![cboRecipients].Column(1))    If strFaxNumber = "" Then       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       strFaxRecipient = Nz(Me![cboRecipients].Column(3))    End If        strCompanyName = Nz(Me![cboRecipients].Column(4))    dteLastMeeting = CDate(Me![cboRecipients].Column(2))    strSubject = Nz(Me![FaxSubject], "Reminder")    strMessage = Nz(Me![FaxText])    If strMessage <> "" Then       strBody = strMessage    Else       strBody = "Your last meeting was on " & dteLastMeeting        & "; please call to arrange a meeting by the end of the year."    End If        ‘Open form for creating new fax    DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="fdlgFax"    Set frm = Forms![fdlgFax]    With frm       ![txtFaxNumber] = strFaxNumber       ![txtContactName] = strFaxRecipient       ![txtCompanyName] = strCompanyName       ![txtFaxDate] = Date       ![txtSubject] = strSubject       ![txtBody] = strBody    End With     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The Edit and Send Fax dialog form is shown in Figure 14.2.

click to expand
Figure 14.2

The Edit and Send Fax form’s Load event calls a Sub procedure, OpenWinFax. This procedure (which follows) creates an instance of WinFax and opens the Message Manager so you can see the progress of the faxes you send. I open WinFax at this point to prevent delays when clicking the Send Fax button. If you do a lot of faxing, you could run this function from the main menu’s Load event or an AutoExec macro. Once the Message Manager has been opened, it is available for any future faxes you may send from the database.

 Public Function OpenWinFax() ‘Opens an instance of WinFax (if WinFax is not open) when the ‘Fax dialog is opened On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    Dim lngChannel As Long        lngChannel = DDEInitiate(Application:="FAXMNG32", topic:="CONTROL")    DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    If Err.Number = 282 Then       strWinFaxDir = GetWinFaxDir & "FAXMNG32.EXE"       Shell strWinFaxDir       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If     End Function 

The error handler of this procedure gets the WinFax directory from tblInfo, in case WinFax is not found in the default directory. The GetWinFaxDir function is one of the set of path-checking functions described earlier in this chapter.


If you look up information about DDE communication with WinFax in WinFax Help or the Symantec Knowledge Base, the sample code is not quite right for Access (the nearest code samples I could find were for Word 95, as near as I could tell). I had to do a good deal of trial-and-error tinkering to figure out the DDE syntax that would work in Access 2000 and higher.

The Send Fax command button’s Click event procedure follows, with explanatory text.

 Private Sub cmdSendFax_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Declare variables for sending fax.

    Dim strFaxNumber As String    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strContactName As String    Dim strCompany As String    Dim strBody As String    Dim dteSend As Date    Dim frm As Access.Form    Dim strMessage As String    Dim strSendTime As String    Dim strSendDate As String    Dim strRecipient As String    Dim lngChannel As Long    Dim strWinFaxDir As String    Dim strCoverSheet As String 

Test for required information, and exit the procedure if not found.

    strFaxNumber = Me![txtFaxNumber].Value    If strFaxNumber = "" Then       MsgBox "Please enter a fax number."       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       strFaxNumber = "1" & strFaxNumber    End If        Debug.Print "Fax: " & strFaxNumber    strSubject = Me![txtSubject].Value    strBody = Me![txtBody].Value    If strBody = "" Then       MsgBox "Please enter the fax text."       Me![txtBody].SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If 

Check whether a valid date has been entered, and exit if it has not.

    If IsDate(Me![txtFaxDate].Value) = False Then       MsgBox "Please enter a send date."       Me![txtFaxDate].SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       dteSend = Me![txtFaxDate].Value    End If 

All tests passed; send fax.

    If strFaxNumber <> "" Then       strContactName = Nz(Me![txtContactName])       strCompany = Nz(Me![txtCompanyName])       If dteSend = Date Then          strSendTime = Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss")       Else          strSendTime = "08:00:00"       End If       strSendDate = Format(dteSend, "mm/dd/yy")              strCoverSheet = GetWinFaxDir & "COVER\BASIC1.CVP"       Debug.Print "Cover sheet: " & strCoverSheet 

Start the DDE connection to WinFax.

Create the link and disable automatic reception in WinFax.

       lngChannel = DDEInitiate(Application:="FAXMNG32", topic:="CONTROL")       DDEExecute channum:=lngChannel, Command:="GoIdle"       DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel 

Create a new link with the TRANSMIT topic.

       lngChannel = DDEInitiate("FAXMNG32", "TRANSMIT") 

Start DDEPokes to control WinFax.

       strRecipient = "recipient(" & Chr$(34) & strFaxNumber & Chr$(34) & ","           & Chr$(34) & strSendTime & Chr$(34) & ","           & Chr$(34) & strSendDate & Chr$(34) & ","           & Chr$(34) & strContactName & Chr$(34) & ","           & Chr$(34) & strCompany & Chr$(34) & ","           & Chr$(34) & strSubject & Chr$(34) & ")"       Debug.Print "Recipient string: " & strRecipient       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax", Data:=strRecipient 

Specify the cover page to use.

       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",           Data:="setcoverpage(" & Chr$(34)           & strCoverSheet & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Send the cover sheet text.

       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",           Data:="fillcoverpage(" & Chr$(34)           & strBody & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Show the WinFax send screen.

       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",           Data:="showsendscreen(" & Chr$(34)           & "0" & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Set the resolution for the fax.

       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",           Data:="resolution(" & Chr$(34)           & "HIGH" & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Send the fax.

       DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax", Data:="SendfaxUI"       DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel       lngChannel = DDEInitiate(Application:="FAXMNG32", topic:="CONTROL")       DDEExecute channum:=lngChannel, Command:="GoActive"       DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel    End If     ErrorHandlerExit:    DoCmd.Close objecttype:=acForm, objectname:=Me.Name    Exit Sub     ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

You will see a WinFax dialog (shown in Figure 14.3) showing the progress of the fax call. If it doesn’t connect the first time, WinFax will try again several times until the fax is sent.

click to expand
Figure 14.3

Faxing a Report Using DDE

The Main Menu faxing button only sends a fax cover page with a message. If you need to fax a report, you can use another form in the database to select a report to fax to a recipient. This dialog form is similar to the form in Chapter 12, Working with Outlook, but with fewer formatting choices: You have a choice of Snapshot or PDF format, or printing directly to the fax. The Snapshot and PDF format choices create a Snapshot or PDF file, which is then attached to an outgoing fax. The Print to Fax selection just prints the report directly to the fax. Printing directly to fax saves the time it takes to create the Snapshot or PDF file, but you have to enter the phone number, fax subject, and text manually, so it may not save time in the long run.

The Fax Access Report (DDE) dialog form is shown in Figure 14.4.

Figure 14.4

When you click the Fax Report command button, if you selected the Snapshot format, you will first get a Printing dialog; while the report is exported to Snapshot format, and then a Creating Attachment Image dialog from WinFax, while the Snapshot file is converted to an attachment, and then the fax with the selected attachment is sent.

If you selected the PDF format, you will get a Save PDF File As dialog, with the \My Documents\Access Merge folder preselected; save the document to this folder with the default file name, because that is where the code will look for it. This dialog is shown in Figure 14.5.

click to expand
Figure 14.5

The Creating Adobe PDF dialog appears, while the PDF file is created. After the file is created, it opens in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Viewer. Next the Creating Attachment Image dialog appears, and finally the fax is sent with the attached report.

In Access 2003, there is a problem with converting both snapshot and PDF files to fax format for use as fax attachments; at the time of writing it is not clear whether the problem is with Access 2003 or WinFax.

Both the Snapshot and PDF selections pick up the recipient’s name and fax number from the Access dialog. The last selection, Fax to Printer, does not pick up this information; you need to enter it into the WinFax Send window, as shown in Figure 14.6.

After filling in the name, fax number, and other information on this screen, and clicking the Send button, you get another WinFax screen where you can type in the text to appear on the cover sheet (if desired), and click the Send button to start sending the fax.

click to expand
Figure 14.6

The Fax Report command button on the Fax Access Report dialog runs the Click event procedure listed below, which calls the appropriate procedure for each of the three available format types.

 Private Sub cmdFaxReport_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFormatType As String        strFormatType = Me![cboSelectFormat].Column(0)    Debug.Print "Selected format: " & strFormatType        Select Case strFormatType              Case "Access Snapshot"          Call FaxReportSNP(Me)              Case "Adobe PDF"          Call FaxReportPDF(Me)                 Case "Print to Fax"          Call FaxReport(Me)              End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The Snapshot procedure is listed below, with commentary.

 Sub FaxReportSNP(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Declare variables for fax properties, picking up information from columns of various comboboxes on the form.

    strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(1))    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1)) 

Get the Documents directory from tblInfo.

    If CheckDocsDir = False Then       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath    strCompany = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(4)) 

Test for required information, and exit if not found.

    strFaxNumber = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(1)    If strFaxNumber = "" Then       MsgBox "Please enter a fax number"       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       strFaxNumber = "1-" & strFaxNumber    End If        Debug.Print "Fax: " & strFaxNumber    strSubject = strDisplayName & " report"    strBody = "This file was exported from the " & strSubject           & " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf    strSendTime = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss")    strSendDate = Format(Date, "mm/dd/yy") 

Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of four units).

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4) 

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1) 

Delete the old file, if there is one.

Set fso = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”).

    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If 

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2) 

Create new snapshot file in Documents\Access Merge folder.

    DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport,        objectname:=strReport,        outputformat:=acFormatSNP,        outputfile:=strFileAndPath,        autostart:=False 

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3) 

Test for existence of specified report file, with a loop to prevent premature cancellation.

 TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If 

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) 

Create new fax and attach snapshot file to it.

    strCoverSheet = GetWinFaxDir & "COVER\BASIC1.CVP"    Debug.Print "Cover sheet: " & strCoverSheet 

Start DDE connection to WinFax.

Create the link and disable automatic reception in WinFax.

    lngChannel = DDEInitiate(Application:="FAXMNG32", topic:="CONTROL")    DDEExecute channum:=lngChannel, Command:="GoIdle"    DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel 

Create a new link with the TRANSMIT topic.

    lngChannel = DDEInitiate("FAXMNG32", "TRANSMIT") 

Start DDEPokes to control WinFax.

    strRecipient = "recipient(" & Chr$(34) & strFaxNumber & Chr$(34) & ","        & Chr$(34) & strSendTime & Chr$(34) & ","        & Chr$(34) & strSendDate & Chr$(34) & ","        & Chr$(34) & strContactName & Chr$(34) & ","        & Chr$(34) & strCompany & Chr$(34) & ","        & Chr$(34) & strSubject & Chr$(34) & ")"    Debug.Print "Recipient string: " & strRecipient    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax", Data:=strRecipient 

Specify the cover page.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",        Data:="setcoverpage(" & Chr$(34)        & strCoverSheet & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Send the cover sheet text.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",        Data:="fillcoverpage(" & Chr$(34)        & strBody & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Attach the saved report snapshot file.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",        Data:="attach(" & Chr$(34) & strFileAndPath & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Show the send screen.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",        Data:="showsendscreen(" & Chr$(34)        & "0" & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Set the resolution.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax",        Data:="resolution(" & Chr$(34)        & "HIGH" & Chr$(34) & ")" 

Send the fax.

    DDEPoke channum:=lngChannel, Item:="sendfax", Data:="SendfaxUI"    DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel    lngChannel = DDEInitiate(Application:="FAXMNG32", topic:="CONTROL")    DDEExecute channum:=lngChannel, Command:="GoActive"    DDETerminate channum:=lngChannel     

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) ErrorHandlerExit: 

Remove the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The PDF procedure is very similar; only the different portion of this procedure is listed below.

 Sub FaxReportPDF(frm As Access.Form) ‘This code assumes that you have installed Adobe Acrobat and have assigned ‘the PDF printer to a copy of each report with the PDF suffix. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

The suffix “PDF” is added to the report name, to pick up the report version with the PDF printer selected.

    strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)) & "PDF" . . .  

Print the report to the PDF printer.

    DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewNormal 

The final procedure is very simple; it just prints the selected report (a version with “Fax” appended to its name) to the WinFax printer.

 Sub FaxReport(frm As Access.Form) ‘This code assumes that you have assigned the WinFax printer to a copy of ‘each report with the Fax suffix. On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)) & "Fax" 

Print the report to Fax printer.

    DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewNormal     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

For faxing a report, I recommend using the Snapshot format, because it is somewhat quicker than the PDF format, and doesn’t require that you own Adobe Acrobat. And unlike the case with sending a file as an Outlook mail message attachment, the recipient doesn’t need Access to view the report converted to Snapshot format. The Snapshot selection also lets you specify the fax information on the Access dialog form, instead of having to type it into two WinFax dialogs, as with the Print to Fax selection.

Sending Multiple Faxes Using Automation

Just as when you create Outlook items from records in an Access table, you may want to create a fax and send it to multiple recipients. This can be done using a MultiSelect listbox on an Access form. The Fax to Multiple Recipients (Automation) form also illustrates use of Automation (instead of DDE) to communicate with WinFax.

As with DDE, the syntax in the WinFax documentation (in this case, the WinFax 10.0 SDK manual) is not quite right for use in Access VBA. The closest examples are for VB 5.0, and I had to experiment with syntax variants to get the Automation code to work right.

The Fax to Multiple Recipients (Automation) form is shown in Figure 14.7.

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Figure 14.7

To work with WinFax using Automation code, you need to set a reference to the WinFax Automation Server, in the References dialog opened from the Tools menu in the Visual Basic window, as shown in Figure 14.8.

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Figure 14.8

The only WinFax object you need to work with when sending faxes is the Send object. I found that the CreateObject syntax given in the WinFax SDK manual did not work in Access VBA. However, I was able to create a Send object (strictly speaking, a CSDKSend object, but it is usually referred to as just the Send object) using the New keyword, as in the following line of code:

 Dim wfxSend As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend 

The Send object has only methods and events, no properties. They can be viewed in the Object Browser with the wfxctl32 library selected. Figure 14.9 shows some of the methods of the Send object.

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Figure 14.9

More information is also available in the WinFax SDK manual, a PDF file you can print out. This manual is available on the WinFax 10.0 or higher CD, and it can also be downloaded from the Symantec Web site. However, the syntax for the VB samples (there are no VBA samples) does not always work in VBA. See the sample code that follows for some syntax that does work.

When you select a report on this form, a Snapshot file is produced for attachment to the fax, using code similar to that in the Snapshot procedure listed previously. When you click the Send Fax command button, a Click event procedure is run. This procedure follows, with commentary.

 Private Sub cmdSendFax_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Declare variables for use in fax.

    Dim blnSomeSkipped As Boolean    Dim i As String    Dim lngContactID As Long    Dim strBody As String    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strDate As String    Dim strTime As String    Dim strDocName As String    Dim strDocsPath As String    Dim strFaxNumber As String    Dim strFile As String    Dim strFullName As String    Dim strPrompt As String    Dim strTest As String    Dim strTestFile As String    Dim strText As String    Dim strTextFile As String    Dim strTitle As String    Dim varItem As Variant 

Declare WinFax Send object variable. This is the only syntax that I found would work in Access VBA code.

    Dim wfxSend As New wfxctl32.CSDKSend 

Check that at least one record has been selected, and exit if it has not.

    Set lst = Me![lstSelectMultiple]    If lst.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then       MsgBox "Please select at least one record."       lst.SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       intColumns = lst.ColumnCount       intRows = lst.ItemsSelected.Count    End If 

Check that subject and fax body have been entered, and exit if they have not.

    strSubject = Nz(Me![txtSubject])    If strSubject = "" Then       strTitle = "Missing Subject"       strPrompt = "Please enter fax subject."       Me![txtSubject].SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If        strBody = Nz(Me![txtBody])    If strBody = "" Then       strTitle = "Missing Fax body"       strPrompt = "Please enter fax body."       Me![txtBody].SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If 

Open the text file for writing information about export progress.

    strFile = strDocsPath & "Export Progress.txt"    Debug.Print "Text file: " & strFile    Open strFile For Output As #1    Print #1, "Information on progress faxing selected contacts"    Print #1,    Print #1,        blnSomeSkipped = False 

Create the fax, using the methods of the WinFax Send object.

    With wfxSend       .SetSubject (strSubject)       .SetCoverText (strBody) 

Attach the report, if one has been selected.

       Debug.Print "File attachment: " & pstrSnapshotFile       .AddAttachmentFile pstrSnapshotFile 

Set up a For Each . . . Next structure to process all the selected records in the listbox, using the ItemsSelected collection.

       For Each varItem In lst.ItemsSelected 

Get the Contact ID for reference.

          lngContactID = Nz(lst.Column(0, varItem))          Debug.Print "Contact ID: " & lngContactID 

Check for required information, and skip any records that are missing a value in one of the required fields.

          strTest = Nz(lst.Column(1, varItem))          Debug.Print "Contact name: " & strTest          If strTest = "" Then             blnSomeSkipped = True             strText = "Contact No. " & lngContactID & " skipped; no name"             Print #1,             Print #1, strText             GoTo NextItemContact          Else             strFullName = Nz(lst.Column(7, varItem))          End If                    strFaxNumber = Nz(lst.Column(13, varItem))          strTest = strFaxNumber          Debug.Print "Fax number: " & strTest          If strTest = "" Then             blnSomeSkipped = True             strText = "Contact No. " & lngContactID & " ("                 & strFullName & ") skipped; no fax number"             Print #1,             Print #1, strText             GoTo NextItemContact          Else             strFaxNumber = "1-" & strFaxNumber          End If 

All required information present; add recipient to fax.

          .SetNumber (strFaxNumber)          .SetTo (strFullName)          .AddRecipient          strText = "Contact No. " & lngContactID & " (" & strFullName              & ") has all required information; adding to fax"          Print #1,          Print #1, strText     NextItemContact:       Next varItem 

Send the fax to all recipients.

       .Send (0)    End With ErrorHandlerExit: 

Close the text file, and set the WinFax Send object to Nothing.

    Close #1    Set wfxSend = Nothing    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

After clicking this button, the Creating Attachment Image dialog appears as the Snapshot file is converted into a WinFax attachment, and then the fax is sent to all the selected recipients.

Expert One-on-One(c) Microsoft Access Application Development
Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development
ISBN: 0764559044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 124
Authors: Helen Feddema © 2008-2017.
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