Exporting Data from Access to Outlook Items

The Outlook Data Exchange sample database has three forms that illustrate exporting data from Access tables to Outlook items, for the most commonly used items: Appointments, Contacts, Mail Messages, and Tasks. Additionally, the main menu has a set of controls for quickly creating a mail message to a recipient, and a Docs Path textbox, to allow editing the Documents path (the path is picked up from tblInfo in various procedures in the database). The first of the following two functions checks whether the path entered into the DocsPath textbox on the main menu is valid, and if so, the second function retrieves the path from tblInfo, defaulting to C:\My Documents if the field is blank. It also checks whether there is an Access Merge subfolder under the Documents folder, and creates one if needed.

 Public Function CheckDocsDir() As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![DocsPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\My Documents\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a Docs folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       CheckDocsDir = False       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid Docs folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit          CheckDocsDir = False       End If    End If        CheckDocsDir = True     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function Public Function GetDocsDir() As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFolderPath As String        Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInfo", dbOpenDynaset)        With rst       .MoveFirst       strFolderPath = Nz(![DocsPath])       If strFolderPath = "" Then          strFolderPath = "C:\My Documents\"       End If    End With           ‘Test the validity of the folder path    Debug.Print "Folder path: " & strFolderPath        If strFolderPath = "" Then       strTitle = "No path entered"       strPrompt = "Please enter a Docs folder path on the main menu"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")       If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) = False Then          strTitle = "Folder path invalid"          strPrompt = "Please enter a valid Docs folder path on the main menu"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, strTitle          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit       End If    End If        strDocsDir = strFolderPath & "Access Merge\"    Debug.Print "Access Merge subfolder: " & strDocsDir        ‘Test for existence of Access Merge subfolder, and create    ‘it if it is not found    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If Not fso.FolderExists(strDocsDir) Then       ‘Access Merge subfolder does not exist; create it       fso.CreateFolder strDocsDir    End If        GetDocsDir = strDocsDir     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Function ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Function 

The CheckDocsDir and GetDocsDir functions are used whenever the code in the Outlook Data Exchange sample database needs to save a document (in this database, the documents are the saved reports to be attached to mail messages), using the following code segment:

   If CheckDocsDir = False Then       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If    strDocsPath = GetDocsDir

Creating a Mail Message from the Main Menu

The main menu of the Outlook Data Exchange database has a section where you can type the subject and message text of an email message, select a recipient from tblContacts (a table of contact data with an EMailName field), and send a message to the recipient by clicking the large EMail command button. The main menu is shown in Figure 12.6, with a recipient selected.

click to expand
Figure 12.6

The AfterUpdate event procedure for the large EMail command button is listed below, with explanatory text.

 Private Sub cmdEMail_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strEMailRecipient As String    Dim dteLastMeeting As Date    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strMessage As String    Dim strBody As String 

This variable represents an Outlook folder—note that the object name is not Folder, but MAPIFolder.

    Dim fld As Outlook.MAPIFolder    Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem 

Check the Access table record for required email information. The information is picked up from columns of the selected record in the combobox, using the zero-based Column (n) syntax.

    strEMailRecipient = Nz(Me![cboRecipients].Column(1))    If strEMailRecipient = "" Then       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else 

A Debug.Print statement is useful for debugging.

       Debug.Print "EMail recipient: " & strEMailRecipient    End If    dteLastMeeting = CDate(Me![cboRecipients].Column(2)) 

The Nz function is used to set the strSubject variable to “Reminder” in case nothing has been entered into the MessageSubject field.

    strSubject = Nz(Me![MessageSubject], "Reminder") 

The Nz function is initially used to set the strMessage variable to a zero-length string (“”) if nothing has been entered into the MessageSubject field (to prevent errors with Nulls).

    strMessage = Nz(Me![MessageText])    If strMessage <> "" Then       strBody = strMessage    Else 

If nothing was entered, a message including the last meeting date is created.

       strBody = "Your last meeting was on " & dteLastMeeting        & "; please call to arrange a meeting by the end of the year."    End If    

A new mail message is created, working down from the Outlook Application object, to the NameSpace object, then to the Outbox folder, and the Add method of its Items collection.

    Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set nms = gappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")    Set fld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderOutbox)        Set msg = fld.Items.Add 

Various properties of the new mail message are set, and it is sent.

    With msg       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strSubject       .Body = strBody       .Send    End With     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler: 

This error handler runs the CreateObject function to create an Outlook instance, in case Outlook is not running.

    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set gappOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub 

When you click the EMail button, you will probably see the message shown in Figure 12.7. This is part of the obnoxious Object Model Guardian that appears when you access Outlook mail messages and contacts.

click to expand
Figure 12.7

To create the message, click the Yes button in this dialog. For a way of avoiding the Object Model Guardian dialog, see the section, “Using the Redemption Library to Avoid the Object Model Guardian,” later in this chapter.

A mail message created by this procedure is shown in Figure 12.8.

click to expand
Figure 12.8

MultiSelect Listbox Form

For creating various types of Outlook items, with data from multiple records in an Access table, I created frmExportToOutlookListBox, which uses a MultiSelect listbox as a way of selecting multiple records from a table, with a combobox in the header for selecting an Outlook item type. The cboSelectOutlookItem combobox has as its row source the table tlkpOutlookItemTypes, which follows.






Mail message















Information from different columns in the selected row of the table is used in the code on the combobox’s AfterUpdate event and the Create Items command button in the form footer. Figure 12.9 shows the listbox dialog, with Contact selected as the Outlook item type.

click to expand
Figure 12.9

For the Contact selection, qryContacts is assigned as the row source of lstSelectMultiple; this query displays data from tblContacts. The code for cboSelectOutlookItem’s AfterUpdate event procedure follows, with commentary.

 Private Sub cboSelectOutlookItem_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    

Set a variable for the listbox.

    Set lst = Me![lstSelectMultiple] 

Set variables representing the data in different columns of the listbox.

    lngItemId = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(0)    strItemType = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(1)    strItemConstant = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(2)    strDataSource = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(3) 

Assign the appropriate data source as the listbox’s row source.

    lst.RowSource = strDataSource 

For mail messages only, enable the txtMessageText textbox.

    If lngItemId = 0 Then       ‘Mail message selected       Me![txtMessageText].Enabled = True    Else       Me![txtMessageText].Enabled = False    End If 

Set up a Select Case statement to set the appropriate number of columns, and column sizes, for each data source.

    Select Case strDataSource              Case "qryContacts"          lst.ColumnCount = 13          lst.ColumnWidths =              "0 in;1.25 in;1.25 in;1 in;.6 in;.6 in;0 in;0 in;0 in;0 in;0 in;0 in;0 in"              Case "qryAppointments"          lst.ColumnCount = 8          lst.ColumnWidths =              "0 in;1.25 in;1.25 in;1.5 in;1.5 in;0 in;1.25 in;1.25 in"              Case "qryTasks"          lst.ColumnCount = 7          lst.ColumnWidths =              "0 in;1.5 in;0 in;1.25 in;1 in;1 in;.75 in"              Case "qryContactsEMail"          lst.ColumnCount = 5          lst.ColumnWidths =              "0 in;1.25 in;1.25 in;1.75 in;1.25 in"           End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

As a quick way of selecting all the records, the Select All button in the form footer iterates through all the rows in the listbox, setting the Selected property of each row to True. This procedure is:

 Private Sub cmdSelectAll_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Set a variable to the listbox.

    Set lst = Me![lstSelectMultiple] 

Count the number of rows in the listbox, and save this number to a variable.

    intRows = lst.ListCount - 1 

Select all the rows in the listbox.

    For intIndex = 0 To intRows       lst.Selected(intIndex) = True    Next intIndex     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The main procedure on the listbox form is the Click event procedure of cmdCreateItems, which follows, with explanatory text.

 Private Sub cmdCreateItems_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Declare variables for values from the Access tables, Outlook objects, and listbox rows and columns.

    Dim strContactName As String    Dim strTaskName As String    Dim dteStartDate As Date    Dim dteDueDate As Date    Dim strStatus As String    Dim lngStatus As Long    Dim strSalutation As String    Dim strPostalCode As String    Dim strStateProv As String    Dim strCity As String    Dim strStreetAddress As String    Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace    Dim fldCalendar As Outlook.MAPIFolder    Dim fldContacts As Outlook.MAPIFolder    Dim fldTasks As Outlook.MAPIFolder    Dim appt As Outlook.AppointmentItem    Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem    Dim con As Outlook.ContactItem    Dim tsk As Outlook.TaskItem    Dim lnks As Outlook.Links    Dim itm As Object    Dim blnSomeSkipped As Boolean    Dim cbo As Access.ComboBox    Dim dbs As DAO.Database    Dim dteLastMeeting As Date    Dim i As String    Dim lngAppointmentID As Long    Dim lngContactID As Long    Dim strBody As String    Dim strCompanyName As String    Dim strCountry As String    Dim strDocName As String    Dim strDocsPath As String    Dim strDocType As String    Dim strEMailRecipient As String    Dim strFullName As String    Dim strFile As String    Dim strJobTitle As String    Dim strLongDate As String    Dim strMessage As String    Dim strName As String    Dim strNameAndJob As String    Dim strPrompt As String    Dim strShortDate As String    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strTest As String    Dim strTestFile As String    Dim strTextFile As String    Dim strTitle As String    Dim varItem As Variant 

Check that an Outlook item type has been selected, and exit if it has not.

    Set cbo = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem]    Set lst = Me![lstSelectMultiple]    lngItemId = Nz(cbo.Column(0))    strItemType = Nz(cbo.Column(1))    Debug.Print "Selected Outlook item type: " & strItemType    If strItemType = "" Then       MsgBox "Please select an Outlook item type."       cbo.SetFocus       cbo.Dropdown       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If 

Check that at least one record has been selected in the listbox, and exit if it has not.

    If lst.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then       MsgBox "Please select at least one record."       lst.SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    Else       intColumns = lst.ColumnCount       intRows = lst.ItemsSelected.Count    End If 

Set a global Outlook application variable; if Outlook is not running, the error handler defaults to CreateObject.

    Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 

Open a text file for writing information about skipped records.

    strFile = strDocsPath & "Skipped Records.txt"    Open strFile For Output As #1    Print #1, "These records were skipped when creating Outlook items"    Print #1, 

Set up a Select Case statement to deal with each Outlook item type.

    Select Case strItemType           Case "Mail message" 

Set blnSomeSkipped to False to start with—it will be set to True if any records have to be skipped because of missing data.

          blnSomeSkipped = False 

Set up a For Each . . . Next loop to deal with each selected item in the listbox, using the handy Access ItemsSelected collection.

          For Each varItem In lst.ItemsSelected 

Get the Contact ID for use later in the code.

             lngContactID = Nz(lst.Column(0, varItem))             Debug.Print "Contact ID: " & lngContactID 

Check for required email information, and set blnSomeSkipped to True if anything is missing.

             strTest = Nz(lst.Column(3, varItem))             Debug.Print "Email address: " & strTest             If strTest = "" Then                blnSomeSkipped = True 

Print a line about the missing information to the Skipped Records text file.

                Print #1,                Print #1, "No email address for Contact " & lngContactID                GoTo NextItemMail             End If 

As with the main menu, either pick up the message text from the MessageText field in tblInfo or create a message about the last meeting date.

             strEMailRecipient = Nz(lst.Column(3, varItem))             dteLastMeeting = Nz(lst.Column(4, varItem))             strMessage = Nz(Me![MessageText])             If strMessage <> "" Then                strBody = strMessage             Else                strBody = "Your last meeting was on " & dteLastMeeting                 & "; please call to arrange a meeting by the end of the year."             End If 

Create the new mail message, using the CreateItem method of the Application object, and set the values of several of its fields. The new item will be created in the default folder for mail messages (the Outbox).

             Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)             Set msg = gappOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)             With msg                .To = strEMailRecipient                .Subject = "Meeting reminder"                .Body = strBody                .Send             End With 

Go the next record.

 NextItemMail:          Next varItem 

When all the selected records have been processed, put up an informative message box.

          strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All mail messages created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All mail messages created!"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle                 Case "Appointment" 

Much of the code is similar to the mail message code; only segments that differ will be explained in detail.

          blnSomeSkipped = False                    For Each varItem In lst.ItemsSelected             ‘Get Appointment ID for reference             lngAppointmentID = Nz(lst.Column(0, varItem))             Debug.Print "Appointment ID: " & lngAppointmentID                          ‘Check for required appointment information.             strTest = Nz(lst.Column(1, varItem))             Debug.Print "Topic: " & strTest             If strTest = "" Then                blnSomeSkipped = True                Print #1,                Print #1, "No topic for Appointment " & lngAppointmentID                GoTo NextItemAppt             Else                strSubject = lst.Column(1, varItem)             End If                          strTest = Nz(lst.Column(3, varItem))             Debug.Print "Start time: " & strTest             If strTest = "" Then                blnSomeSkipped = True                Print #1,                Print #1, "No start time for Appointment " & lngAppointmentID                GoTo NextItemAppt             End If                          ‘Create new appointment in default Calendar folder             Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)             Set nms = gappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")             Set appt = gappOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)             With appt                .Subject = strSubject                dteStartDate = Nz(lst.Column(3, varItem))                .Start = dteStartDate                If IsDate(lst.Column(4, varItem)) = True Then                   dteEndDate = lst.Column(4, varItem)                   .End = dteEndDate                End If                .Location = Nz(lst.Column(2, varItem))                .Categories = Nz(lst.Column(7, varItem)) 

Appointments can have one or more contacts, which are stored in the Links collection of the AppointmentItem object. To add a contact to an appointment, first the contact is located in a Contacts folder (here the default local Contacts folder is searched), and then the ContactItem is added to the Links collection.

                If Nz(lst.Column(5, varItem)) > 0 Then                   ‘There is a contact for this appointment; attempt to                   ‘locate this contact in the default Contacts folder.                   Set nms = gappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")                   Set fldContacts = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) On Error Resume Next                   lngContactID = Nz(lst.Column(5, varItem))                   ‘Find the contact, using the CustomerID field                   Set con = fldContacts.Items.Find("[CustomerID] = " & lngContactID)                   If con Is Nothing Then                      strPrompt = "Can’t find Contact ID " & lngContactID                          & " in your default local Contacts folder"                      Debug.Print strPrompt                   Else                      Set lnks = .Links                      lnks.Add con                   End If On Error GoTo ErrorHandler                End If                .Close(olSave)             End With NextItemAppt:          Next varItem                    strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All appointments created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All appointments created!"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle                 Case "Contact"          blnSomeSkipped = False          For Each varItem In lst.ItemsSelected             ‘Get Contact ID for reference             lngContactID = Nz(lst.Column(0, varItem))             Debug.Print "Contact ID: " & lngContactID                          ‘Check for required name information             strTest = Nz(lst.Column(1, varItem))             Debug.Print "Contact name: " & strTest             If strTest = "" Then                blnSomeSkipped = True                Print #1,                Print #1, "No name for Contact " & lngContactID                GoTo NextItemContact             End If                          strFullName = Nz(lst.Column(7, varItem))             strJobTitle = Nz(lst.Column(10, varItem))             strStreetAddress = Nz(lst.Column(2, varItem))             strCity = Nz(lst.Column(3, varItem))             strStateProv = Nz(lst.Column(4, varItem))             strPostalCode = Nz(lst.Column(5, varItem))             strCountry = Nz(lst.Column(6, varItem))             strCompanyName = Nz(lst.Column(9, varItem))             strSalutation = Nz(lst.Column(11, varItem))             strEMailRecipient = Nz(lst.Column(12, varItem))                          ‘Create new contact item in default local Contacts folder             Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)             Set con = gappOutlook.CreateItem(olContactItem)             With con                .CustomerID = lngContactID                .FullName = strFullName                .JobTitle = strJobTitle                .BusinessAddressStreet = strStreetAddress                .BusinessAddressCity = strCity                .BusinessAddressState = strStateProv                .BusinessAddressPostalCode = strPostalCode                .BusinessAddressCountry = strCountry                .CompanyName = strCompanyName                .NickName = strSalutation                .Email1Address = strEMailRecipient                .Close(olSave)             End With NextItemContact:          Next varItem                    strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All contacts created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All contacts created!"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle                    Case "Task"          blnSomeSkipped = False                              For Each varItem In lst.ItemsSelected             ‘Check for required task information             strTest = Nz(lst.Column(1, varItem))             Debug.Print "Task: " & strTest             If strTest = "" Then                blnSomeSkipped = True                Print #1,                Print #1, "No task name"                GoTo NextItemTask             End If                          strTaskName = Nz(lst.Column(1, varItem))             lngContactID = Nz(lst.Column(2, varItem))             dteStartDate = Nz(lst.Column(4, varItem))             dteDueDate = Nz(lst.Column(5, varItem))             strStatus = Nz(lst.Column(6, varItem))             lngStatus = Switch(strStatus = "Not started", 0,              strStatus = "In progress", 1,              strStatus = "Completed", 2, "", 0)                       ‘Create new task item in default local Tasks folder             Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)             Set tsk = gappOutlook.CreateItem(olTaskItem)             With tsk                .Subject = strTaskName                .StartDate = dteStartDate                .DueDate = dteDueDate                .Status = lngStatus 

Tasks can have one or more contacts, which are stored in the Links collection of the TaskItem object. To add a contact to a task, first the contact is located in a Contacts folder (here the default local Contacts folder is searched), and then the ContactItem is added to the Links collection.

                If lngContactID > 0 Then                   ‘There is a contact for this appointment; attempt to                   ‘locate this contact in the default Contacts folder.                   Set nms = gappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")                   Set fldContacts = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)                   ‘Find contact, using the Subject field                   Set con = fldContacts.Items.Find("[Subject] = " & strSubject)                   If con Is Nothing Then                      strPrompt = "Can’t find Contact ID " & lngContactID                          & " in your default local Contacts folder"                      Debug.Print strPrompt                   Else                      Set lnks = .Links                      lnks.Add con                   End If                .Close(olSave)             End With              NextItemTask:          Next varItem                    strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All tasks created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All tasks created!"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle              End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Close #1    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject       Set gappOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub 

Figure 12.10 shows an appointment (with a contact) created from one of the records in tblAppointments.

click to expand
Figure 12.10

Datasheet Form

While the listbox form lets you select multiple Access records for creating Outlook items, you may realize that it has some limitations. It is easy to select all the records in a table, or just a few records selected on an ad hoc basis, but it isn’t easy to select large numbers of filtered records—say, creating contact items for all contacts in the state of Idaho. There is no way to do this kind of selection in a listbox, so I made another form, with a datasheet subform, to make it possible to select records using a filter. frmExportToOutlookDatasheet is shown in its initial state in Figure 12.11.

click to expand
Figure 12.11

As with the listbox form, selecting an Outlook item type from cboSelectOutlookItem selects the appropriate data source, in this case by making one subform visible and the others invisible (each record source has its own subform). cboSelectOutlookItem’s AfterUpdate event procedure follows.

 Private Sub cboSelectOutlookItem_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Me![txtFilterString].Value = Null    Me![txtSelectedFolder].Value = Null    plngItemId = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(0)    pstrItemType = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(1)    pstrItemConstant = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(2)    pstrDataSource = Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(3)    pstrQuery = Nz(Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Column(3)) & "Alpha"        If plngItemId <> 0 Then       Me![cmdSelectOutlookFolder].Enabled = True    Else       Me![cmdSelectOutlookFolder].Enabled = False    End If        If plngItemId = 0 Then       ‘Mail message selected       Me![txtMessageText].Enabled = True    Else       Me![txtMessageText].Enabled = False    End If        Select Case pstrDataSource              Case "qryContacts"          Me![subContacts].Visible = True          Me![subContacts].Locked = True          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = False                 Case "qryAppointments"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = True          Me![subAppointments].Locked = True          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = False           Case "qryTasks"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = True          Me![subTasks].Locked = True          Me![subEMail].Visible = False              Case "qryContactsEMail"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = True          Me![subEMail].Locked = True        End Select        Me![cboFilterField].Value = Null    Me![cboFilterValue].Value = Null    Me![cboFilterField].RowSource = pstrDataSource & "Alpha"    Me![fraRecords].Enabled = True     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

This procedure also enables the fraRecords option group, where you can select All Records or Filtered Records, and clears the two comboboxes used to select a filter.

Initially, on selecting an Outlook item type, all records are displayed. If you want to filter the records, click Filtered Records in the Records option group. The AfterUpdate procedure of this option group enables the Filter field combobox and sets its row source to the appropriate query. This procedure follows, with commentary for the first Case statement (the others are similar).

 Private Sub fraRecords_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    Dim intRecords As Integer 

Call a procedure that clears the source objects of all the subforms and the values of the filter controls.

    Call ClearList 

Set a variable representing the choice in fraRecords.

    intRecords = Nz(Me![fraRecords].Value, 1) 

Set up a Select Case statement for the selected data source (the public variable pstrDataSource was set by the selection in cboSelectOutlookItemType).

    Select Case pstrDataSource       Case "qryContacts" 

Make the subContacts subform visible, and the other subforms invisible.

          Me![subContacts].Visible = True          Me![subContacts].Locked = True          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = False          If intRecords = 1 Then 

If All Records was selected in the Records option group, make fsubContactsAll the source object of subContacts, and disable the filter controls.

             Me![subContacts].SourceObject = "fsubContactsAll"             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = False             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          ElseIf intRecords = 2 Then 

If Filtered Records was selected in the Records option group, clear the source object of subContacts (it will be set later, after making filter selections), and enable cboFilterField.

             Me![subContacts].SourceObject = ""             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = True             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          End If                 Case "qryAppointments"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = True          Me![subAppointments].Locked = True          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = False          If intRecords = 1 Then             Me![subAppointments].SourceObject = "fsubAppointmentsAll"             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = False             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          ElseIf intRecords = 2 Then             Me![subAppointments].SourceObject = ""             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = True             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          End If           Case "qryTasks"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = True          Me![subTasks].Locked = True          Me![subEMail].Visible = False          If intRecords = 1 Then             Me![subTasks].SourceObject = "fsubTasksAll"             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = False             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          ElseIf intRecords = 2 Then             Me![subTasks].SourceObject = ""             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = True             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          End If              Case "qryContactsEMail"          Me![subContacts].Visible = False          Me![subAppointments].Visible = False          Me![subTasks].Visible = False          Me![subEMail].Visible = True          Me![subEMail].Locked = True          If intRecords = 1 Then             Me![subEMail].SourceObject = "fsubEmailAll"             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = False             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          ElseIf intRecords = 2 Then             Me![subEMail].SourceObject = ""             Me![cboFilterField].Enabled = True             Me![cboFilterField].Value = ""             Me![cboFilterValue].Enabled = False          End If        End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

Using public variables set from the user’s initial selection in cboSelectOutlookItemType lets me clear this combobox, but preserve the selected values for use in code running from other controls. I could also save the selection to tblInfo, but in this case, public variables work fine. Saving to tblInfo would be required if I need to preserve the values from one database session to another, or if I want to easily check their values for debugging purposes.

On selecting a field for filtering from cboFilterField, the public variable pstrFilterField is set, and a SQL statement is constructed, using the public variables pstrQuery and pstrFilterField. The SQL statement is assigned as the row source of cboFilterValue, that combobox is requeried, and its list is dropped down. Finally, the make-table query and the table it makes are deleted (if they exist). This procedure follows.

 Private Sub cboFilterField_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        pstrFilterField = Nz(Me![cboFilterField].Value)    If pstrFilterField = "" Then       strTitle = "No field selected"       strPrompt = "Please select a field for filtering"       MsgBox strPrompt, vbCritical + vbOKOnly, strTitle       Me![cboFilterField].SetFocus       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If        strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT " & pstrQuery & ".[" & pstrFilterField &        "] FROM " & pstrQuery & " WHERE [" & pstrFilterField & "] Is Not Null;"    Debug.Print "SQL string: " & strSQL    With Me![cboFilterValue]       .Value = Null       .RowSource = strSQL       .Requery       .Enabled = True       .SetFocus       .Dropdown    End With    Me![txtFilterString].Value = Null    Call ClearTables ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The AfterUpdate procedure of cboFilterValue is more complex; it follows, with commentary.

 Private Sub cboFilterValue_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler    Dim intDataType As Integer    Dim fld As DAO.Field    Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef    Dim strTotalsQuery As String    Dim strLinkedQuery As String    Dim strFilter As String 

Set a public variable to the selected filter value.

    pvarFilterValue = Me![cboFilterValue].Value    Debug.Print "Selected value: " & pvarFilterValue 

Determine the data type of the selected field.

    Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(pstrQuery, dbOpenDynaset)    Set fld = rst.Fields(pstrFilterField)    intDataType = fld.Type    Debug.Print "Field data type: " & intDataType 

Set up a Select Case statement to create an appropriate filter string for different data types.

    Select Case intDataType       Case 1          ‘Boolean          strFilter = "[" & pstrFilterField & "] = " & pvarFilterValue              Case 2, 3, 4, 6, 7          ‘Various numeric          strFilter = "[" & pstrFilterField & "] = " & pvarFilterValue                 Case 5          ‘Currency 

Use CCur to make sure the value is passed as a Currency value.

          strFilter = "[" & pstrFilterField & "] = " & CCur(pvarFilterValue)                 Case 8          ‘Date 

Wrap the value in # characters.

          strFilter = "[" & pstrFilterField & "] = " & Chr$(35)              & pvarFilterValue & Chr$(35)                 Case 10          ‘Text 

Wrap the value in double quotes.

          strFilter = "[" & pstrFilterField & "] = " & Chr$(34)              & pvarFilterValue & Chr$(34)       Case 11, 12, 15          ‘OLE object, Memo, Replication ID 

Inform the user that you can’t filter by this type of field.

          strPrompt = "Can’t filter by this field; please select another field"          MsgBox strPrompt, vbCritical + vbOKOnly          Me![cboFilterValue].SetFocus          Me![cboFilterValue].Dropdown          GoTo ErrorHandlerExit              End Select 

Display the filter string just created in the Immediate window for purposes of debugging.

    Debug.Print "Filter string: " & strFilter 

Write the filter string to a locked textbox on the form.

    Me![txtFilterString] = strFilter 

Apply the filter to the selected record source and make a table from it, using a SQL statement to create the make-table query. Making a table rather than just using the query as the subform’s source object allows deletion of records on the subform, without affecting the underlying data.

    strQuery = "qmakMatchingRecords"    strSQL = "SELECT " & pstrQuery & ".* INTO tmakMatchingRecords "        & "FROM " & pstrQuery & " WHERE " & strFilter & ";"    Debug.Print "SQL Statement: " & strSQL    Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef(strQuery, strSQL)    qdf.Execute    Me![cboFilterField].Value = Null    Me![cboFilterValue].Value = Null 

Display the selected data source name to the Immediate window for purposes of debugging.

    Debug.Print "Data source: " & pstrDataSource 

Set up a Select Case statement to select the appropriate filtered subform as the selected subform’s source object. The filtered subforms have the table made by the make-table query earlier (tmakMatchingRecords) as their record source.

    Select Case pstrDataSource              Case "qryContacts"          Me![subContacts].SourceObject = "fsubContactsFiltered"          Debug.Print "subContacts source object: "              & Me![subContacts].SourceObject                    Case "qryAppointments"          Me![subAppointments].SourceObject = "fsubAppointmentsFiltered"          Debug.Print "subAppointments source object: "              & Me![subAppointments].SourceObject              Case "qryTasks"          Me![subTasks].SourceObject = "fsubTasksFiltered"          Debug.Print "subTasks source object: "              & Me![subTasks].SourceObject              Case "qryContactsEMail"          Me![subEMail].SourceObject = "fsubEMailFiltered"          Debug.Print "subEMail source object: "              & Me![subEMail].SourceObject        End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

Figure 12.12 shows contacts filtered by state.

click to expand
Figure 12.12

The listbox form automatically created items in the default local Contacts, Tasks, Calendar, or Outbox folder. The datasheet form lets you select a folder for creating items. To select an Outlook folder (this option is available for Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks), click the Select Outlook folder command button in the form header. The Click event procedure on this form (listed below) pops up the Outlook Select Folder dialog (shown in Figure 12.13), where you can select a folder. Unfortunately, there is no way to filter this dialog so that it offers all the Outlook folders on your system, whether they are the right type or not. You can’t create contacts in a Tasks folder or vice versa, so the code checks the folder type by examining its DefaultItemType property to see whether it matches the item type selected in the cboSelectOutlookItemType combobox. (The exception is mail messages, which are always created in the Outbox—or the Drafts folder, if you are using the Redemption Library; the Select Outlook folder command button is disabled if you select Mail message as the Outlook item type.)

 Private Sub cmdSelectOutlookFolder_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace        Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set nms = gappOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")      SelectFolder: 

Set a public variable to the selected folder. This is the actual folder object itself, not the folder name.

    Set pfld = nms.PickFolder    If pfld Is Nothing Then        GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If 

Test whether folder is the right type for the selected Outlook item type.

    Debug.Print "Default item type: " & pfld.DefaultItemType    If pfld.DefaultItemType <> plngItemId Then       MsgBox "Please select a " & pstrItemType & " folder"       GoTo SelectFolder    End If 

Display the name of the selected folder in a textbox on the form.

    pstrFolderName = pfld.Name    Me![txtSelectedFolder].Value = pstrFolderName     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set gappOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub 

click to expand
Figure 12.13

Figure 12.14 shows the Contacts from Access folder, with the Utah contacts exported from Access.

click to expand
Figure 12.14

The Create Items command button does the work of creating the items, in the selected folder. Its procedure is similar to that of the button on the listbox form, except that instead of picking up data from columns of a listbox, it uses a DAO recordset to pick up data from fields of a query or table. The cmdCreateItems Click event procedure follows, with commentary.

 Private Sub cmdCreateItems_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Declare variables for values from the Access tables, Outlook objects, and DAO objects for working with recordsets.

    Dim blnSomeSkipped As Boolean    Dim dteDueDate As Date    Dim dteEndDate As Date    Dim dteEndTime As Date    Dim dteLastMeeting As Date    Dim dteStartDate As Date    Dim dteStartTime As Date    Dim fldContacts As Outlook.MAPIFolder    Dim intRecords As Integer    Dim lngAppointmentID As Long    Dim lngContactID As Long    Dim lngStatus As Long    Dim lnks As Outlook.Links    Dim rstData As DAO.Recordset    Dim strBody As String    Dim strCity As String    Dim strCompanyName As String    Dim strContactName As String    Dim strCountry As String    Dim strEMailRecipient As String    Dim strFile As String    Dim strFullName As String    Dim strJobTitle As String    Dim strMessage As String    Dim strMessageText As String    Dim strPostalCode As String    Dim strSalutation As String    Dim strStateProv As String    Dim strStatus As String    Dim strStreetAddress As String    Dim strSubject As String    Dim strTaskName As String    Dim strTest As String    Dim strTestFile As String 

Check that an Outlook item type has been selected, and exit if it has not.

    Debug.Print "Selected item type: " & pstrItemType    If pstrItemType = "" Then       Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].SetFocus       Me![cboSelectOutlookItem].Dropdown       MsgBox "Please select an Outlook item type", vbCritical       GoTo ErrorHandlerExit    End If        intRecords = Me![fraRecords].Value    strMessageText = Nz(Me![MessageText]) 

Set a global Outlook application variable; if Outlook is not running, the error handler defaults to CreateObject.

    Set gappOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")    Set nms = appOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI") 

Open a text file for writing information about skipped records.

    strFile = strDocsPath & "Skipped Records.txt"    Open strFile For Output As #1    Print #1, "These records were skipped when creating documents"    Print #1, 

Determine what type of Outlook item is to be used, what Outlook folder is to be used, and whether all records or filtered records are to be merged.

    Debug.Print "Data source: " & pstrDataSource        If Me![fraRecords].Value = 2 Then 

Filtered records—change data source to the filtered table.

       pstrDataSource = "tmakMatchingRecords"    Else 

For the All Records selection, keep the selection made in cboSelectOutlookItem.

   End If

Set up a Select Case statement to set the global pfld variable appropriately for each item type, in case a specific folder is not selected.

   Select Case plngItemId           Case 0          Set pfld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderOutbox)          pstrFolderName = "Outbox"           Case 1          pstrFolderName = "Calendar"          Set pfld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)                       Case 2          pstrFolderName = "Contacts"          Set pfld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts)                    Case 3          pstrFolderName = "Tasks"          Set pfld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks)        End Select           Debug.Print "Selected folder: " & pstrFolderName 

Set up a DAO recordset based on the selected data source.

    Set dbs = CurrentDb    Set rstData = dbs.OpenRecordset(pstrDataSource, dbOpenDynaset) 

Set up a Select Case statement to deal with each Outlook item type.

    Select Case pstrItemType           Case "Appointment" 

Set blnSomeSkipped to False to start with—it will be set to True if any records have to be skipped because of missing data.

          blnSomeSkipped = False 

Set up a For Each . . . Next loop to deal with each item in the datasheet.

             With rstData                Do While Not .EOF 

Get the Appointment ID use later in the code.

                   lngAppointmentID = Nz(![AppointmentID])                   Debug.Print "Appointment ID: " & lngAppointmentID 

Check for required appointment information, and set blnSomeSkipped to True if anything is missing.

                   strTest = Nz(![Topic])                   Debug.Print "Topic: " & strTest                   If strTest = "" Then                      blnSomeSkipped = True                      Print #1,                      Print #1, "No topic for Appointment " & lngAppointmentID                      GoTo NextItemAppt                   Else                      strSubject = Nz(![Topic])                   End If                                      strTest = Nz(![StartTime])                   Debug.Print "Start time: " & strTest                   If strTest = "" Then                      blnSomeSkipped = True 

Print a line about the missing information to the Skipped Records text file.

                      Print #1,                      Print #1, "No start time for Appointment " & lngAppointmentID                      GoTo NextItemAppt                   End If 

Create a new appointment in the selected folder.

                   Set appt = pfld.Items.Add                   appt.Subject = strSubject 

Write StartTime and EndTime properties only if there is a valid date in the corresponding Access table fields.

                   If IsDate(![StartTime]) = True Then                      dteStartTime = CDate(![StartTime])                      Debug.Print dteStartTime                      appt.Start = dteStartTime                   End If                   If IsDate(![EndTime]) = True Then                      dteEndTime = CDate(![EndTime])                      Debug.Print dteEndTime                      appt.Start = dteEndTime                   End If                   appt.Location = Nz(![Location])                   appt.Categories = Nz(![Category])                                      lngContactID = Nz(![ContactID])                   strContactName = Nz(![ContactName])                   Debug.Print "Contact name: " & strContactName 

Appointments can have one or more contacts, which are stored in the Links collection of the AppointmentItem object. To add a contact to an appointment, first the contact is located in a Contacts folder (here the default local Contacts folder is searched), and then the ContactItem is added to the Links collection.

                   If lngContactID > 0 Then                      Set fldContacts = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) On Error Resume Next                      Set con = fldContacts.Items.Find("[CustomerID] = "                          & lngContactID)                      If con Is Nothing Then                         strPrompt = "Can’t find Contact ID " & lngContactID                             & " in your default local Contacts folder"                         Debug.Print strPrompt                      Else                         Set lnks = appt.Links                         lnks.Add con                      End If On Error GoTo ErrorHandler                   End If                   appt.Close (olSave) 

Go the next record.

 NextItemAppt:                   .MoveNext                Loop                .Close             End With 

When all the selected records have been processed, put up an informative message box.

             strTitle = "Done"             If blnSomeSkipped = True Then                strPrompt = "All appointments created; some records skipped "                    & "because of missing information." & vbCrLf &                       "See " & strDocsPath & "Skipped Records.txt for details."             Else                strPrompt = "All appointments created in " & pstrFolderName                    & " folder"             End If                             MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle 

Other cases are handled similarly.

       Case "Contact"          blnSomeSkipped = False                    With rstData             Do While Not .EOF                ‘Get Contact ID for reference                lngContactID = Nz(![ContactID])                Debug.Print "Contact ID: " & lngContactID                                ‘Check for required name information                strTest = Nz(![ContactName])                Debug.Print "Contact name: " & strTest                If strTest = "" Then                   blnSomeSkipped = True                   Print #1,                   Print #1, "No name for Contact " & lngContactID                   GoTo NextItemContact                End If                                strFullName = Nz(![FirstNameFirst])                strJobTitle = Nz(![JobTitle])                strStreetAddress = Nz(![StreetAddress])                strCity = Nz(![City])                strStateProv = Nz(![StateProv])                strPostalCode = Nz(![PostalCode])                strCountry = Nz(![Country])                strCompanyName = Nz(![CompanyName])                strSalutation = Nz(![Salutation])                strEMailRecipient = Nz(![EmailName])                                ‘Create new contact item in selected folder                Set con = pfld.Items.Add                With con                   .CustomerID = lngContactID                   .FullName = strFullName                   .JobTitle = strJobTitle                   .BusinessAddressStreet = strStreetAddress                   .BusinessAddressCity = strCity                   .BusinessAddressState = strStateProv                   .BusinessAddressPostalCode = strPostalCode                   .BusinessAddressCountry = strCountry                   .CompanyName = strCompanyName                   .NickName = strSalutation                   .Email1Address = strEMailRecipient                   .Close (olSave)                End With     NextItemContact:                             .MoveNext             Loop             .Close          End With          strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All contacts created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All contacts created in " & pstrFolderName & " folder"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle                 Case "Mail message"          blnSomeSkipped = False                          With rstData             Do While Not .EOF                ‘Get Contact ID for reference                lngContactID = Nz(![ContactID])                Debug.Print "Contact ID: " & lngContactID                                ‘Check for required email information                strTest = Nz(![EmailName])                Debug.Print "Email address: " & strTest                If strTest = "" Then                   blnSomeSkipped = True                   Print #1,                   Print #1, "No email address for Contact " & lngContactID                   GoTo NextItemMail                End If                                strEMailRecipient = Nz(![EmailName])                dteLastMeeting = Nz(![LastMeetingDate])                strMessage = Nz(Me![MessageText])                If strMessage <> "" Then                   strBody = strMessage                Else                   strBody = "Your last meeting was on " & dteLastMeeting                    & "; please call to arrange a meeting by the end of the year."                End If                                ‘Create new mail message                Set msg = pfld.Items.Add                With msg                   .To = strEMailRecipient                   .Subject = "Reminder"                   .Body = strBody                   .Send                End With        NextItemMail:                .MoveNext             Loop             .Close          End With          strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All mail messages created; some records skipped "                 & " because of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See "                    & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All mail messages created in " & pstrFolderName          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle                 Case "Task"          blnSomeSkipped = False              With rstData             Do While Not .EOF                ‘Check for required task information                strTest = Nz(![TaskName])                Debug.Print "Task: " & strTest                If strTest = "" Then                   blnSomeSkipped = True                   Print #1,                   Print #1, "No task name"                   GoTo NextItemTask                End If                                strTaskName = Nz(![TaskName])                lngContactID = Nz(![ContactID])                dteStartDate = Nz(![StartDate])                dteDueDate = Nz(![DueDate])                strStatus = Nz(![Status]) 

Convert the Status text from the Access table into a Long value for writing to the Outlook record.

                lngStatus = Switch(strStatus = "Not started", 0,                 strStatus = "In progress", 1,                 strStatus = "Completed", 2, "", 0)                             ‘Create new task item in selected Tasks folder                Set tsk = pfld.Items.Add                tsk.Subject = strTaskName                tsk.StartDate = dteStartDate                tsk.DueDate = dteDueDate                tsk.Status = lngStatus 

Tasks can have one or more contacts, which are stored in the Links collection of the TaskItem object. To add a contact to a task, first the contact is located in a Contacts folder (here the default local Contacts folder is searched) and then the ContactItem is added to the Links collection.

                lngContactID = Nz(![ContactID])                strContactName = Nz(![ContactName])                Debug.Print "Contact name: " & strContactName                                ‘Add contact to item, using the Links collection                If lngContactID > 0 Then                   ‘There is a contact for this appointment; attempt to                   ‘locate this contact in the default Contacts folder.                   Set fldContacts = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) On Error Resume Next                   Set con = fldContacts.Items.Find("[CustomerID] = "                       & lngContactID)                   If con Is Nothing Then                      strPrompt = "Can’t find Contact ID " & lngContactID                          & " in your default local Contacts folder"                      Debug.Print strPrompt                   Else                      Set lnks = tsk.Links                      lnks.Add con                   End If                End If                tsk.Close (olSave)                 NextItemTask:             .MoveNext             Loop             .Close          End With          strTitle = "Done"          If blnSomeSkipped = True Then             strPrompt = "All tasks created; some records skipped because "                 & "of missing information." & vbCrLf & "See " & strDocsPath                 & "Skipped Records.txt for details."          Else             strPrompt = "All tasks created in " & pstrFolderName & " folder"          End If                       MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, strTitle              End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Close #1    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub 

Email a Report Form

The final form illustrating exporting Access data to Outlook shows you how to output an Access report to one of a variety of formats and then email the exported report. The EMail Access Report form is shown in Figure 12.15.

Figure 12.15

It is a simple form, with three comboboxes for selecting the report, recipient, and format, and a command button to save the report to the selected format and email it to the recipient. The cboSelectReport combobox has tlkpReports as its row source, a lookup table that lists report names and their record sources. cboSelectRecipient uses qryContacts as its row source with contact names and email addresses. cboSelectFormat has tlkpFormats as its row source, listing the available formats and their extensions (for use in code.

The available formats have their advantages and disadvantages, which are listed in the following table.

Format Type



Access Snapshot

Excellent appearance; not editable.

Users who don’t have Access have to install the Snapshot Viewer to view it.

Adobe PDF

Excellent appearance; not editable. Almost everybody has the Adobe Viewer, or can easily download and install it.

You have to purchase Adobe Acrobat to generate these files (or use a third-party utility that doesn’t work as well, and is probably illegal).

Comma-Delimited Text File

Widely supported format; excellent for importing into other databases.

Doesn’t look like the report.

Excel Worksheet

Many users have Excel; a good choice if the data needs to be manipulated.

Doesn’t look like the report.

Plain Text

The lowest common denominator format; anyone who has even Notepad can view this format.

Doesn’t look like the report.

Rich Text

Looks somewhat like the report, though there are some appearance problems.

Need Word to view it.

The code on the cmdEMailReport command button’s Click event calls one of a group of Sub procedures, depending on the chosen format. This procedure is listed below, with commentary.

 Private Sub cmdEMailReport_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        Dim strFormatType As String 

Pick up format type from combobox.

    strFormatType = Me![cboSelectFormat].Column(0)    Debug.Print "Selected format: " & strFormatType 

Set up Select Case statement to process each format type separately by calling a Sub procedure.

    Select Case strFormatType              Case "Access Snapshot"          Call SendReportSNP(Me)              Case "Adobe PDF"          Call SendReportPDF(Me)              Case "Rich Text"          Call SendReportRTF(Me)              Case "Comma-Delimited Text File"          Call SendReportCSV(Me)              Case "Plain Text"          Call SendReportTXT(Me)                 Case "Excel Worksheet"          Call SendReportWKS(Me)              End Select     ErrorHandlerExit:    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " &        Err.Description    Resume ErrorHandlerExit End Sub 

The procedures for the different formats (located in the basOutlookAutomation module) follow, with commentary (full commentary only for the first procedure).

 Sub SendReportSNP(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 

Set variables for the report name, data source, display name, email address, Contact ID, output file name, and extension, file path, and concatenated file name and path.

    strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath 

Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of four units).

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4) 

Update the progress bar.

    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1) 

Use the FileSystemObject to test whether there is an old file, and delete it if there is one.

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If        ‘Update the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2) 

Create the new snapshot file in the Documents\Access Merge folder, using the OutputTo method.

    DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport,        objectname:=strReport,        outputformat:=acFormatSNP,        outputfile:=strFileAndPath,        autostart:=False    ‘Update the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3) 

Test for the existence of the specified report file, using the FileSystemObject, with a loop to prevent premature cancellation.

 TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If        ‘Update the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) 

Create the new mail message and attach the snapshot file to it.

    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strReport           & " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf           & "You need the Access Snapshot Viewer to view this file."           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub Sub  SendReportRTF(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath        ‘Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of four units).    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4)    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1)    ‘Delete old file, if there is one    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2)    ‘Create new rich text file in Documents\Access Merge folder    DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport,        objectname:=strReport,        outputformat:=acFormatRTF,        outputfile:=strFileAndPath,        autostart:=False    ‘Test for existence of specified report file, with loop    ‘to prevent premature cancellation TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3)    ‘Create new mail message and attach rich text file to it    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strReport           & " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf           & "You need Word to view this file."           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub Sub SendReportTXT(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath        ‘Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of four units).    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4)    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1)    ‘Delete old file, if there is one    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2)    ‘Create new rich text file in Documents\Access Merge folder    DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport,        objectname:=strReport,        outputformat:=acFormatTXT,        outputfile:=strFileAndPath,        autostart:=False    ‘Test for existence of specified report file, with loop    ‘to prevent premature cancellation TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3)    ‘Create new mail message and attach text file to it    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strReport           & " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub Sub SendReportWKS(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath        ‘Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of four units).    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4)    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1)    ‘Delete old file, if there is one    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2)    ‘Create new worksheet file in Documents\Access Merge folder    DoCmd.OutputTo objecttype:=acOutputReport,        objectname:=strReport,        outputformat:=acFormatXLS,        outputfile:=strFileAndPath,        autostart:=False    ‘Test for existence of specified report file, with loop    ‘to prevent premature cancellation TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3)    ‘Create new mail message and attach worksheet file to it    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strReport           & " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf           & "You need Excel to view this file."           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub Sub SendReportCSV(frm As Access.Form) On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0))    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strSpec = Mid(strDataSource, 4) & " Export Specification"    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Mid(Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)), 4)    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath        ‘Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of 5 units).    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 5)    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1)        ‘Delete old file, if there is one    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = True Then       fso.DeleteFile strFileAndPath    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2) 

Create a new comma-delimited text file in the Documents\Access Merge folder, using the TransferText method.

    DoCmd.TransferText transfertype:=acExportDelim,        specificationname:=strSpec,        TableName:=strDataSource,        FileName:=strFileAndPath,        HasFieldNames:=True        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3)    ‘Test for existence of specified report file, with loop    ‘to prevent premature cancellation TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4)    ‘Create new mail message and attach comma-delimited text file to it    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strDataSource &           " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 5) ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub Sub SendReportPDF(frm As Access.Form) 

This code assumes that you have installed Adobe Acrobat and have assigned the PDF printer to a copy of each report, with “PDF” appended to its name.

 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler        strReport = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(0)) & "PDF"    strDataSource = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(2))    strDisplayName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strEMailRecipient = Nz(frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(0))    lngContactID = frm![cboSelectRecipient].Column(2)    strFileName = Nz(frm![cboSelectReport].Column(1))    strExtension = Nz(frm![cboSelectFormat].Column(1))    strFilePath = GetDocsDir()    strFileAndPath = strFilePath & strFileName & strExtension    Debug.Print "File name and path: " & strFileAndPath           ‘Initialize the progress bar (using an arbitrary division of 3 units)    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter,        "Creating output file ...", 4)    ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 1) 

Create the PDF file by printing the report to the PDF printer, previously selected for this report.

    DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewNormal        varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 2)    ‘Test for existence of specified report file, with loop    ‘to prevent premature cancellation TryAgain:    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    If fso.FileExists(strFileAndPath) = False Then       GoTo TryAgain    End If        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 3)    ‘Create new mail message and attach PDF file to it    Set appOutlook = GetObject(, Outlook.Application)    Set itm = appOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)    With itm       .To = strEMailRecipient       .Subject = strDisplayName & " report"       .Body = "This file was exported from " & strReport &           " on " & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy") & "."           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf           & "You need the Adobe Acrobat Viewer to open this file."           & vbCrLf & vbCrLf       .Attachments.Add strFileAndPath       .Display    End With        ‘Update the progress bar.    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, 4) ErrorHandlerExit:    ‘Remove the progress bar    varReturn = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)    Exit Sub ErrorHandler:    If Err = 429 Then       ‘Outlook is not running; open Outlook with CreateObject.       Set appOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")       Resume Next    Else       MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description       Resume ErrorHandlerExit    End If End Sub 

Figure 12.16 shows the EBooks by Category report exported to Adobe PDF format.

click to expand
Figure 12.16

Expert One-on-One(c) Microsoft Access Application Development
Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development
ISBN: 0764559044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 124
Authors: Helen Feddema

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