

Idempotent servlets, 332, 343

Identities (JDO), 9, 21–36, 80, 96, 242, 349, 352–353

defined, 17, 21

three types of, 23–32

for transient application data object, 35

Identity key values, 244

Identity objects, 22–26, 80, 97, 242

defined, 21

fetching application data objects, 97–98

getting, 232

getting and constructing, 95–97

toString method, 242

Identity strings, 25, 96, 340, 352

capturing, 242–244

capturing for datastore identity, 243–244

defined, 17, 24

of persistent objects, 340

Identity value

of application identity, 25

of datastore identity, 23

defined, 17, 21

of nondurable identity, 31

unique, 80

IgnoreCache property (PersistenceManager interface), 38, 99, 192

IgnoreCache property (Query interface), 47–48, 63–64

Implementations (JDO). See JDO implementations

Implicit transparent persistence, 83

Import string, 45

Inconsistent reads, 107, 113

Inequality operator (!=), 51, 53


and application identity, 172–173

enhancement and, 161–163

Inheritance tree with enhanced and unenhanced classes, 162

init method (servlet), 356

Inner classes, enhancement and, 163

InstanceCallbacks interface, 7, 36, 158, 234–249, 290, 351

bug in, 235

capturing identity strings, 242–244

class diagram of, 235, 394

implementing cascading deletes, 245–248

implications of implementing, 249

and JDO cache management, 248

managing application keys, 244–245

methods in, 235, 349

storing calculation results, 240–241

using in validation, 239

instanceof, 28

IntelliBO 3.1.0, 363

IntelliBO implementation, 299 file, 299

intellibo.xml file, 299

Interface types, JDOQL and, 55

Interfaces (JDO), 1

Introspection, enhancement and, 157

isActive method (Transaction interface), 109

isClosed method (PersistenceManager interface), 78

isDirty method (JDOHelper), 313

isEmpty query method, 55

Isolation levels of transactions, 106–108

Isolation requirement of transactions, 4, 104

isSameVersion method (SupportsVersion interface), 351–352

iterator method (Extent interface), 40

Iterators, extent obtaining, 40

Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
Using and Understanding Java Data Objects
ISBN: 1590590430
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 156
Authors: David Ezzio © 2008-2017.
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