

Abort( ) method, 915

AbortTransaction event, 737

abstract base class, inheritance and

MustInherit keyword, 160–161

MustOverride keyword, 161

abstraction, 170174

description, 61

implemenation, 171

TextBox control, 170

ACID test

atomicity, 1030

consistency, 1030

durability, 1030

isolation, 1030

act-as relationship, 116

Action property, SecurityException class, 475

Activated objects, 10071008

ActivatorClient project, 10241025

Activator.GetObject, 10241025

activities, WF

CallExternalMethod, 940

Code, 943

CompensatableSequence, 942

Compensate, 943

ConditionedActivityGroup, 942

Delay, 943

EventDriven, 942

FaultHandler, 942

HandleExternalEvent, 940

IfElse, 941

InvokeWebService, 941

InvokeWorkflow, 941

Listen, 941

Parallel, 942

Policy, 941

Replicator, 942

Sequence, 942

State, 943

StateFinalization, 943

StateInitialization, 943

Suspend, 943

Terminate, 943

Throw, 943

WebServiceFault, 941

WebServiceInput, 941

WebServiceOutput, 941

While, 942

Add( ) method, ValueType, 272

AddGroup switch, Caspol utility, 466467

AddHandler method, 86, 9091

AddOwnedForm( ) method, 606

AddRef method, 219

addresses, 10591060

DNS, 1059

IP, 1059

ADO, XML and, 390

ADO.NET 2.0, 341342

architecture enhancements, 342–344

components, 343–344

connection pooling, 368

DataSet object, 364–366

DataTable object, 364–366

DataTable objects, 363–364

SQL Server, XML-related features, 434–435

XML and, 390

XML documents, generating, 433–434

aliases, namespaces, 296

ApartmentState() method, 915

ApartmentState method, 915

AppDomains, 899

Append method, StringBuilder, 45

application deployment. See deployment

Application event log, 330

application folders, ASP.NET

\App_Browsers folder, 743

\App_Code folder, 738–742

\App_Data folder, 742

\App_GlobalResources folder, 742–743

\App_LocalResources folder, 743

\App_Themes folder, 742

\App_WebReferences folder, 743

application inheritance, 191192

application isolation, versioning and, 818

Application_AuthenticationRequest event, 745

Application_BeginRequest event, 744

Application_End event, 745

Application_Error event, 745

Application.MainWindow, declaration, 683

application-private assemblies, 816

Application_Start event, 744

AreEqual() method, 268, 278

ArrayList object, Collections namespace, 42, 1064

arrays, 3940

Integer arrays, 39

multidimensional, 40

parameter array, 46–47

ReDim statement, 41–42

UBound function, 40–41

arrMyIntArray, 40

ASMX Web Services, 1091

ASP.NET 2.0, 5

AbortTransaction page event, 737

administration, 722

application folders

App_Browsers folder, 743

App_Code folder, 738–742

App_Data folder, 742

App_GlobalResources folder, 742–743

App_LocalResources folder, 743

App_Themes folder, 742

App_WebReferences folder, 743


data-driven, 774–783

health monitoring, 723

location options, 726–728

Web server, built-in, 727

CommitTransaction page event, 737

compilation system, 722–723, 764–767

configuration settings, 795–796

reading/writing, 723–724

cross-page posting, 759–764

culture settings, 238–239

DataBinding page event, 737


Assembly, 736

Control, 736

Implements, 736

Import, 736

Master, 736

MasterType, 736

OutputCache, 736

Page, 736

PreviousPageType, 736

Reference, 736

Register, 736

Disposed page event, 737

Error page event, 737

FTP and, 729

Global Application Class, 743–746

Global.asax file, 743–746

IDE, new, 725–726

IIS and, 728

Init page event, 737

InitComplete page event, 737

JavaScript and, 753

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock, 754–755

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude, 756–757

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript, 755–756

Load page event, 737

LoadComplete page event, 737

localization, 724

management, 722

master pages, 767–770

content pages, 770–772

declaring application wide, 772–773

default content, 773–774

membership, 790–794

methods, overloading, 982

namespaces and, 297

navigation, 783–784

Description attribute, 784

Roles attribute, 784

SiteMapPath server control, 784–785

Title attribute, 784

Url attribute, 784

objects, new, 724

page directives, 735

Assembly, 736

Control, 736

Implements, 736

Import, 736

Master, 736

MasterType, 736

OutputCache, 736

Page, 736

PreviousPageType, 736

Reference, 736

Register, 736

page events, 736–738

page structure, 730–732

code-behind model, 733–735

inline coding, 732–733

partial classes, 723

performance, 722

personalization and, 794–795

PreInit page event, 737

PreLoad page event, 737

PreRender page event, 737

PreRenderComplete page event, 737

provider model, 797–804

resource files

global resources, 252–254

language resource files, 249–250

local resources, 246–252

role management, 790–794

scalability, 722

server controls, 724–725, 747–748

coding, 750–751

custom controls, 748

design surface and, 749–750

events, 751–752

list controls, 748

Menu, 785–787

mobile controls, 748

rich controls, 748

SiteMapPath, 785–787

TreeView, 787–790

user controls, 748

validation controls, 748

Unload page event, 737

Web site, FrontPage extensions and, 729–730

Windows Workflow and, 952–956

Xml server control, 442–444

XmlDataSource control, 437–442

namespace issues, 442

assemblies, 207208

application-private, 816

CLR and, 808

configuration files, 820–821

runtime settings, 821–823

startup settings, 821

cryptographically strong names, 1039

dynamic loading

Assembly class, 824–825

example, 825–826

manifest, 207–208, 809–812

identity section, 812–815

namespaces, 287

referenced, 815

shared, 816

GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 816–817

strong names, 1039


application isolation and, 818

self-describing, 818–819

side-by-side execution and, 818

version policies, 819–820

Assembly class, 824825

Assembly directive, ASP.NET, 736

assembly management, security tools, 474–475

AssemblyInfo.vb file, 511

Assembly Version attribute, 512

COM Visible attribute, 512

Company attribute, 512

Copyright attribute, 512

Description attribute, 512

File Version attribute, 512

Guid attribute, 512

Product attribute, 512

Title attribute, 512

Trademark attribute, 512

Assert method, 334, 451

Windows Forms permissions, 456

AsymmetricAlgorithm class, 488

asynchronous execution of commands, 352–354

atomicity, ACID test, 1030


CLR and, 214–216

InterfaceQueuing, 1047

Serializable, 214

WebService, 968

WebServiceBinding, 968

XML, 397–398

traversing with DOM, 423–425

Attributes() method, XML attributes,

retrieving, 423

authentication, PrinciplePermission calss, 453

author blogs, 1204

AutoCompletion, Windows Forms, 598

AutoScaleDimensions property, 526

AutoScaleMode property, 526

Professional VB 2005 with. NET 3. 0
Professional VB 2005 with .NET 3.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470124709
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 267 © 2008-2017.
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