Managing for Knowledge - HR s Strategic Role

Christina Evans



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First published 2003

Copyright 2003, Christina Evans. All rights reserved

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To my daughter Joanna, with love – always remember the gift of learning


There are many people who have helped in shaping the ideas and content in this book. I would particularly like to thank Linda Holbeche, Director of Research at Roffey Park, for suggesting me to Butterworth-Heinemann as someone who could write knowledgably on HR’s role in managing knowledge, as well as for her ongoing contribution and support with this project. Equally, I am grateful to Val Hammond, Chief Executive of Roffey Park, for writing the Foreword. This is particularly timely and symbolic given that Val will be stepping down as Chief Executive this year.

I would particularly like to thank Dave Snowden, from the Cynefin Centre for Organisational Complexity, IBM Global Services for his chapter on ‘Language and tools for knowledge mapping’ and Elizabeth Lank, independent consultant, for helping me shape the chapter on ‘Working and Learning in Communities of Practice’.

I am grateful to John Bailey, KPMG; Linda Marks, QinetiQ; Ron Donaldson, English Nature and Alison Lewis, Oxfam GB, for making it possible for me to develop organisational case studies. Also to Jela Webb, Azione, for sharing her experience of how to structure an HR team to ensure maximum impact from a knowledge management perspective. I would also like to thank Linda Emmett, Information Manager at the CIPD, for sharing her thoughts on thinking through the appropriate use of technological solutions for managing knowledge.

Other people whom I would like to thank for giving up their time to share their ideas, or allow me to learn from their experience, include: Ruth Mundy of Jones Lang Lasalle; Elaine Monkhouse, formally of The Oxford Group; Jozefa Fawcett, formally Berkshire NHS Shared Services; Tom Knight of Fujitsu and Richard Archer of The iFramework.

I am also grateful for the enthusiasm, support and challenge from colleagues in my personal network. These include: David Lines, Eden Charles, John Whatmore and John Sparks.

Many thanks too go to Ailsa Marks and the team at Butterworth-Heinemann for being so supportive throughout the whole production process.

Finally, I want to thank my family, particularly my husband David and daughter Joanna, who almost didn’t get a holiday last summer because I was so engrossed in writing this book – I’ll try to be better organised next time!

Managing the Knowledge - HR's Strategic Role
Managing for Knowledge: HRs Strategic Role
ISBN: 0750655666
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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