Property Inheritance


Property Inheritance

To determine which properties can be used at each level in the IIS Metabase, consider Table 9.1.


In Table 1.1, items shown in bold are of significant importance to the system administrator .

+ The plus symbol indicates that at least one element of the interface is supported in the namespace .

- The minus symbol indicates that this interface is not supported in this namespace .

Table 9.1. IIS Metabase Property Inheritance
Property IIs Web Server IIsWeb Virtual Directory IIsWeb Directory IIsWeb File
AccessExecute + + + +
AccessFlags + + + +
AccessNoRemoteExecute + + + +
AccessNoRemoteRead + + + +
AccessNoRemoteScript + + + +
AccessNoRemoteWrite + + + +
AccessRead + + + +
AccessScript + + + +
AccessSSL + + + +
AccessSSL128 + + + +
AccessSSLFlags + + + +
AccessSSLMapCert + + + +
AccessSSLNegotiateCert + + + +
AccessSSLRequireCert + + + +
AccessWrite + + + +
AdminACL +
AllowKeepAlive +
AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings +
AnonymousPasswordSync + + + +
AnonymousUserName + + + +
AnonymousUserPass + + + +
AppAllowClientDebug + +
AppAllowDebugging + +
AppFriendlyName + + +
AppIsolated + + +
AppOopRecoverLimit + + +
AppPackageID + + +
AppPackageName + + +
AppRoot + + +
AppWamClsid + + +
AspAllowOutOfProcComponents + + +
AspAllowSessionState + + +
AspBufferingOn + + +
AspCodepage + + +
AspEnableParentPaths + + +
AspExceptionCatchEnable + + +
AspLogErrorRequests + + +
AspMemFreeFactor + + +
AspQueueTimeout + + +
AspScriptEngineCacheMax + + +
AspScriptErrorMessage + + +
AspScriptErrorSentToBrowser + + +
AspScriptFileCacheSize + + +
AspScriptLanguage + + +
AspScriptTimeout + + +
AspSessionTimeout + + +
AuthAnonymous + + + +
AuthBasic + + + +
AuthFlags + + + +
AuthNTLM + + + +
AuthPersistence + + + +
CacheControlCustom + + + +
CacheControlMaxAge + + + +
CacheControlNoCache + + + +
CacheISAPI +
CGITimeout +
ConnectionTimeout +
ContentIndexed + +
CreateCGIWithNewConsole + + + +
CreateProcessAsUser + + + +
DefaultDoc + + +
DefaultDocFooter + + + +
DefaultLogonDomain + + + +
DirBrowseFlags + + +
DirBrowseShowDate + + +
DirBrowseShowExtension + + +
DirBrowseShowLongDate + + +
DirBrowseShowSize + + +
DirBrowseShowTime + + +
DontLog + + + +
EnableDefaultDoc + + +
EnableDirBrowsing + + +
EnableDocFooter + + + +
EnableReverseDns + + + +
FrontPageWeb +
HttpCustomHeaders + + + +
HttpErrors + + + +
HttpExpires + + + +
HttpPics + + + +
HttpRedirect + + + +
IPSecurity + + + +
LogExtFileBytesRecv +
LogExtFileBytesSent +
LogExtFileClientIp +
LogExtFileComputerName +
LogExtFileCookie +
LogExtFileDate +
LogExtFileFlags +
LogExtFileHttpStatus +
LogExtFileMethod +
LogExtFileProtocolVersion +
LogExtFileReferer +
LogExtFileServerIp +
LogExtFileServerPort +
LogExtFileSiteName +
LogExtFileTime +
LogExtFileTimeTaken +
LogExtFileUriQuery +
LogExtFileUriStem +
LogExtFileUserAgent +
LogExtFileUserName +
LogExtFileWin32Status +
LogFileDirectory +
LogFilePeriod +
LogFileTruncateSize +
LogOdbcDataSource +
LogOdbcPassword +
LogOdbcTableName +
LogOdbcUserName +
LogonMethod + + + +
LogPluginClsId +
LogType +
MaxBandwidth +
MaxBandwidthBlocked +
MaxConnections +
MaxEndpointConnections +
MimeMap + + + +
NetLogonWorkstation +
NTAuthenticationProviders +
PasswordCacheTTL +
PasswordChangeFlags +
PasswordExpirePrenotifyDays +
Path +
PoolIDCTimeout + + + +
ProcessNTCRIfLoggedOn +
PutReadSize + + + +
Realm + + + +
RedirectHeaders + + + +
ScriptMaps + + + +
SecureBindings +
ServerAutoStart +
ServerBindings +
ServerComment +
ServerListenBacklog +
ServerListenTimeout +
ServerSize +
ServerState +
SSIExecDisable + + + +
UNCAuthenticationPassthrough + + + +
UNCPassword +
UNCUserName +
UploadReadAheadSize + + + +
UseHostName +


For purposes of the examples in this chapter, most code segments will demonstrate manipulation of the default Web site and root virtual directory. Based on the information in the preceding table, you can easily determine which properties can be manipulated at each level in the Metabase .


Windows NT. 2000 ADSI Scripting for System Administration
Windows NT/2000 ADSI Scripting for System Administration
ISBN: 1578702194
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 194
Authors: Thomas Eck © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: