2.2. Simple Expressions

2.2. Simple Expressions

The simplest Scheme expressions are constant data objects, such as strings, numbers, symbols, and lists. Scheme supports other object types, but these four are enough for many programs. We saw some examples of strings and numbers in the preceding section.

Let's discuss numbers in a little more detail. Numbers are constants. If you enter a number, Scheme echoes it back to you. The following examples show that Scheme supports several types of numbers.

 123456789987654321  123456789987654321 3/4  3/4 2.718281828  2.718281828 2.2+1.1i  2.2+1.1i 

Scheme numbers include exact and inexact integer, rational, real, and complex numbers. Exact integers and rational numbers have arbitrary precision, i.e., they can be of arbitrary size. Inexact numbers are usually represented internally using IEEE standard oating-point representations. Scheme implementations, however, need not support all types of numbers and have great freedom where internal representations are concerned. Experiment to determine what kind of numbers the Scheme system you are using supports.

Scheme provides the names +, , *, and / for the corresponding arithmetic procedures. Each procedure accepts two numeric arguments. The expressions below are called procedure applications, because they specify the application of a procedure to a set of arguments.

 (+ 1/2 1/2)  1 (- 1.5 1/2)  1.0 (* 3 1/2)  3/2 (/ 1.5 3/4)  2.0 

Scheme employs prefix notation even for common arithmetic operations. Any procedure application, whether the procedure takes zero, one, two, or more arguments, is written as (procedure arg ). This regularity simplifies the syntax of expressions; one notation is employed regardless of the operation, and there are no complicated rules regarding the precedence or associativity of operators.

Procedure applications may be nested, in which case the innermost values are computed first. We can thus nest applications of the arithmetic procedures given above to evaluate more complicated formulas.

 (+ (+ 2 2) (+ 2 2))  8 (- 2 (* 4 1/3))  2/3 (* 2 (* 2 (* 2 (* 2 2))))  32 (/ (* 6/7 7/2) (- 4.5 1.5))  1.0 

These examples demonstrate everything you need to use Scheme as a four- function desk calculator. While we will not discuss them in this chapter, Scheme supports many other arithmetic procedures. Now might be a good time to turn to Section 6.4 and experiment with some of them.

Simple numeric objects are sufficient for many tasks, but sometimes aggregate data structures containing two or more values are needed. In many languages, the basic aggregate data structure is the array. In Scheme, it is the list. Lists are written as sequences of objects surrounded by parentheses. For instance, (1 2 3 4 5) is a list of numbers, and ("this" "is" "a" "list") is a list of strings. Lists need not contain only one type of object, so (4.2 "hi") is a valid list containing a number and a string. Lists may be nested (may contain other lists), so ((1 2) (3 4)) is a valid list with two elements, each of which is a list of two elements.

You may notice that lists look just like procedure applications and wonder how Scheme tells them apart. That is, how does Scheme distinguish between a list of objects, (obj1 obj2 ), and a procedure application, (procedure arg )?

In some cases, the distinction may seem obvious. The list of numbers (1 2 3 4 5) could hardly be confused with a procedure application, since 1 is a number, not a procedure. So, the answer might be that Scheme looks at the first element of the list or procedure application and makes its decision based on whether that first element is a procedure or not. This answer is not good enough, since we may even want to treat a valid procedure application such as (+ 3 4) as a list. The answer is that we must tell Scheme explicitly to treat a list as data rather than as a procedure application. We do this with quote.

 (quote (1 2 3 4 5))  (1 2 3 4 5) (quote ("this" "is" "a" "list"))  ("this" "is" "a" "list") (quote (+ 3 4))  (+ 3 4) 

The quote forces the list to be treated as data. Try entering the above expressions without the quote; you will likely receive an error message for the first two and an incorrect answer (7) for the third.

Because quote is required fairly frequently in Scheme code, Scheme recognizes a single quotation mark ( ' ) preceding an expression as an abbreviation for quote.

 '(1 2 3 4)  (1 2 3 4) '((1 2) (3 4))  ((1 2) (3 4)) '(/ (* 2 -1) 3)  (/ (* 2 -1) 3) 

Both forms are referred to as quote expressions. We often say an object is quoted when it is enclosed in a quote expression.

A quote expression is not a procedure application, since it inhibits the evaluation of its subexpression. It is an entirely different syntactic form. Scheme supports several other syntactic forms in addition to procedure applications and quote expressions. Each syntactic form is evaluated differently. Fortunately, the number of different syntactic forms is small. We will see more of them later in this chapter.

Not all quote expressions involve lists. Try the following expression with and without the quote.

 (quote hello)  hello 

The symbol hello must be quoted in order to prevent Scheme from treating hello as a variable. Symbols and variables in Scheme are similar to symbols and variables in mathematical expressions and equations. When we evaluate the mathematical expression 1 x for some value of x, we think of x as a variable. On the other hand, when we consider the algebraic equation x2 1 = (x 1)(x + 1), we think of x as a symbol (in fact, we think of the whole equation symbolically). Just as quoting a list tells Scheme to treat a parenthesized form as a list rather than as a procedure application, quoting an identifier tells Scheme to treat the identifier as a symbol rather than as a variable. While symbols are commonly used to represent variables in symbolic representations of equations or programs, symbols may also be used, for example, as words in the representation of natural language sentences.

You might wonder why applications and variables share notations with lists and symbols. The shared notation allows Scheme programs to be represented as Scheme data, simplifying the writing of interpreters, compilers, editors, and other tools in Scheme. This is demonstrated by the Scheme interpreter given in Section 9.7, which is itself written in Scheme. Many people believe this to be one of the most important features of Scheme.

Numbers and strings may be quoted, too.

 '2  2 '2/3  2/3 (quote "Hi Mom!")  "Hi Mom!" 

Numbers and strings are treated as constants in any case, however, so quoting them is unnecessary.

Now let's discuss some Scheme procedures for manipulating lists. There are two basic procedures for taking lists apart: car and cdr (pronounced could-er). car returns the first element of a list, and cdr returns the remainder of the list. (The names "car" and "cdr" are derived from operations supported by the first computer on which a Lisp language was implemented, the IBM 704.) Each requires a nonempty list as its argument.

 (car '(a b c))  a (cdr '(a b c))  (b c) (cdr '(a))  () (car (cdr '(a b c)))  b (cdr (cdr '(a b c)))  (c) (car '((a b) (c d)))  (a b) (cdr '((a b) (c d)))  ((c d)) 

The first element of a list is often called the "car" of the list, and the rest of the list is often called the "cdr" of the list. The cdr of a list with one element is (), the empty list.

The procedure cons constructs lists. It takes two arguments. The second argument is usually a list, and in that case cons returns a list.

 (cons 'a '())  (a) (cons 'a '(b c))  (a b c) (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c '())))  (a b c) (cons '(a b) '(c d))  ((a b) c d) (car (cons 'a '(b c)))  a (cdr (cons 'a '(b c)))  (b c) (cons (car '(a b c))       (cdr '(d e f)))  (a e f) (cons (car '(a b c))       (cdr '(a b c)))  (a b c) 

Just as "car" and "cdr" are often used as nouns, "cons" is often used as a verb. Creating a new list by adding an element to the beginning of a list is referred to as consing the element onto the list.

Notice the word "usually" in the description of cons's second argument. The procedure cons actually builds pairs, and there is no reason that the cdr of a pair must be a list. A list is a sequence of pairs; each pair's cdr is the next pair in the sequence.

click to expand

The cdr of the last pair in a proper list is the empty list. Otherwise, the sequence of pairs forms an improper list. More formally, the empty list is a proper list, and any pair whose cdr is a proper list is a proper list.

An improper list is printed in dotted-pair notation, with a period, or dot, preceding the final element of the list.

 (cons 'a 'b)  (a . b) (cdr '(a . b))  b (cons 'a '(b . c))  (a b . c) 

Because of its printed notation, a pair whose cdr is not a list is often called a dotted pair. Even pairs whose cdrs are lists can be written in dotted-pair notation, however, although the printer always chooses to write proper lists without dots.

 '(a . (b . (c . ())))  (a b c) 

The procedure list is similar to cons, except that it takes an arbitrary number of arguments and always builds a proper list.

 (list 'a 'b 'c)  (a b c) (list 'a)  (a) (list)  () 

Section 6.3 provides more information on lists and the Scheme procedures for manipulating them. This might be a good time to turn to that section and familiarize yourself with the other procedures given there.

Exercise 2.2.1.

start example

Convert the following arithmetic expressions into Scheme expressions and evaluate them.

  1. 1.2 (2 1/3) + 8.7

  2. (2/3 + 4/9) (5/11 4/3)

  3. 1 + 1 (2 + 1 (1 + 1/2))

  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

end example

Exercise 2.2.2.

start example

Experiment with the procedures +, -, *, and / to determine Scheme's rules for the type of value returned by each when given different types of numeric arguments.

end example

Exercise 2.2.3.

start example

Determine the values of the following expressions. Use your Scheme system to verify your answers.

  1. (cons 'car 'cdr)

  2. (list 'this '(is silly))

  3. (cons 'is '(this silly?))

  4. (quote (+ 2 3))

  5. (cons '+ '(2 3))

  6. (car '(+ 2 3))

  7. (cdr '(+ 2 3))

  8. cons

  9. (quote cons)

  10. (quote (quote cons))

  11. (car (quote (quote cons)))

  12. (+ 2 3)

  13. (+ '2 '3)

  14. (+ (car '(2 3)) (car (cdr '(2 3))))

  15. ((car (list + - * /)) 2 3)

end example

Exercise 2.2.4.

start example

(car (car '((a b) (c d)))) yields a. Determine which compositions of car and cdr applied to ((a b) (c d)) yield b, c, and d.

end example

Exercise 2.2.5.

start example

Write a Scheme expression that evaluates to the following internal list structure.

click to expand

end example

Exercise 2.2.6.

start example

Draw the internal list structure produced by the expression below.

 (cons 1 (cons '(2 . ((3) . ())) (cons '(()) (cons 4 5)))) 
end example

Exercise 2.2.7.

start example

The behavior of (car (car (car '((a b) (c d))))) is undefined because (car '((a b) (c d))) is (a b), (car '(a b)) is a, and (car 'a) is undefined. Determine all legal compositions of car and cdr applied to ((a b) (c d)).

end example

Exercise 2.2.8.

start example

Try to explain how Scheme expressions are evaluated. Does your explanation cover the last example in Exercise 2.2.3?

end example

The Scheme Programming Language
The Scheme Programming Language
ISBN: 026251298X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 98

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