

data access. See also datasets

ADO.NET, 276–79

connections, 279–86

DataReader objects, 318–19

OleDbCommand class, 292–94

SqlCommand class, 286–92

stored procedures, 295–97


Configuration Wizard, 311–14

overview of, 297–98

typed datasets and, 311


Microsoft Access, 293–94

SQL Server, 146–47, 571–72

storing connection strings, 145, 466, 506–7

DataBinder.Eval, 323

data binding, 319–43. See also data-bound controls

to controls, 321–22

DataBinder.Eval, 323

DataList controls and, 337–43

overview of, 319–20

simple, 320

DataBinding events, 368

DataBind method, 319–20

data-bound controls. See also DataGrid control

applying, 323–24

overview of, 266

DataColumnCollection, 305–6

DataColumn objects, 298–303

DataGrid.aspx, 325–26

DataGrid control, 324–37

binding arrays to, 325–26

binding live data to, 326–28

deleting data in, 334–37

editing data in, 334–37

formatting, 328–32, 328–32

overview of, 511

reading data with, 295–97

sorting, 332–34, 332–34

steps in applying, 324


binding arrays to DataGrid, 326–28

formats, 328–32

sorting DataGrid, 332–34

DataKeyField property, 335

Data Link Properties dialog box, 312

DataList control

binding to, 337–40

overview of, 337

Repeater control and, 340–43

data providers

OLE DB.NET, 276–77

overview of, 283

SQL Server .NET, 276, 277–78


migration process, 511

OleDbDataReader class, 319

overview of, 318

SqlDataReader class, 318–19

DataRelations, 304

DataRowCollection, 305–6

DataRow objects, 298–303, 304–7

datasets, 297–318

caching, 447–50

DataAdapter objects, 297–98

DataColumn objects, 298–303

DataRow objects, 298–303

DataTable objects, 298–303

DataView objects, 317–18

overview of, 278–79, 297

relationships, 304

typed, 309–17

updating, 308–9

values, 304–7

Web services, 415

XML and, 279

XML data, 298

Data Shaping Service for OLE DB, 319

DataTableCollection, 305–7

DataTable objects

accessing dataset values, 304–7

overview of, 298–303

data types

overview of, 51–52

TextTypes, 361

value types vs. reference types, 52–53

Web services primitive, 415

DataView objects

data binding, 333–34, 343

filtering with, 297

overview of, 316–17

dates, Now keyword, 70–71

daTitles, 314–15

DCOM (Distributed COM), 404

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, 128

Debug attribute, <compilation>, 520

debug attribute, @ Page directive, 192, 196, 507


bug categories, 485–86

bug prevention, 486–87

Debug.Assert messages, 491, 497

Debug menu, 28

Debug toolbar, 27

disabling, 488–90

enabling, 195–98

error messages and, 490

short-term migration and, 507

Visual Studio .NET debugger, 472–79

Web Forms debug mode, 487–89

decimal formats, 362

declarative technique

data binding, 319

output caching, 436–38

server controls, 234–35

user controls, 213–15

decryption key attribute, <machineKey>, 537–38

defaultLanguage attribute, <compilation>, 521

defaultRedirect attribute, <customErrors>, 528

DefaultValue attribute, LabelText property, 361

DefaultValue property, 308

DeleteCommand event, 336

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 151

<deny> element

HTTP methods, 176–77

URL-based authorization, 175–76

deployment, 459–75

application-specific configuration settings and, 465–66

IIS directory configuration and, 460–63

manual, 467–70

overview of, 460

physical path vs. URL and, 463–65

Visual Studio .NET options, 471–74

description attribute, @ Page directive, 192

Description property, WebMethod attribute, 410

Designer/Source Editor window, IDE, 19–20, 24

Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 (Howard), 129

Design mode, Web Forms, 43, 44–45

Destination Folder page, 567

Details dialog box, 132

DeviceSpecific control, 268

dictionary attacks, 143

Digest authentication, 162–63

Dim keyword, 83

directives, 190–205

@ Assembly directive, 201–2

@ Control directive, 199–200

@ Import directive, 200

@ OutputCache directive, 201–5

@ Page examples, 195–99

@ Reference directive, 205

@ Register directive, 201

defined, 187

overview of, 190–94


authorization settings, 176

copying files to target, 467–69

IIS configuration, 460–63

IIS permissions, 469–70

overriding configuration settings, 122

target deployment, 467

Directory Security tab, IIS, 157, 159

Directory tab, Internet Services Manager, 470

disco.exe utility, 423–24

.disco extension, 419–20

discovery documents

advertising Web services, 419–20

locating Web services, 423–24

discoveryRef nodes, discovery file, 419

discussion forums, Microsoft, 49

DisplayDataSetItems.aspx, 305–7

DisplayMode property, 262

Display property, Validation controls, 260

Dispose phase, 369

Distributed COM (DCOM), 404

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, 128

DivByZero.aspx, 487–88, 488–90, 491–97

.dll files, 389

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 151

docRef attribute, discovery file, 419

DocumentContent property, 290

Do… loops, 71–72

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 129

dotnetfx.exe program, 474

double quote (") characters, 53

Do…While loops. See Do… loops

DropDownList control, 237–40, 364


Application state, 93

Session state, 94

Duration attribute, @ OutputCache directive, 203–4, 437–38

Dynamic Help window, 18–19

Microsoft ASP. NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic. NET Version 2003 Step by Step
Microsoft ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Version 2003 Step By Step
ISBN: 0735619344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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