Chapter 14. Creating Fixed-Width Layouts with Tables

Fixed-width layouts use absolute pixel measurements to determine the width of the page. The opposite of fixed width is liquid or expando, which automatically resizes itself to fit the width of the visitor's browser window.


Fixed-width layouts use absolute pixel measurements to determine the width of the page.

Fixed-width layouts are the only choice for pages that require precise control over graphic design. You can't expect to place visual elements with any accuracy when a liquid layout keeps changing the width of the page to match the width of the browser window. At the same time, fixed width means fixed width, whether the size of the browser window matches the actual width of the page or greatly exceeds it. As Figure 14.1 shows, fixed-width layouts can feel simultaneously cramped and lost in interstellar space when the browser window is too large for the page. Centering the fixed-width layout cuts down on this phenomenon, as in Figure 14.2.

Figure 14.1. A fixed-width page can feel cramped when you look at it in a much wider browser window.

Figure 14.2. Centering the fixed-width layout improves matters.


Where can I find a fixed-width site?

Famous fixed-width sites include and Both sites pack a tremendous amount of content into carefully designed layouts, which require the precision of fixed widths.

All good Web layouts start with a sketch like the one in Figure 14.3, where you mark out the main areas of your page. Don't get too clever with the layout here. HTML's colspan and rowspan attributes let you build incredibly complex tables, but do everything in your power to avoid them. Colspans and rowspans are fine for data tables, or tables that present rows and columns of data according to HTML spec. Layout tables like the kind you're building here are against spec, and browsers tend to do unfriendly things to your colspanned or rowspanned design.

Figure 14.3. Begin by sketching the layout you want to build and labeling the areas.


A data table is a table that presents rows and columns of data. This is the only type of table that HTML officially supports. Using tables to create layouts, while exceedingly common, is against the rules.

If you want a more adventurous design, try nested tables instead. A nested table is a table that appears inside the cell of another table. The design in Figure 14.3 isn't adventurous by any stretch of the imagination, but it nests a table in the bottom cell of the main table to avoid a colspan in the top cell.


A nested table is a table that appears inside the cell of another table.

Once you sketch your design, you should start to think about pixel measurements. The pixel is the basic unit of measurement in HTML tables. Conveniently enough, computer operating systems measure screen widths in pixels, too, which makes sizing your layout for a particular screen setting a painless operation. You simply pick a screen width that makes sense for your visitors, and then you custom-build your layout to fit in a similarly sized table.


When you build your design, set the valign attribute of the cells to "top." This instructs the browser to align the content vertically along the top of the cells. Otherwise, the browser centers the content vertically.

Table 14.1 gives you the numbers. As you can see, it isn't quite as easy as building a 640-pixel-wide table to match a 640-pixel-wide screen. You have to factor in browser interface elements such as scrollbars, so you subtract a couple of pixels from your table, just to be on the safe side. The exception is MSNTV, still occasionally known as WebTV, which doesn't have scrollbars or other interface elements to eat into your design space.

Table 14.1. Common Screen Widths and Corresponding Table Widths




544 pixels

544 pixels


640 pixels

600 pixels

Absolute minimum for most applications

800 pixels

760 pixels

The safe default size

1024 pixels

955 pixels

The emerging default size

1280 pixels

1210 pixels

Not recommended for general-purpose sites

1600 pixels

1530 pixels

Not recommended for general-purpose sites


While it's true that many people are surfing the Web with desktop and laptop monitors set to 1024-width screens, don't forget that there are other types of browsing devices on the Web, too, such as PDAs, TVs, telephones, video game consoles, kitchen appliances, wristwatches, and who knows what else. If your site appeals to the wireless crowd, stay away from the larger screen sizes.

For the purposes of this example, play it safe and go with an 800-width screen, which calls for a table width of 760 pixels. Now that you know this, figuring out the widths of the areas inside the table isn't hard. Eyeball it. Make your best guess. You can adjust the values later if need be. Just make sure the individual widths don't add up to more (or less) than the total width of the table.

Record the numbers on your sketch as in Figure 14.4, and the table code practically writes itself. Replace the labels in the HTML with your site's contentusing nested tables if you need extra designand you have a fixed-width layout.

Figure 14.4. After you determine the width of the table, the rest of the numbers fall into place.


Be sure to set the layout table's border, cellpadding, and cellspacing attributes to 0. This way, the browser doesn't automatically add extra whitespace as it does for display tables.

Listing 14.1. View Source for Figure 14.4.

[View full width]

 <div align="center"> <!-- If you don't want to center the layout table, delete the div tag  here and at the end  of the listing. -->   <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">     <tr>       <td width="760" valign="top">Logo</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td width="760" valign="top"> <!-- The nested table begins here. -->        <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">          <tr>            <td width="200" valign="top">Nav</td>            <td width="560" valign="top">Content</td>          </tr>        </table> <!-- The nested table ends here. -->       </td>     </tr>   </table> </div> 

Notice in this example that you don't worry about the heights of the table cells. This is actually one of the advantages of building layouts with tables. The browser automatically adjusts the heights of the table cells to match whatever content sits inside them. While you can certainly specify precise height measurements if you know them, you can also just let nature take its course and rely on the browser to calculate the correct heights.


If a cell in your table is the same width as the table itself, you can omit the table cell's width attribute. This way, if you change your mind about the width of the table, you only have one width attribute to update.

Here's what the listing might look like with some height values thrown in:

 <div align="center">   <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">     <tr>       <td width="760" height="100" valign="top">Logo</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td width="760" height="400" valign="top"> <!-- The nested table begins here. -->        <table width="760" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">          <tr>            <td width="200" height="400" valign="top">Nav</td>            <td width="560" height="400" valign="top">Content</td>          </tr>        </table> <!-- The nested table ends here. -->       </td>     </tr>   </table> </div> 

The downside to omitting the heights is that your table looks completely collapsed in a browser window until you start adding content to the cells. If this bugs you, just give your table cells arbitrary height values while you're building it, but then don't forget to remove the heights once the content is in the cells.

Web Design Garage
Web Design Garage
ISBN: 0131481991
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 202
Authors: Marc Campbell © 2008-2017.
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