

Laboratory for learning, 68

Layoffs. See Downsizing; Termination; Termination passage

Leaders: of acquired companies, 131

as community leaders or dignitaries, 72

expanded view of potential, 190–192, 197–198

first-time, 45–57

impact of personal tragedy on, 168–172

learning of, 22–33

mind-set of business, 71–74

with resiliency, 202–203

stories of, 3–4

successful, failures of, 1–2, 16

traits and habits for, 202–214

Leadership: approach to, 5

effective, 10–21

mature, 175–176

purposeful, 185–186

Leadership development: approaches to, 10–21, 187–189

behavioral approach to, 10, 188

company facilitation of passages for, 187–200

experience and competency models of, 10, 188, 194

for general managers, 73–74

ineffective, 12–14, 20–21

with learning from passages, 14–17, 187–200

nature of leadership learning and, 22–33

success-failure paradox in, 192–194

traditional, 187–200

values approach to, 10

Leadership pipeline, 27–28

Leadership Pipeline, The (Noel et al.), 27

Leadership roles, moving into: case examples of, 6–7, 48–50

challenges of, 45–50

company support for, 50–52, 196

future payoffs of learning in, 56–57

identity change in, 46–47

new skills for, 46, 51

normality of struggle in, 52

passage of, 45–57

suggestions for, 52–56

transitions in, 45

Learning, from passages: of acquisition or merger involvement, 122–126

arrogance and, 55

of being fired or passed over, 114–118

company discouragement of, 12–14

company facilitation of, 189–196

failure of, 6–7, 56–57, 82, 193

in first-time leader transition, 52–57

identity and, 27–30

importance of, 6–8, 11

in joining-a- company passage, 39–43

leadership development that includes, 14–17

of living in a foreign country, 138–142

nature of, 22–33

passing on of, 214

steps for, 201–214

in stretch assignments, 65–67

test of, 19–21

traits and habits for, 201–214

of work- family balance, 152–154

of working with bad boss or coworkers, 100–106

Learning, leadership, 14–17, 22–33

attitude and, 23–26

categories of, 22–23

classroom-based, 22

creating a new identity and, 27–30

experience-based, 22–23

from failure, 26–27

Kolb’s theory of, 25–26, 206

matrix of, 14–17

traits and habits for, 201–214. See also Leadership development

Learning pyramid, 12, 13, 55

Legacy, leaving a, 164–166, 214

Legal difficulties, 167

Less-developed countries, learning in, 139–140

Letting-go-of-ambition passage, 157–166

achievement measures and, 164

case examples of, 159–162

developing others and, 164–166

exercise for, 163–164

meaning of, 157–159

navigating, 162–164

process of, 158–162

redirecting energy in, 160–162, 163–164

Life experiences, importance of, to leadership development, 5–6, 190–191, 192

Life stages, motivations in, 34–35, 162–164

Liking stage, in acquisition or merger, 122

Limited Opportunity experiences, 23, 24

Listening: in foreign countries, 139–140

to others’ points of view, 56

Lombardo, M. M., 187

Loneliness, 73, 207–208

Losing-faith-in-the-system passage, 178–186

case example of, 180–182

causes and context of, 178–179

don’ts for, 182–184

do’s for, 184–185

finding meaning and, 180–185

overcoming disillusionment in, 180–182

Loss: importance of, 5–6, 211

work- family balance and, 146

Loyalty, 113

Leadership Passages. The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader
Leadership Passages: The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader (J-B US non-Franchise Leadership)
ISBN: 0787974277
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 121 © 2008-2017.
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