Appendix D: HELD Protocol Bindings

This appendix describes the protocol bindings for HELD. Two bindings are included: an HTTP binding that uses a web services form, and a BEEP binding that can be used for more permanent client/server connections.

HELD HTTP Protocol Binding

This section defines an HTTP (see Reference 1) binding for the HELD protocol, which all conforming implementations must support. This binding takes the form of a Web Service (WS) that can be described by the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document that is included in this section.

The three request messages are carried in this binding as the body of an HTTP POST request. The MIME type of both request and response bodies should be application / xml, except that a PIDF-LO document should have the MIME type application / pidf+xml.

The LIS should populate the HTTP headers so that they are consistent with the contents of the message. In particular, the Expires and cache control headers should be used to control the caching of any PIDF-LO document. The HTTP status code should have the same first digit as any contextResponse or error body included, and it should indicate a 2xx series response when a PIDF-LO document is included.

This binding also includes a default behavior, which is triggered by a GET request, or a POST with no request body. If either of these queries is received, the LIS must attempt to provide a PIDF-LO document, as if the request was a location request.

This binding must use TLS as described in Reference 2. TLS provides message integrity and privacy between the device and the LIS. It is recommended that the LIS also use the server authentication method described in Reference 2.

The HELD HTTP Binding WSDL Document

The following [WSDL 2.0 (see Reference 3)] document describes the HTTP binding for this protocol. Actual service instances must provide a service with at least one end-point that implements the heldHTTP binding. A service description document may include this schema directly or by using the import or include directives.

 <?xml version="1.0"?> <wsdl:definitions     xmlns:wsdl=""     xmlns:whttp=""     xmlns:held="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held"     xmlns:pidf="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"     xmlns:heldhttp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held:http"     targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held:http"     type="">   <wsdl:types>     <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">       <xsd:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:geopriv:held"                   schemaLocation="held.xsd"/>       <xsd:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf"/>     </xsd:schema>   </wsdl:types>   <wsdl:interface name="held">   <wsdl:operation name="createContext" method="POST">     <wsdl:input message="held:createContext"/>     <wsdl:output message="held:contextResponse"/>     <wsdl:fault message="held:error"/>   </wsdl:operation>   <wsdl:operation name="updateContext" method="POST">     <wsdl:input message="held:updateContext"/>     <wsdl:output message="held:contextResponse"/>     <wsdl:fault message="held:error"/>   </wsdl:operation>   <wsdl:operation name="locationRequest" method="POST">     <wsdl:input message="held:locationRequest"/>     <wsdl:output ref="pidf:presence"/>     <wsdl:fault message="held:error"/>   </wsdl:operation>   <wsdl:operation       name="getLocation" method="GET"       pattern="">       <wsdl:output ref="pidf:presence"/>       <wsdl:fault message="held:error"/>     </wsdl:operation>   </wsdl:interface>   <wsdl:binding name="heldHTTP" whttp:defau1tMethod="POST">     <wsdl:operation ref="heldhttp:createContext"/>     <wsdl:operation ref="heldhttp:updateContext"/>     <wsdl:operation         ref="heldhttp:locationRequest"         whttp:outputSerialization="application/pidf+xml"/>     <wsdl:operation         ref="heldhttp:getLocation"         whttp:method="GET"         whttp:outputSerialization="application/pidf+xml"/>   </wsdl:binding> </wsdl:definitions> 

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ISBN: 0072263776
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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