LAN auditing. See wireless local-area networks (LAN) auditing

LANs (local area networks), 115-116

layer 2 devices, 126

layer 3 switches, 115

LDAP, 171-172

leading projects, 28, 290-291

LEAP (Cisco-EAP Wireless), 269

learning, sources of, 29-30

certifications, 30

formal training, 29

knowledge sharing after training, 30

overview, 29

research time, 29

specialization, 29

learning ability, of IT auditors, 27

legal threats, 361-362

legal warning banner, 152, 195

legislation related to internal controls, 327-328

history of corporate financial regulation, 328

overview, 327

regulatory impact on IT audit, 327-328

licenses, software, 74-75

life cycle, risk management, 356-368

overview, 356

phase 1: identifying information assets, 356-359

assigning information criticality values to information assets, 359

defining information criticality values, 357

identifying business functions, 357-358

mapping information processes, 358-359

overview, 356-357

phase 2: quantifying and qualifying threats, 359-364

assessing business threats, 361-362

identifying process component threats, 363-364

identifying technical, physical, and administrative threats, 362-363

overview, 359-361

quantifying threats, 364

phase 3: assessing vulnerabilities, 364-366

categorizing control gaps by severity, 366

combining control gaps, 366

determining process component control gaps, 365

identifying existing controls, 365

overview, 364-365

phase 4: control gap remediation, 366-367

choosing controls, 366-367

implementing controls, 367

overview, 366

recalculating risk ratings, 367

validating new controls, 367

phase 5: managing ongoing risk, 367-368

creating risk baseline, 367-368

overview, 367

reassessing risk, 368

lighting of data centers, 88

Linux. See Unix and Linux operating systems auditing

local area networks (LANs), 115-116

location of data centers, 88

locks, cable, 160

logon auditing, 159

logs, 92, 124

audit logs

master checklist, 205

test steps, 196-199

wtmp log, 198

long-term technical planning, 65

IT Auditing. Using Controls to Protect Information Assets
It Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets [IT AUDITING -OS N/D]
Year: 2004
Pages: 159

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