STEP 01 working with BACKGROUNDS

This spot justifies creating background layers , and this file uses the background layer for more than just ensuring consistent appearanceI use it as a part of the animation, changing its color in flashes to add to the rhythm and excitement of the spot. This is a spot that depends on rhythm and quick cuts to convey "fast" and my background layer is a big part of the plan.

STEP 01 setting up the background layer

This first set of steps shows you how to create and position the background rectangle:

  1. Select the bg layer by clicking on it.

  2. Choose the Rectangle tool from the drawing toolbar.

  3. Set the line to No Color and the Fill to black (see figure 03:02).

    Figure 03:02.


  4. Draw a rectangle over the background. With the new rectangle selected, choose Window > Inspectors > Object or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt-I / Cmd-Option-I to open the Object Inspector.

  5. Enter 200 in the w (width) and the h (height) fields to match the dimensions of the stage. Then enter in both the x and the y fields. This will position your background square perfectly .

  6. Click Apply.

  7. With your bg element sized and positioned and still selected, create a new symbol by choosing Insert > New Symbol (or use the keyboard shortcut F8) and name it bg or something similar.

Flash Web Design The Art Of Motion Graphics
Flash Web Design oder: the art of motion graphics
ISBN: 3827256623
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 192 © 2008-2017.
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