Review Questions

 < Day Day Up > 


Which of the following types of databases supports the multi-parent concept?

  1. Network.

  2. Hierarchical.

  3. Relational.

  4. Flat.

  5. Data mining.

correct answer = a children in network databases can have multiple parents. the hierarchical model has children with only one parent. relational databases don t use the parent-child approach to making relationships. flat databases also do not use the parent-child approach to making relationships. data mining is a process that extracts trends and patterns from a data warehouse.


Which of the following best describes cardinality?

  1. The number of files contained in a relation.

  2. The number of fields contained in a column.

  3. The number of tables contained in a row.

  4. The number of rows contained in a relation.

  5. The number of attributes contained in a field.

correct answer = d cardinality is the number of rows (or tuples) in a relation. answers a, b, c, and e are invalid.


Which type of agents can roam networks, make copies of themselves, and gather information?

  1. X agents.

  2. Paleolithic agents.

  3. Polymeric agents.

  4. Mutated agents.

  5. Mobile agents.

correct answer = e opposed to static agents, mobile agents can copy themselves, roam networks, and gather information. these characteristics enable mobile agents to do things such as deliver viruses. answers a, b, c, and d are invalid.


Which type of urgent update is released to repair bugs quickly?

  1. Upgrade.

  2. Hot-fix.

  3. Stable fix.

  4. Service pack.

  5. Rapid fix.

correct answer = b hot-fixes are released when a quick remedy is needed for a bug. upgrades indicate a shift in product versions as in 4.2 to 5.0. service packs are collections of fully tested hot fixes and other utilities/updates. answers c and e are invalid.


Which type of storage is used to create virtual memory?

  1. Secondary.

  2. Primary.

  3. Long-term.

  4. Sequential.

  5. Real.

correct answer = a secondary storage devices such as hdds are used to create virtual memory, which enables a system to run large applications that its primary storage area doesn t have the capacity for. primary storage is the physical memory of a computer. sequential storage refers to tapes or other storage devices that are periodically referenced. real storage refers to the resident areas of memory that applications are assigned. answer c is invalid.


Which of the following is an incorrect matching of database terms?

  1. Relation = table.

  2. Attribute = column.

  3. Tuple = row.

  4. Field = attribute.

  5. Record = attribute.

correct answer = e from traditional database terminology, records are synonymous with rows and tuples, not attributes. refer to table 7.1 to see that answers a, b, c, and d represent proper match-ups of interchangeable database terminology.


Which of the following methods is not used to fight inference attacks?

  1. Abstraction.

  2. Perturbation.

  3. Noise.

  4. Polyinstantiation.

  5. Partitioning.

correct answer = a abstraction is the process of classifying objects in object-oriented programming. perturbation and noise are synonymous terms for the process of inserting phony data into a database to fight inference attacks. polyinstantiation combats inference attacks by inserting multiple instances of data into a database with different security levels. partitioning protects against inference attacks by splitting a database into multiple parts.


Denormalization can have an adverse effect on which aspect of data?

  1. Data regularity.

  2. Data confidentiality.

  3. Data integrity.

  4. The time it takes to access data.

  5. Data magnification.

correct answer = c denormalization can affect data integrity because it introduces the duplication of data into a database. denormalization is not related to data confidentiality and its purpose is actually to reduce the time it takes to access data, which is a positive effect. answers a and e are invalid.


Which of the following is a tool used in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) techniques to find patterns in online behavior?

  1. URL structuring.

  2. Web mining.

  3. OLTP mining.

  4. ODBMS.

  5. CORBA.

correct answer = b web mining employs content, usage, and structure mining to uncover trends in online behavior. odbms is an object-oriented database management system. corba is an object request broker. answers a and c are invalid.


In an MLS-based system, which of the following describes a threat exposed by linking high-classification data to low-classification data?

  1. Security label.

  2. Covert channel.

  3. Security policy.

  4. Mandatory access controls.

  5. Metadata listing service.

correct answer = b a covert channel is an exposed link between high-classification data and low-classification data. a security label specifies the security classification of an object. a security policy defines security labels. mandatory access control is an authentication method. answer e is invalid.


Which process translates programming code one command at a time?

  1. Relation.

  2. Interpretation.

  3. Decryption.

  4. Assimilation.

  5. Compilation.

correct answer = b interpretation translates programming code one command at a time as in java interpretation. a relation is a table of rows and columns in a relational database decryption is the cryptographic process of decoding cipher text. compilation translates programming code into a compiled executable all at once. answer d is invalid.


Why is accreditation a necessary step before certification?

  1. To make sure all security features are operating properly.

  2. Because any risks associated with operating a system must be accepted by management before the certification process can begin.

  3. Because it's a law.

  4. Because you need an approval to operate before the certification process can begin.

  5. It isn't. Certification comes before accreditation.

correct answer = e certification actually comes before accreditation. the end goal of the certification/ accreditation process is to attain an approval to operate. answers a, b, c, and d are invalid.


Which type of programming language must all other languages ultimately be translated into?

  1. Slag code.

  2. Assembly code.

  3. Machine code.

  4. Java code.

  5. Object code.

correct answer = c machine code is the native tongue of computers and all other programming languages must eventually be translated into binary machine code. logic bombs, a type of malicious program, contain slag code. assembly code is programming language that uses symbols instead of raw binary data and it must be assembled into machine code. programming in the high-level language of java produces java code. object code is an oop term.


Which of the following defines the process of accessing high-level information by merging collections of low-level data?

  1. Aggregation.

  2. Polyinstantiation.

  3. Inference.

  4. Abstraction.

  5. Assemblage.

correct answer = a aggregation is a condition where a combined assortment of low-level access rights provides access to information of a higher sensitivity. polyinstantiation combats inference attacks by inserting multiple instances of data into a database with different security levels. abstraction is the process of classifying objects in object-oriented programming. answer e is invalid.


In a database, attributes are represented as ______.

  1. Vertical named rows.

  2. Horizontal named columns.

  3. Vertical named columns.

  4. Horizontal named rows.

  5. None of the above.

correct answer = c attributes, which describe an object or entity in a database, are represented as vertical named columns. tuples are represented as horizontal named rows. answers a, b, and e are invalid.


During the SDLC, which phase needs to be documented fully?

  1. Feasibility.

  2. Implementation.

  3. Maintenance.

  4. Disposal.

  5. All of the above.

correct answer = e during the sdlc, every step of the way should be fully documented. this includes all phases. therefore, answers a, b, c, and d are all correct.


Which database security mechanism prevents a database from displaying certain data to specific users or groups?

  1. Filters.


  3. Queries.

  4. Degrees.

  5. Metadata.

correct answer = b views are used to control who can change or view individual elements of a database-they can be set for individual users or entire groups. filters are criteria used to include (or exclude) specific information in the results of a database query. queries are commands used to fetch and display requested information from a database. a degree specifies the number of attributes in a relation. metadata is data about a database.



Correct answer = A

Children in network databases can have multiple parents. The hierarchical model has children with only one parent. Relational databases don't use the parent-child approach to making relationships. Flat databases also do not use the parent-child approach to making relationships. Data mining is a process that extracts trends and patterns from a data warehouse.


Correct answer = D

Cardinality is the number of rows (or tuples) in a relation. Answers A, B, C, and E are invalid.


Correct answer = E

Opposed to static agents, mobile agents can copy themselves, roam networks, and gather information. These characteristics enable mobile agents to do things such as deliver viruses. Answers A, B, C, and D are invalid.


Correct answer = B

Hot-fixes are released when a quick remedy is needed for a bug. Upgrades indicate a shift in product versions as in 4.2 to 5.0. Service packs are collections of fully tested hot fixes and other utilities/updates. Answers C and E are invalid.


Correct answer = A

Secondary storage devices such as HDDs are used to create virtual memory, which enables a system to run large applications that its primary storage area doesn't have the capacity for. Primary storage is the physical memory of a computer. Sequential storage refers to tapes or other storage devices that are periodically referenced. Real storage refers to the resident areas of memory that applications are assigned. Answer C is invalid.


Correct answer = E

From traditional database terminology, records are synonymous with rows and tuples, not attributes. Refer to Table 7.1 to see that answers A, B, C, and D represent proper match-ups of interchangeable database terminology.


Correct answer = A

Abstraction is the process of classifying objects in object-oriented programming. Perturbation and noise are synonymous terms for the process of inserting phony data into a database to fight inference attacks. Polyinstantiation combats inference attacks by inserting multiple instances of data into a database with different security levels. Partitioning protects against inference attacks by splitting a database into multiple parts.


Correct answer = C

Denormalization can affect data integrity because it introduces the duplication of data into a database. Denormalization is not related to data confidentiality and its purpose is actually to reduce the time it takes to access data, which is a positive effect. Answers A and E are invalid.


Correct answer = B

Web mining employs content, usage, and structure mining to uncover trends in online behavior. ODBMS is an object-oriented database management system. CORBA is an object request broker. Answers A and C are invalid.


Correct answer = B

A covert channel is an exposed link between high-classification data and low-classification data. A security label specifies the security classification of an object. A security policy defines security labels. Mandatory access control is an authentication method. Answer E is invalid.


Correct answer = B

Interpretation translates programming code one command at a time as in Java interpretation. A relation is a table of rows and columns in a relational database Decryption is the cryptographic process of decoding cipher text. Compilation translates programming code into a compiled executable all at once. Answer D is invalid.


Correct answer = E

Certification actually comes before accreditation. The end goal of the certification/ accreditation process is to attain an approval to operate. Answers A, B, C, and D are invalid.


Correct answer = C

Machine code is the 'native tongue' of computers and all other programming languages must eventually be translated into binary machine code. Logic bombs, a type of malicious program, contain slag code. Assembly code is programming language that uses symbols instead of raw binary data and it must be assembled into machine code. Programming in the high-level language of Java produces Java code. Object code is an OOP term.


Correct answer = A

Aggregation is a condition where a combined assortment of low-level access rights provides access to information of a higher sensitivity. Polyinstantiation combats inference attacks by inserting multiple instances of data into a database with different security levels. Abstraction is the process of classifying objects in object-oriented programming. Answer E is invalid.


Correct answer = C

Attributes, which describe an object or entity in a database, are represented as vertical named columns. Tuples are represented as horizontal named rows. Answers A, B, and E are invalid.


Correct answer = E

During the SDLC, every step of the way should be fully documented. This includes all phases. Therefore, answers A, B, C, and D are all correct.


Correct answer = B

Views are used to control who can change or view individual elements of a database-they can be set for individual users or entire groups. Filters are criteria used to include (or exclude) specific information in the results of a database query. Queries are commands used to fetch and display requested information from a database. A degree specifies the number of attributes in a relation. Metadata is data about a database.

 < Day Day Up > 

The Security+ Exam Guide (TestTaker's Guide Series)
Security + Exam Guide (Charles River Media Networking/Security)
ISBN: 1584502517
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 136 © 2008-2017.
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