Establishing Standards for the Team

What is a standard? The term is used in this book to mean "a way of doing things that is agreed to by all (this is very important) and that is generally regarded as a best practice within the industry."

An important part of this working definition is that the entire team needs to buy in to whatever standards are set down. It is confusing and ineffective if only a few developers conform to the team standards and the remainder bail out with excuses such as "It will slow me down" or "We were close to the deadline, so I have to get this code into the build." If the whole team doesn't conform voluntarily, the senior developers, or even management, need to step in and enforce standards for the good of the project.

Standards are much like a "pay me now or pay me later" proposition, and, as often happens, the "later" is much more expensive. I have seen projects in which a few hours spent on inspections would have avoided multiple builds caused by simple errors found in QA testing.


Quality assurance (QA) testing is generally regarded as the last chance to catch errors before the product goes to the user. Only a beta (or pilot) group stands between finding a bug in QA or exposing your entire user community to the bug. Therefore, it is better not to have simple bugs get this far in the process.

The other part of the definition I need to mention is best practice. Not only does a team need to hold its own members to the agreed-on standards, but also the standards themselves should be based on generally agreed-on best practices. Otherwise, the standards could be followed, but still result in inferior or hard-to-debug code. It's better to be the fourth-best team in the country instead of the first-best team in West Nowhere, Montana (apologies to Montana). The following sections explain the types of standards outlined in the Microsoft exam guidelines.

Documentation Standards

Minimum standards for solution documentation are important. A standard format for headers and footers, revision tracking, and use of styles, for example, can make documents easier to read down the road.


The document (deliverable) types are covered in the first four chapters of this book. This section focuses on how the documents are put together.

If most of the team uses Microsoft Word for the documentation, but one member includes all her documentation as code comments and another team member uses shareware word processing software from his home PC, recovering all the design documentation will be difficult a year from now.

Reviews for key documents (such as design documentation) should also be considered. Remember to document "why," not just "what" you did. Often, decisions made earlier in the cycle get called into question because no one can recall why the decision went the direction it did. Rethinking decisions can cause extra work or, even worse, can cause teams to go back and get caught by a bullet they already dodged earlier.

Coding Standards

Although detailed coverage of coding standards could be quite lengthy, I have focused on moving efficiently through the highlights of the Microsoft coding standards that you might expect to see on the exam.

As Microsoft itself points out, rules were made to be broken. These coding guidelines are in place to make sure developers break them for a valid reason, not just because they are in a hurry. I usually suggest that any time a team breaks a standard for a valid reason, the developer should document the reason in the code so that the team doesn't have to rely on memory during later inspections of the code.


For more detail on coding standards, visit the MSDN Library (CD-ROM or online at in the following section: .NET Development > .NET Framework SDK > Product Documentation > Reference > Design Library for Class Library Developers.


In a short exam, it does not seem likely that there could be more than a question or two on coding standards, so although the Microsoft Design Guidelines are rather lengthy (more than 80 pages if printed out), my synopsis should give you enough knowledge for the exam. For more information on everything in the "Naming Guidelines" section, see the "Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers" article in the MSDN Library.

Naming Guidelines

Two main capitalization styles are recommended: Pascal case and camel case. Pascal case capitalizes the first letter of each word, including the first, as in "PascalCase." Camel case capitalizes the first letter of every word except the first, as in "camelCase"a style that might be more familiar to C or Java programmers. Microsoft has laid out specific recommendations for the use of each style. Again, what you do on your own team is not as important as the entire team agreeing on a style. However, for the exam, I would suggest remembering the following standards.

Use Pascal case for the following:

  • Class names

  • Enumeration values and enumeration types

  • Events

  • Exception classes (should end with the suffix Exception)

  • Interfaces

  • Namespaces

  • Methods and properties

Use camel case for the following:

  • Parameters (even if the parameter is only one word, that word is lowercase)

  • Private information, such as fields and variables

For the most part, if it is exposed as part of the public interface, use Pascal case.

Do not create methods, properties, class names, or parameters that differ only by case. Although this method works in C#, it is difficult and confusing to maintain. It does not work in Visual Basic .NET at all.

Follow this simple rule for abbreviations: Don't use them, or at least use them rarely. Only widely accepted abbreviations should be used (for example, HTML, ODBC). Avoid using abbreviations such as "Cd" for code or "Nbr" for number. With the "auto-complete" feature of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), longer names are not the issue they were in the old days. As they say in football, go long.

Avoid creating your own class names or method names that conflict with keywords in the language. For example, avoid using names such as "System" or "Collection."

Try to name classes by using a noun (or noun phrase) for the class name. No underscores or Hungarian notation, please.


In the .NET world, Hungarian notation, in which short prefixes are used to identify type and scope (for example, strFirstName, gintCounter), is definitely on the outs. It is not supported anywhere in the Microsoft-published standards. It's the same with scope prefixes, such as "g" or "m" (or "m_"), as IntelliSense has all but eliminated the reason for using them. So although you can still agree as a team to use prefixes, as far as the exam goes, they are no longer in vogue anywhere.

When naming methods, use the VerbNoun format. In other words, use ClearGrid instead of GridClear. Better yet, use a more generic name, Clear, to set the stage for inheritance and polymorphism.

Names should be meaningful within the context of the solution. For example, GetPersonCount is a more meaningful name than GetCounterValue. Likewise, UpdateUsers is more meaningful than Go.

When naming event handlers, use the suffix EventHandler.

Class Member Usage Guidelines

When naming properties, try to use nouns or noun phrases. You should be able to set properties in any order, in relation to other properties.

Be sure you know when to use a method instead of a property. If the order of execution is important, if successive calls would return different results, if you are returning an array, or if the operation is expensive, consider making it a method call.

Use read-only properties if the user cannot change the data behind the property. Avoid write-only properties.

For methods, consider overloading when you would have used optional parameters or default arguments in the past. When overloading, keep the order of the parameters consistent. Extend the parameters to the right, but attempt to keep reoccurring parameters in the same location. Also, try to keep methods to a page of code or less.

Avoid constructors that do a lot of work. Use parameters in constructors as shortcuts for setting parameters.

These two guidelines are new in the .NET world:

  • When instantiating a variable, use the New keyword.

    Example of the old style in Visual Basic:

     Dim db As Database Set db = New Database 

    Example of the new style in Visual Basic .NET:

     Dim db As New Database() 

  • Dimension a variable when you first use it, not at the top of the routine (as in the "classic" VB code standards). Doing so can often allow a variable to go out of scope and get cleaned up much sooner.

One final guideline that Microsoft recommends is checking each parameter value for validity, throwing exceptions where necessary. This is known as defensive programming, and although it's more expensive in terms of performance, it leads to fewer runtime errors because more errors are caught during testing.

Type Usage Guidelines

Microsoft's definition of a type is a class, a variable, or an interface. Microsoft recommends using classes over interfaces in the .NET platform. Classes can contain implementation code, and this implementation can be inherited and extended. Interfaces, on the other hand, require all implementation to be created. Interfaces do not support implementation inheritance. If you do create interfaces, the common practice is to precede them with an uppercase I (for example, IPerson).

For types that are primarily containers for primitive data types and have no logic, Microsoft recommends using the struct type (Structure in Visual Basic .NET). Enums are recommended as a way to strongly type parameters (versus static constants).

Guidelines for Exposing Functionality to COM

.NET was developed to interoperate with COM. For classes that will be consumed by COM, use the ComVisible() attribute.

Be aware of when you want your object to be marshaled by value (serialized) or marshaled by reference (proxies).

Error Raising and Handling Guidelines

Try to use the predefined exception types when possible. When creating new exception classes, developers should always inherit from ApplicationException, not SystemException. Do not use exceptions to catch normal or expected exceptions or to influence flow control. Exceptions should be focused on unexpected errors. Throwing exceptions is recommended over returning an error code (as in old application programming interface [API]style exception handling).

For performance reasons, choose your exception "throwing" strategy carefully. Remember that .NET will "bubble up" an exception until it finds a handler (a Catch statement). Briefly, this means the .NET Framework will continue to trace backward through the call stack until it finds a "Catch" error trap or until it reaches the beginning of the application, in which case it will throw its own error. Your code should be designed so that this never happens.

Array Usage Guidelines

Use a collection instead of an array when Add or Remove methods are supported. Conversely, do not support "collection-like" features, such as Add, Remove, Item, or Count methods for non-collection types.

Never return Null from a Collection or Array property. Return an empty collection (or array) instead.

Finally, use collections when it will prevent the calling code from having to scan the entire structure looking for a value.

Operator Overloading Usage Guidelines

Confine yourself to the conventions outlined in the Common Language Specification (CLS). Remember, Visual Basic .NET does not support operator overloading (at this time).

Guidelines for Implementing Equals and the Equality Operator

See Microsoft's documentation for this design specification on implementing equals and the equality operator. The guidelines are complex, related to operator overloading, and this specification is unlikely to be on the exam.

Guidelines for Casting Types

Do not lose precision in implicit casts. Do not throw exceptions from implicit castsit is difficult for the developer to interpret what went wrong.


Turning on Option Strict (Visual Basic .NET only) in the IDE will not allow implicit casts that lose precision. Although not explicitly mentioned in the design guidelines, turning on Option Strict is another coding best practice.

Common Design Patterns

Microsoft recommends a few basic patterns, described in the following sections.

The Finalize and Dispose Pattern

Because of the difference between COM's instance count and .NET's garbage collection, releasing object or resource references in a more predictable way might be necessary. This topic normally consumes an entire chapter in an average book, but suffice it to say that you can use the Finalize method for implicit, but indeterminate, cleanup, or you can use the IDisposable interface and the accompanying Dispose method so that your object's client code can force a cleanup of resources. Just make sure to call the SuppressFinalize property if your Dispose method is called. In general, code in the Finalize method is considered suboptimal from a performance standpoint.

The Equals Pattern

The Equals method is used to see if two "objects" are the same. Sometimes, this might mean they have the same "value." In other instances, it might mean they point to the same address (object). The Equals method is one you will likely override with your own code if your goal is different from the built-in behavior.


You will probably see a question on the exam that requires you to be familiar with one of these patterns.

The Callback Pattern

Use events instead of callbacks if the calling code "signs up" for notification in advance or if there are multiple objects consuming the method. Another option is to use Delegate.

The Timeout Pattern

Allow the calling code to specify the maximum time it will wait for a response (for either synchronous or asynchronous calls) with a property setting or an extra parameter in the method signature.


For more research on .NET patterns, check out the "Patterns and Practices" hyperlink on Microsoft's main page for .NET architecture (, or view the Architect Webcast "Using Patterns to Build Business Applications," which originally aired on December 3, 2002 (

If your favorite pattern wasn't listed, fear not. It is probably somewhere on the MSDN site, or soon will be. See the Note box in this section for a few links.

Other well-known patterns throughout the industry, such as Factory, Singleton, and Observer, can be found in the MSDN Library under .NET Development > Building Distributed Applications with .NET > Architectural Topics.

Security in Class Libraries

Classes that need to be secure cannot assume that whoever calls them has permission to do whatever they request. There are two dimensions to class security:

  • Protecting objects with permissions Require that the calling code provide either declarative or imperative permissions to work with protected resources (such as file I/O or the Registry).

  • Writing fully trusted code One class can serve as the focal point for all restricted functions. Other components or classes in your application can assume that any request arriving from this "trusted" class is safe to carry out.

Threading Design Guidelines

Static state must be thread safe. Design away from the need for thread synchronization, if at all possible. Use the lock statement with care and as infrequently as possible.

Guidelines for Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming is much more prevalent (and easier) in the .NET arena than it was in the "classic" days. With much more emphasis on Web applications, disconnected data sets, and .NET Remoting, using asynchronous programming is one way to improve the solution's performance, as perceived by the user.

On the MSDN Web site, Microsoft has included sample code, treating asynchronous programming as an additional design pattern. I won't go into the details, beyond stating that asynchronous programming is often a good way to improve scalability. Give users just enough to satisfy their immediate needs and go get the rest behind the scenes.

Well, that was the lightning tour through coding standardsit's time to move on to other standards.

Code Review Standards

Code reviews, part of any best-practices development methodology, are done so that others can search your code for logic defects, adherence to standards, and readability.

The most straightforward approach is printing out or distributing the code to be inspected in advance, scheduling the review with at least one other person (usually more) on the team, and inspecting the code, often line by line. Many teams use a checklist reflecting their agreed-on standards, and an issues log is often used to track items found during the inspection and ensure that they are resolved before going forward. Until each item on this log has been resolved, the review is not considered "signed off on." As mentioned before, any variance from standards should be documented.


Just a reminder: There are other reviews (inspections) in the overall process (for example, design review, test plan review) that also need to be considered as standards.


One last side topic is an automated tool for reviewing code against the Microsoft published standards: FxCop. You can download FxCop free from the GotDotNet Web site at It runs against compiled assemblies (DLLs, EXEs) and looks for anything that does not conform to the Microsoft published ".NET Framework Design Guidelines."

As you can see in Figure 11.1, FxCop sweeps the code and flags any areas that are not in compliance. Although not a substitute for human inspection, it works well as a first-pass review so that the actual code review goes much more quickly. For each violation, you can get details (see Figure 11.2). Of course, I had to go back into my code and manufacture these errors for purposes of demonstration.

Figure 11.1. Screenshot of FxCop results.


Figure 11.2. Details of a specific standards violation.


User Interface Standards

If coding standards were difficult to cover in just a few pages, UI standards are downright impossible. First, there is a difference between the standards your team would enforce in a Web application and those for a Windows Forms solution.

There should be some sort of document that lays out standards for the team, even down to which font and color scheme (important for corporate identity) should be used and how user prompts should be displayed (for example, "This is not a valid value for the Zip Code field. Please use the 9-digit xxxxx-yyyy format, in which all numbers are numeric.").

These are a few areas that you might want to consider when constructing your User Interface Standards document:

  • Most large teams have a usability group (or person) with the main responsibility of ensuring that the final product conforms to the agreed-on standard.

  • Accessibility, which makes it possible for disabled users to use your system easily and effectively, is also an important aspect of your UI standards.

  • For applications with an international customer base (such as applications on the World Wide Web), localization and multilanguage capability should also be part of your standards document. .NET provides a level of international support that has never been available before.


Accessibility Make sure you know how to design your Web or Windows application user interfaces to support users with hearing or visual impairments. It is reasonable to expect a question about this topic on the exam, and it is covered in more detail in Chapters 4, "Gathering and Analyzing Operational and Infrastructure Requirements," and 7, "Creating the Logical Design." A good follow-up resource is the MSDN Library at User Interface Design and Development > Accessibility.

Another tactic now available because of the .NET Framework is using inheritance to enforce UI standards. Because everything in .NET is a class, even WinForms and WebForms, your team can create a base form with the aspects that must exist in all forms (color scheme, buttons, logos, methods, and so forth), and then all forms in the application can inherit from that customized base rather than from the .NET Base Class Library.

Testing Standards

The various levels of testing should be included in any process standards you establish. Although testing is discussed later in this chapter in "Testing Processes," I suggest the following standards, based on research from people who do this for a living:

  • Use your use cases to generate your test plans. The use case is what you agreed with the client to deliver. Therefore, it makes a wonderful "acceptance" test.

  • Write your tests before you complete the code. Too often, developers write the test plan after the code is complete. Then, either intentionally or unintentionally, they write the test so that it is unlikely to fail. Another strategy is having someone unfamiliar with the actual code write the test plan.

  • Test at each stage. Don't assume that testing is done only at the end of the process. With the use of stub code, you can write tests that are run daily, always ensuring that your latest change doesn't break something that used to work.

  • Make your test environment as real as you can. As much as possible, try to simulate the actual machine configuration (software and hardware) and network environment of the user base, including local and network security policies for testers.

Now that you have looked at what standards you might consider, you can move on to everyone's favorite topicprocesses.

Analyzing Requirements and Defining. Net Solution Architectures (Exam 70-300)
MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures, Exam 70-300: Analyzing Requirements and ... Exam 70-300 (Pro-Certification)
ISBN: 0735618941
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Year: 2006
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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