Converting Measurements

When you write to your mom in Indiana and want to tell her how hot it was in Marbella, Spain, on the beach, you probably want to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The most important word to remember when sending conversion text messages to Google is in. For example, type 27 C in F or change it the other way, 80 F in C. See what the results look like in Figure 29.5.

image from book
Figure 29.5: Convert temperature, weight, distance, and many other things.

Try converting from one currency to another. If you’re in Europe trying to convert to Euros from dollars, the math can have you going crazy. If you can multiply by 0.78486775 in your head, you may not need the currency converter. But you may just want to give your head a rest, send Google a quick text message, and let it do the work.

Here are some other conversions that Google can do for you:

  • cooking (example: tablespoons in cups)

  • weight (example: 1 ton in troy ounces)(example: .5 ounces in carats)

  • length (example: .5 inches in millimeters)

  • distance (example: 5 miles in kilometers)

  • area (example: 1 acre in square feet)(example: 1 acre in hectares)

  • pressure (example: 100 psi in bars)

  • power (example: 1 kilowatt in horsepower)

  • speed (example: 100 mph in kph)

  • angles (example: 1 radian in degrees)

  • astronomical (example: 1 light year in kilometers)

  • time (example: 1 day in milliseconds)

The format for sending a conversion is: amount + measure in converted measure

I’m sorry to tell you this, but there are just some things that Google SMS won’t convert. You have to use some of the online calculators to convert shakes into milliseconds or man-years into dog-years.

Google Power Tools Bible
Google Power Tools Bible
ISBN: 0470097124
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 353 © 2008-2017.
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