FAQ 5.19 How can separating interface from implementation improve performance as well as flexibility?


Late life-cycle performance tuning.

Fact 1: The only objects worth tuning are the ones that create performance bottlenecks, and the only way to know which objects are the bottlenecks is to measure the behavior of a running system (profiling). Developers sometimes think they can predict where the bottlenecks will be, but studies have shown that they often guess wrong they cannot reliably predict where the application's bottlenecks will be. Therefore, don't waste time tuning the performance of a piece of code until actual measurements have shown that it is a bottleneck.

Fact 2: The most potent means of improving performance is changing algorithms and data structures. Hand tuning the wrong algorithm or data structure has very little benefit compared to finding an algorithm or data structure that is a better match for the problem being solved. This is especially true for large problems where algorithms and data structures must be scalable.

These two facts lead to an undeniable conclusion: the most effective performance tuning occurs when the product's fundamental data structures and algorithms can be changed late in the product's life cycle. This can be accomplished only if there is adequate separation of interface from implementation.

For example, it would be expensive to change a sorted array to a binary search tree in a typical non-OO software product today, because all the places that use integer indices to access entries would need to be modified to use node pointers. In other words, the interface is the implementation in typical software today. The key to solving this problem is to focus on the similarity in the abstractions rather than the differences in the data structures: sorted arrays and binary trees are both containers that keep their entries in sorted order. In this light they are merely alternate implementations of the same abstraction and they should have the same interface.

The key to late life-cycle performance tuning is to hide performance differences behind a uniform interface. Thus users code to the abstraction rather than to the data structure. This allows the data structure and the algorithm to be replaced at any time.

Ultimately the key is to ask the right questions at the right time. This lofty goal is achieved by a good software development process (SDP). Unfortunately, many SDPs cause developers to ask the wrong questions at the wrong time, often resulting in a premature commitment to an implementation technique. Even if an SDP uses OO terminology (for example, by using the term object diagram rather than data structure), the software will be inflexible if the bulk of its code is aware of relationships that may need to change.

The first programming technique that exploited these ideas was based on abstract data types. The OO paradigm is built on top of the abstract data type technique: OO adds the ability for the user code to work with all implementations of an abstraction simultaneously. That is, among other things, OO allows the data structures to be interchanged dynamically on a case-by-case basis, which is an improvement over a statically chosen, one-size-fits-all approach.

C++ FAQs
C Programming FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
ISBN: 0201845199
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 566
Authors: Steve Summit

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