Section 16.2. Sockets: Communication Endpoints

16.2. Sockets: Communication Endpoints

16.2.1. What Are Sockets?

Sockets are computer networking data structures that embody the concept of the "communication endpoint" described in the previous section. Networked applications must create sockets before any type of communication can commence. They can be likened to telephone jacks, without which engaging in communication is impossible.

Sockets originated in the 1970s from the University of California, Berkeley version of Unix, known as BSD Unix. Therefore, you will sometimes hear these sockets referred to as "Berkeley sockets" or "BSD sockets." Sockets were originally created for same-host applications where they would enable one running program (aka a process) to communicate with another running program. This is known as interprocess communication, or IPC. There are two types of sockets, file-based and network-oriented.

Unix sockets are the first family of sockets we are looking at and have a "family name" of AF_UNIX (aka AF_LOCAL, as specified in the POSIX1.g standard), which stands for "address family: UNIX." Most popular platforms, including Python, use the term "address families" and "AF" abbreviation while other perhaps older systems may refer to address families as "domains" or "protocol families" and use "PF" rather than "AF." Similarly, AF_LOCAL (standardized in 2000-2001) is supposed to replace AF_UNIX, however, for backward-compatibility, many systems use both and just make them aliases to the same constant. Python itself still uses AF_UNIX.

Because both processes run on the same machine, these sockets are file-based, meaning that their underlying infrastructure is supported by the file system. This makes sense because the file system is a shared constant between processes running on the same host.

The second type of socket is networked-based and has its own family name, AF_INET, or "address family: Internet." Another address family, AF_INET6, is used for Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addressing. There are other address families, all of which are either specialized, antiquated, seldom used, or remain unimplemented. Of all address families, AF_INET is now the most widely used. Support for a special type of Linux socket was introduced in Python 2.5. The AF_NETLINK family of (connectionless [see below]) sockets allow for IPC between user- and kernel-level code using the standard BSD socket interface and is seen as an elegant and less risky solution over previous and more cumbersome solutions such as adding new system calls, /proc support, or "IOCTL"s to an operating system.

Python supports only the AF_UNIX, AF_NETLINK, and AF_INET* families. Because of our focus on network programming, we will be using AF_INET for most of the remaining part of this chapter.

16.2.2. Socket Addresses: Host-Port Pairs

If a socket is like a telephone jack, a piece of infrastructure that enables communication, then a hostname and port number are like an area code and telephone number combination. Having the hardware and ability to communicate doesn't do any good unless you know whom and where to "dial." An Internet address is comprised of a hostname and port number pair, and such an address is required for networked communication. It goes without saying that there should also be someone listening at the other end; otherwise, you get the familiar tones followed by "I'm sorry, that number is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again." You have probably seen one networking analogy during Web surfing, for example, "Unable to contact server. Server is not responding or is unreachable."

Valid port numbers range from 0-65535, although those less than 1024 are reserved for the system. If you are using a Unix system, the list of reserved port numbers (along with servers/protocols and socket types) is found in the /etc/ services file. A list of well-known port numbers is accessible at this Web site:

16.2.3. Connection-Oriented versus Connectionless


Regardless of which address family you are using, there are two different styles of socket connections. The first type is connection-oriented. What this basically means is that a connection must be established before communication can occur, such as calling a friend using the telephone system. This type of communication is also referred to as a "virtual circuit" or "stream socket."

Connection-oriented communication offers sequenced, reliable, and unduplicated delivery of data, and without record boundaries. That basically means that each message may be broken up into multiple pieces, which are all guaranteed to arrive ("exactly once" semantics means no loss or duplication of data) at their destination, to be put back together and in order, and delivered to the waiting application.

The primary protocol that implements such connection types is the Transmission Control Protocol (better known by its acronym TCP). To create TCP sockets, one must use SOCK_STREAM as the type of socket one wants to create. The SOCK_STREAM name for a TCP socket is based on one of its denotations as stream socket. Because these sockets use the Internet Protocol (IP) to find hosts in the network, the entire system generally goes by the combined names of both protocols (TCP and IP) or TCP/IP.


In stark contrast to virtual circuits is the datagram type of socket, which is connectionless. This means that no connection is necessary before communication can begin. Here, there are no guarantees of sequencing, reliability, or non-duplication in the process of data delivery. Datagrams do preserve record boundaries, however, meaning that entire messages are sent rather than being broken into pieces first, like connection-oriented protocols.

Message delivery using datagrams can be compared to the postal service. Letters and packages may not arrive in the order they were sent. In fact, they might not arrive at all! To add to the complication, in the land of networking, duplication of messages is even possible.

So with all this negativity, why use datagrams at all? (There must be some advantage over using stream sockets!) Because of the guarantees provided by connection-oriented sockets, a good amount of overhead is required for their setup as well as in maintaining the virtual circuit connection. Datagrams do not have this overhead and thus are "less expensive." They usually provide better performance and may be suitable for some types of applications.

The primary protocol that implements such connection types is the User Datagram Protocol (better known by its acronym UDP). To create UDP sockets, we must use SOCK_DGRAM as the type of socket we want to create. The SOCK_DGRAM name for a UDP socket, as you can probably tell, comes from the word "datagram." Because these sockets also use the Internet Protocol to find hosts in the network, this system also has a more general name, going by the combined names of both of these protocols (UDP and IP), or UDP/IP.

Core Python Programming
Core Python Programming (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0132269937
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 334
Authors: Wesley J Chun © 2008-2017.
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