

abstract class, 106–107

abstract operation, 106

abstract use cases, 167

abstraction. See also encapsulation; information hiding

definition of, 10–11, 20, 21–23

in text-based behavior specification, 183

«access» stereotype, 351–352

accessor operations, 56

acronyms, in class and object names, 43

Action Semantics, 188

action sequence icon, 291

actions, 214. See also activities

active objects, 241–242


concurrent, 220

definition of, 214

within a state, 267

activity diagram. See also interaction-overview diagram

constructing, 216–220

definition of, 213–216

partition names in, 224, 226

showing responsible parties in, 224–226

swim lanes in, 224–225

uses of, 14, 179, 216, 391–392

«Actor» stereotype, 137

actors. See also use cases

analysis packages based on, 342

clocks as, 136

customers (clients), 132–133

defining use cases based on, 139, 142

definition of, 133

devices as, 135–136

diagramming, 137–138, 139–141

generalized, 138, 165

identifying, 133–136

as internal design elements, 144

naming, 137

nonhuman (proxy), 134–136, 138

paired sets of, 134

primary, 139, 141

responsibilities of, in activity diagram, 224–226

roles of, 136–138

secondary, 139, 141

transparent, 136

users, 133, 370

adapter architectural pattern, 357

Advanced Concepts Center Web site, 375

after event, 288

aggregation. See also composition; encapsulation; information hiding; internal context diagram

analysis packages based on, 342

behavior of, 85–86

in class diagrams, 114, 115

composition compared to, 25, 88–89

definition of, 20, 24–25

external associations of, 84

internal structure of, 84

naming, 86

representing as association, 83–84, 86

sharing parts of, 87–88

state diagram for, 388

subsystems and, 322

transitive property of, 89

Agile methodology, 36

algorithms, in behavioral specification, 187–188

alt operator, 206, 209, 211

alternate courses of use case, 155–160

analysis packages, 340–343

angle brackets

double (<<>>), for stereotype, 55, 137

left (<), for right to left association, 65

right (>), for left to right association, 65

application class diagram

definition of, 122–125

uses of, 388–390

application classes

analysis packages based on, 342

definition of, 122–123

«application server» stereotype, 334

application subsystem, 322

application-level sequence diagram, 387

applications. See software and system development; tools for UML modeling

architectural patterns, 354–357

architecture, system. See system architecture modeling

Argo/UML tool Web site, 379


for event hierarchies, 283–285

for interactions, 204–206

for methods, 196–198

for operations, 49–51


on dashed line, from object to class, 54–55

for directional navigation of association, 63, 79

filled in, for direction of association name, 65

hollow, for generalization, 94

for messages sent and received, 196, 199–201

«artifact» stereotype, 336–337

artifacts, 336–338

assembly connector, 90

assert operator, 211

association end name. See roles

associations. See also aggregation; links

aggregation as type of, 83

in application diagram, 123–124

classes as, 75–76, 231

constraining, 75

definition of, 62–63, 64

diagram of, converting to code, 80–81

diagramming, 64, 65, 68–69, 74, 77, 79

generalization compared to, 95

inheriting, 101–102

multiplicity of, 62, 67–71, 102

naming, 62, 65–66

navigation of, 78–79

not naming, 66

qualified, 63, 77–78, 102

reflexive, 73–75

symmetric, 89

too many of, 366–367

transitive, 89

asterisk (*), in multiplicity specification, 69

asynchronous call, 200–201

asynchronous messages, 196


of association, 75–76

base, 56

composition parts as, 91–92

default values for, 46–47, 103

derived, 55–56, 103

diagramming, 55–56, 59–60

identifying for a business, 44–45

identifying from knowledge responsibilities, 48

inheriting, 101, 103

multiple values for (multiplicity), 47–49

name of, inheritance and, 103

naming, 45–46

omitted (null) values for, 48

state, 269–272

static, 58–60

type of, 44–45

visibility of, 57–60

without operations, 361–383

automatic transition. See completion transition

automating development with UML. See MDA

«auxiliary» stereotype, 331

availability, system design requirement, 317

UML 2 for Dummies
UML 2 For Dummies
ISBN: 0764526146
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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