5.3 Plausibilistic Expectation

5.3 Plausibilistic Expectation

My goal in this section is to define a general notion of expectation for plausibility measures that generalizes the notions that have been considered for other representations of uncertainty. Since expectation is defined in terms of operations such as + and , expecstation for plausibility is more interesting if there are analogues to + and , much as in the case of algebraic conditional plausibility spaces. In general, the analogues of + and used for expectation may be different from that used for plausibility; nevertheless, I still denote them using and .

How can expectation for a random variable X on W be defined? To start with, a plausibility measure on W is needed. Suppose that the range of the plausibility measure is D1 and the range of the random variable X is D2.(D2 may not be the reals, so X is not necessarily a gamble.) To define an analogue of (5.2), what is needed is an operation that maps D1 D2 to some valuation domain D3, where D3 extends D2, and an operation that maps D3 D3 to D3. If d2 is a prize, as in the example at the beginning of the chapter, then d1 d2 can be viewed as the "value" of getting d2 with likelihood d1. Similarly, d3 d4 can be viewed as the value of getting both d3 and d4. It is often the case that D2 = D3, but it is occasionally convenient to distinguish between them.

Definition 5.3.1

start example

An expectation domain is a tuple ED = (D1, D2, D3, , ), where

  • D1 is a set partially ordered by 1;

  • D2 and D3 are sets partially preordered by 2 and 3, respectively;

  • there exist elements and in D1 such that ⊥≤1 d 1 for all d D1;

  • D2 D3 and 2 is the restriction of 3 to D2;

  • : D3 D3 D3;

  • : D1 D2 D3;

  • is commutative and associative;

  • ⊤⊗ d2 = d2.

end example

The standard expectation domain is ([0, 1] , , +, ), where 1, 2, and 3 are all the standard order on the reals. The standard expectation domain is denoted .

Given an expectation domain ED = (D1, D2, D3, , ), a plausibility measure Pl with range D1, and a random variable X with range D2, one notion of expected value of X with respect to Pl and ED, denoted EPl, ED(X), can be defined by obvious analogy to (5.2):

(I include ED in the subscript because the definition depends on and ; I omit ED if and are clear from context.)

It is also possible to define an analogue of (5.3) if D2 is linearly ordered and a notion of subtraction can be defined in ED; I don't pursue this further here and focus on (5.14) instead.

It is almost immediate from their definitions that Eμ, Eκ, EPoss (as defined in Exercise 5.30), and EPoss (as defined in Exercise 5.31) can be viewed as instances of EPl, ED, for the appropriate choice of ED. It is not hard to see that EPl is also an instance of EPl,SD. Since the construction will be useful in other contexts, I go through the steps here. Suppose that the probability measures in are indexed by I. Let EDD, where

  • D1 = D, the functions from to [0, 1] with the pointwise ordering (recall that this is just the range of Pl);

  • D2 consists of the constant functions from to ;

  • D3 consists of all functions from to , again with the pointwise ordering;

  • is pointwise addition;

  • and is pointwise multiplication.

Since the constant function can be identified with the real number b, it follows that D2 can be identified with . It is easy to see that EPl,EDD (Exercise 5.33).

Although E and E cannot be directly expressed using EPl, ED, the order they induce on random variables can be represented. Consider E. Let EDD be identical to EDD except that the order on D3 is modified so that, instead of using the pointwise ordering, f g iff infμ∊ f(μ) infμ∊ g(μ). (Note that this is actually a preorder.) It is almost immediate from the definitions that EPl,EDD (X) EPl,ED (Y) iff E(x) E(Y). Similarly, the order induced by can be represented by simply changing the order on D3 so that it uses sup rather than inf. Since EBel = EBel, it follows that the order on random variables induced by EBel can also be represented. As discussed in the next section, what often matters in decision making is the order that expectation induces on random variables so, in a sense, this is good enough.

Note that EPl() = b. Properties like subadditivity, superadditivity, monotonicity, or positive affine homogeneity make sense for EPl. Whether they hold depends in part on the properties of , , and Pl; I do not pursue this here (but see Exercise 5.34). Rather, I consider one of the most important applications of expectation, decision making, and see to what extent plausibilistic expectation can help in understanding various approaches to making decisions.

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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