Section 51. Spell Check the Document

51. Spell Check the Document

Misspellings on a web page are about the easiest way to make your page look unprofessional, and unprofessional sites don't attract viewers . If you do nothing else at all at the end of your work on a page, at the very least spell check your document.

Add a Misspelling to Your Page

Your page is probably perfect and doesn't have any misspellings, so for this task you need to select one character each in a few words and change them so that the word is misspelled .

Click on the Spell Check Icon

The Spell Check dialog box comes up and starts checking the page. The first thing you misspelled should show up in the Misspelled Word area at the top of the dialog box.

Before you do anything, be sure that you have the correct Language specified. By default, you get British English and American English , but you can download others if you need them.

From the dialog box, you can select a spelling from the Suggestions window. The word you select is added to the Replace With area directly above it. You can select to replace the word, or you can manually enter a word to replace the misspelled word and not use the suggested words. If the word is misspelled repeatedly, you can replace all instances of the word.

Add a Misspelled Word to Your Dictionary

If the word is not misspelled but the spell checker thinks it is, you can either ignore (or ignore all) instances of the word, or you can add the word to your personal dictionary, which will be available only to you on the machine you are working on and not in other copies of Composer on other machines.

The word has now been added to your personal dictionary, so anytime it comes up now in Composer , it won't show up as misspelled.

51. Spell Check the Document

Edit Your Personal Dictionary

With a misspelled word, click on the Edit button next to the Add Word button to edit your personal dictionary.

The Personal Dictionary dialog box comes up and shows the words you have added to the personal dictionary. You can add other words here, or delete words that you don't want in the dictionary any longer, such as terms that you only used for one project or personal names that you are not going to need in the future.

Sams Teach Yourself Creating Web Pages All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Creating Web Pages All in One
ISBN: 0672326906
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 276 © 2008-2017.
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