

RandomWalk method, updating cat positions with, 245-248

raster-based drawing applications, explanation of, 256

Read method

explanation of, 451

validating XML documents with, 172-173

ReadjustLocation method, using with Line class, 325-326

ReadOnly property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

rebuild Boolean, using with Doggie computer game, 224

RebuildTree method of Document class, purpose of, 168

Receive method, overloads of, 337-338


adding into tables, 472-475

deleting, 478-479

deleting with SQL Command objects, 449

inserting with SQL Command objects, 448

updating, 476-477

RecordsAffected property of Data Reader classes, explanation of, 450

Rect class in UML class diagram editor

constructor of, 309-310

overview of, 306-309

Rect object

Delete method used with, 314

Dispose method used with, 314

imposing minimum width and height for, 310

OnPaint method used with, 311-312

OnWhichHandle method used with, 313

setting bounds for, 310

SetTop, SetLeft, SetWidth, and SetHeight methods used with, 312-313

Rectangle structure of System.Drawing namespace, overview of, 259


drawing, 264, 275-282

filling, 265

rectangular areas

drawing shapes and writing text on, 262-267

representing width and height of, 258

RectHandle enumeration in UML class diagram editor, overview of, 299-300

RectPart enumeration in UML class diagram editor, overview of, 300-301

RedrawAll method

implementing, 82

of LineNumberView class, 59

of View class, 54

REIN FTP command, description of, 341

RejectChanges method

of DataRow class, 461

of DataSet class, 457

of DataTable class, 459

Relations property of DataSet class, explanation of, 456

remote current directory. See also current directory contents, directories, local current directory

creating directories in, 424-425

inserting in remoteDir combo box, 430-431

populating remoteDirList control with, 418-421

remote servers

connecting to, 382, 395

connecting to and from, 401-404

deleting files from, 406-409

disconnecting from, 383

downloading files from, 409-410

obtaining directory name at, 388-389

uploading files to, 432-433

remoteDir control, clearing, 425

remoteDirList control

clearing, 425

populating, 418-421

Remove method of DataTableCollection class, explanation of, 458

RemoveActor method, using with Doggie computer game, 224-225

RemoveAt method of DataTableCollection class, explanation of, 458

Removed event, using with Line class, 328

RemoveLine method of Model class, overview of, 39

RemoveSelection method of StyledTextArea class, implementing, 83-84

Rename method of FTP class, example of, 390, 429

RenameLocalFile method of Form1 class, overview of, 426-427

RenameRemoteFile method of Form1 class, overview of, 428-429

Replace method of FindDialog class, using, 162-163

ReplaceAll method of FindDialog class, using, 164

RepositionCaret method of View class, overview of, 54-56

Reset method of DataView class, explanation of, 462

ResetCommandTimeout method of SQL command classes, explanation of, 446

ResetSelection method of StyledTextArea class, implementing, 84

Resize event of Panel object, handling with StyledTextArea class, 79

ResizeComponents method of StyledTextArea class, implementing, 84

REST FTP command, description of, 342

Restore method of Graphics class, overview of, 266

RETR FTP command

description of, 341

example of, 352, 373, 385

RFC959 Web site, 333, 339

RGB color components, passing to FromArgb static method, 260

RichTextBox control, disadvantages of, 1-2

RMD FTP command

description of, 342

example of, 373, 382

sending to connected FTP servers, 363

RNFR FTP command

description of, 342

example of, 390

RNTO FTP command, description of, 342

role-based security, explanation of, 541

root element, representing in System.Xml.XmlDocument object, 154

RotateTransform method, using, 328

rotation, applying to drawing planes, 273-274

RoundButton control

purpose of and code for, 5-6

using, 7

Rows property of DataTable class, explanation of, 459

rows, retrieving with Select method of DataTable class, 475

RowState property of DataRow class, explanation of, 461

Run game state, explanation of, 216

Run method of GameActor class, example of, 232

Running member of System.Threading.ThreadState enumeration, description of, 191

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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